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# `<MapView />` Component API
## Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Note |
| `provider` | `string` | | The map framework to use. <br/><br/>Either `"google"` for GoogleMaps, otherwise `null` or `undefined` to use the native map framework (`MapKit` in iOS and `GoogleMaps` in android).
| `region` | `Region` | | The region to be displayed by the map. <br/><br/>The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of coordinates to display.
| `initialRegion` | `Region` | | The initial region to be displayed by the map. Use this prop instead of `region` only if you don't want to control the viewport of the map besides the initial region.<br/><br/> Changing this prop after the component has mounted will not result in a region change.<br/><br/> This is similar to the `initialValue` prop of a text input.
| `liteMode` | `Boolean` | `false` | Enable lite mode. **Note**: Android only.
| `mapType` | `String` | `"standard"` | The map type to be displayed. <br/><br/> - standard: standard road map (default)<br/> - satellite: satellite view<br/> - hybrid: satellite view with roads and points of interest overlayed<br/> - terrain: (Android only) topographic view<br/> - mutedStandard: more subtle, makes markers/lines pop more (iOS only)
| `customMapStyle` | `Array` | | Adds custom styling to the map component. See [README](https://github.com/airbnb/react-native-maps#customizing-the-map-style) for more information.
| `showsUserLocation` | `Boolean` | `false` | If `true` the app will ask for the user's location. **NOTE**: You need to add `NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription` key in Info.plist to enable geolocation, otherwise it is going to *fail silently*!
| `userLocationAnnotationTitle` | `String` | | The title of the annotation for current user location. This only works if `showsUserLocation` is true. There is a default value `My Location` set by MapView. **Note**: iOS only.
| `followsUserLocation` | `Boolean` | `false` | If `true` the map will focus on the user's location. This only works if `showsUserLocation` is true and the user has shared their location. **Note**: iOS only.
| `showsMyLocationButton` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` hide the button to move map to the current user's location.
| `showsPointsOfInterest` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` points of interest won't be displayed on the map.
| `showsCompass` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` compass won't be displayed on the map.
| `showsScale` | `Boolean` | `true` | A Boolean indicating whether the map shows scale information.
| `showsBuildings` | `Boolean` | `true` | A Boolean indicating whether the map displays extruded building information.
| `showsTraffic` | `Boolean` | `true` | A Boolean value indicating whether the map displays traffic information.
| `showsIndoors` | `Boolean` | `true` | A Boolean indicating whether indoor maps should be enabled.
| `showsIndoorLevelPicker` | `Boolean` | `false` | A Boolean indicating whether indoor level picker should be enabled. **Note:** Google Maps only (either Android or iOS with `PROVIDER_GOOGLE`).
| `zoomEnabled` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` the user won't be able to pinch/zoom the map.
| `minZoomLevel` | `Number` | `0` | Minimum zoom value for the map, must be between 0 and 20
| `maxZoomLevel` | `Number` | `20` | Maximum zoom value for the map, must be between 0 and 20
| `rotateEnabled` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` the user won't be able to pinch/rotate the map.
| `scrollEnabled` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` the user won't be able to change the map region being displayed.
| `pitchEnabled` | `Boolean` | `true` | If `false` the user won't be able to adjust the camera’s pitch angle.
| `toolbarEnabled` | `Boolean` | `true` | `Android only` If `false` will hide 'Navigate' and 'Open in Maps' buttons on marker press
| `cacheEnabled` | `Boolean` | `false` | If `true` map will be cached and displayed as an image instead of being interactable, for performance usage.
| `loadingEnabled` | `Boolean` | `false` | If `true` a loading indicator will show while the map is loading.
| `loadingIndicatorColor` | `Color` | `#606060` | Sets loading indicator color, default to `#606060`.
| `loadingBackgroundColor` | `Color` | `#FFFFFF` | Sets loading background color, default to `#FFFFFF`.
| `moveOnMarkerPress` | `Boolean` | `true` | `Android only` If `false` the map won't move when a marker is pressed.
| `legalLabelInsets` | `EdgeInsets` | | If set, changes the position of the "Legal" label link from the OS default. **Note:** iOS only.
## Events
To access event data, you will need to use `e.nativeEvent`. For example, `onPress={e => console.log(e.nativeEvent)}` will log the entire event object to your console.
| Event Name | Returns | Notes
| `onMapReady` | | Callback that is called once the map is fully loaded.
| `onRegionChange` | `Region` | Callback that is called continuously when the region changes, such as when a user is dragging the map.
| `onRegionChangeComplete` | `Region` | Callback that is called once when the region changes, such as when the user is done moving the map.
| `onPress` | `{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point }` | Callback that is called when user taps on the map.
| `onPanDrag` | `{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point }` | Callback that is called when user presses and drags the map. **NOTE**: for iOS `scrollEnabled` should be set to false to trigger the event
| `onLongPress` | `{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point }` | Callback that is called when user makes a "long press" somewhere on the map.
| `onMarkerPress` | | Callback that is called when a marker on the map is tapped by the user.
| `onMarkerSelect` | | Callback that is called when a marker on the map becomes selected. This will be called when the callout for that marker is about to be shown. **Note**: iOS only.
| `onMarkerDeselect` | | Callback that is called when a marker on the map becomes deselected. This will be called when the callout for that marker is about to be hidden. **Note**: iOS only.
| `onCalloutPress` | | Callback that is called when a callout is tapped by the user.
| `onMarkerDragStart` | `{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point }` | Callback that is called when the user initiates a drag on a marker (if it is draggable)
| `onMarkerDrag` | `{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point }` | Callback called continuously as a marker is dragged
| `onMarkerDragEnd` | `{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point }` | Callback that is called when a drag on a marker finishes. This is usually the point you will want to setState on the marker's coordinate again
## Methods
| Method Name | Arguments | Notes
| `animateToRegion` | `region: Region`, `duration: Number` |
| `animateToCoordinate` | `coordinate: LatLng`, `duration: Number` |
| `animateToBearing` | `bearing: Number`, `duration: Number` |
| `animateToViewingAngle` | `angle: Number`, `duration: Number` |
| `setMapBoundaries` | `northEast: LatLng`, `southWest: LatLng` | `GoogleMaps only`
| `fitToElements` | `animated: Boolean` |
| `fitToSuppliedMarkers` | `markerIDs: String[]`, `animated: Boolean` | If you need to use this in `ComponentDidMount`, make sure you put it in a timeout or it will cause performance problems.
| `fitToCoordinates` | `coordinates: Array<LatLng>, options: { edgePadding: EdgePadding, animated: Boolean }` | If called in `ComponentDidMount` in android, it will cause an exception. It is recommended to call it from the MapView `onLayout` event.
## Types
type Region {
latitude: Number,
longitude: Number,
latitudeDelta: Number,
longitudeDelta: Number,
type LatLng {
latitude: Number,
longitude: Number,
type Point {
x: Number,
y: Number,
enum MapType : String {
"terrain" //Android only
type EdgePadding {
top: Number,
right: Number,
bottom: Number,
left: Number
type EdgeInsets {
top: Number,
left: Number,
bottom: Number,
right: Number