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yesno is a super simple nodejs library for issuing and handling responses to boolean (or rather, binary) questions


npm install yesno

Or point your package.json at the latest version of yesno


The usage of ask is as follows:

    <string> question, 
    <boolean|null> default_value,
    <function> response_handler,
    <array|null> yes_values,
    <array|null> no_values

If yes_values or no_values aren't supplied, yesno falls back on accepting "yes" or "y" and "no" or "n".

yesno handles all responses case insensitively.

Here's an example:

var yesno = require('yesno');

yesno.ask('Are you sure you want to continue?', true, function(ok) {
    if(ok) {
    } else {


Custom Yes/No response values
var yesno = require('yesno');

yesno.ask('Dude, Is this groovy or what?',true, function(ok) {
    if(ok) {
    } else {
        console.log("Aw, why you gotta be like that?")
}, ['groovy'],['or what']);

Now the question only responds to "groovy" as yes and "or what" as no.

No default value

Sometimes you may want to ensure the user didn't accidentally accept a default. You can disable the default response by passing null as the default_value parameter

var yesno = require('yesno');

var handleResponse = function(ok) {

yesno.ask("Are you sure you want to 'rm-rf /' ?", null, handleResponse);
Globally changing Yes/No respones values

You can change the built in yes/no accepted responses by altering yesno's options attribute:

var yesno = require('yesno');

yesno.options.yes  = ['ja','si'];   = ['nein','no'];
Handling invalid responses

By default, if the user enters a value that isn't recognized as an acceptable response, it will print out a message like:

Invalid response.
Answer either yes : (yes, y)
Or no : (no, n)

and re-ask the question. If you want to change this behavior, you can set the invalid handler before asking your question:

var yesno = require('yesno');

yesno.onInvalidHandler(function (question, default_value, callback, yes_values, no_values) {
    process.stdout.write("\n Whoa. That was not a good answer. Well. No more tries for you.");

// ask a question

Future / Todo

  • Allow supplying your own stdin/stdout streams so it doesn't always write to the process?
  • Put in some error handling
  • Tests