
105 lines
3.1 KiB

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <xmlrpc-c/base.hpp>
#include <xmlrpc-c/client_simple.hpp>
#define XMLRPC_C
#include "tools.h"
#include "mdClientBehavior.h"
#include "mdClientDevice.h"
#include "mdClientState.h"
#define MD_SERVER_URL "http://localhost:4243/RPC2"
#define PAUSE_SECS 3
bool doSanityCheck = false, repeatableOnly = false;
xmlrpc_env env;
xmlrpc_c::clientXmlTransport_libwww myTransport;
xmlrpc_c::client_xml myClient(&myTransport);
XmlRpcValue::int32 mdServerHandle = 0;
int pauseSecs=0;
const char *defaultDevice,*serverURL;
std::string phase;
extern bool doSanityCheck, repeatableOnly;
extern xmlrpc_env env;
extern xmlrpc_c::clientXmlTransport_libwww myTransport;
extern xmlrpc_c::client_xml myClient;
extern XmlRpcValue::int32 mdServerHandle;
extern const char *defaultDevice,*serverURL;
extern int pauseSecs;
extern std::string phase;
class mdCoreAPITestSuite : public testSuite {
The object of this class tests the MD core API.
Some day, we would like to automate its generate
with that of the client objects it tests.
Unlike the "new" xmlrpc-c test style, we do count
successes and failures and attempt to execute the
entire suite.
mdClientState *testState;
mdClientDevice *thisClient;
mdClientBehavior *testBehavior;
virtual std::string suiteName() {
return "Phase I UAT Suite";
void bucket00(char const *title) {
std::cout << "\nTest Bucket: " << title << std::endl;
TEST(mdServerHandle = thisClient->registeR( 0, defaultDevice));
void bucket01(char const *title);
void bucket02(char const *title);
void bucket03(char const *title);
void bucket04(char const *title);
void bucket05(char const *title);
void bucket06(char const *title);
virtual void runtests(unsigned int const) {
char testContext[256];
mdClientState mdState(serverURL);
mdClientDevice mdClient(serverURL);
mdClientBehavior mdBehavior(serverURL);
testState = &mdState;
thisClient = &mdClient;
testBehavior = &mdBehavior;
tests = failures = 0;
sprintf(testContext,"Get handle for device: %s to test against: %s\n",defaultDevice,serverURL);
if (!mdServerHandle)
bucket01("Check predefined ODEs access.\n");
bucket02("Check for required EPP mand.\n");
if (!repeatableOnly)
bucket03("Check dynamic definition of remaining specified observables.\n");
bucket04("Check event/rule mechanism.\n");
bucket05("Check EPP execution.\n");
bucket06("Check datagram layer operations.\n");