
109 lines
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/*! \brief mdclient
* Master Daemon standalone client
* This MD sample client driver has the same functionality as the
* xmlrpc-c xmlrpc command line utility program but additionally
* runs a test suite using the test harness reused from the
* xmlrpc-c cpp test.
* Client interfaces are automatically generated when the server
* is compiled from the current server API so this program should
* be run to verify and currently the coding of test cases is
* entirely manual.
* \todo DLL packaging supplying the client functionality used here.
#include "mdclient.h"
using namespace std;
main(int argc, char **argv) {
char debug[10];
int rc;
cout << "mdclient compiled " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " \n";
if (argc < 3 ) {
cerr << "Usage: apig-cli <deviceType> <serverURL> <thirdOption>\n\nwhere\n\n"
" <serverURL> = . defaults to '" MD_SERVER_URL "'\n"
" <device> = . defaults to '" DEFAULT_DEVICE "'\n"
" <thirdOption> = 'n' or 'N'\n\n"
"The master daemon must be running at the specified <serverURL>.\n"
"<thirdOption> = n causes non-repeatable testbucket(s) to be skipped.\n"
"Any other 3rd ooption causes a simple connectivity test and exit.\n"
"Otherwise performs the full MD core API test suite.\n\n";
// "If XMLRPC_TRACE_XML is defined will pause " <<
// PAUSE_SECS << " at selected points in the tests.\n\n";
phase = string("setup");
if (argc > 3) {
if (*argv[3] == 'n' || *argv[3] == 'N') repeatableOnly = true;
else doSanityCheck = true;
defaultDevice = (*argv[1] == '.') ? DEFAULT_DEVICE : argv[1];
serverURL = (*argv[2] == '.') ? MD_SERVER_URL : argv[2];
if (doSanityCheck) {
cout << "Doing sanity check with simple client: get a handle for " << defaultDevice << " from " << serverURL << "\n";
string const serverUrl(serverURL);
string const methodName("device.registeR");
xmlrpc_c::clientSimple monClient;
xmlrpc_c::value result;
monClient.call(serverUrl, methodName, "is", &result, 0, DEFAULT_DEVICE);
int const handle((xmlrpc_c::value_int(result)));
if ((mdServerHandle=handle) <= 0)
{cout << serverURL << " returned: " << handle << " instead of a valid handle.\n"
" Run terminates in error.\n";
cout << "Got " << defaultDevice << " handle: " << handle << "\n";
cout << "Sanity check completed OK.\n";
mdCoreAPITestSuite tests;
try {
xmlrpc_client_init2(&env, 0, "mdclient", "1.0", NULL, 0);
} catch(exception const& e) {
cout << "During " << phase << " caught std exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
cout << "Terminating in error.\n" ;
rc = 1;
catch(XmlRpcFault const& e) {
cout << "XmlRpcFault during " << phase << ": " << e.getFaultString() << "\n";
cout << "Terminating in error.\n" ;
rc = 1;
cout << tests.tests << " Variation(s).\n"
<< tests.failures << " Failure(s).\n";
return rc;