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2013-12-31 19:36:07 +00:00
#include "session/SessionManager.hpp"
#include "session/SessionPool.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <pthread.h>
class Session;
class Logger;
typedef enum SMState { STOPPED, STARTED, RUNNING };
* AusRegistry&apos;s basic implementation of the SessionManager interface. This
* implementation provides only a blocking implementation of the
* execute() method. By default, it will use the TLSSession
* implementation of the Session interface. It also implements its own
* StatsViewer.
class SessionManagerImpl : public SessionManager
: state(STOPPED), sessionPool(NULL), properties(NULL)
{ }
/// Does not assume ownership of 'props'.
SessionManagerImpl(SessionManagerProperties* props) throw (ConfigurationException);
virtual ~SessionManagerImpl();
const SessionManagerProperties& getProperties() const
{ return *properties; }
* Configure the SessionManager from the given set of properties. This can
* also be used to reconfigure the SessionManager and its internal {@link
* SessionPool}. A change of password should be performed using <a
* href="#changePassword()">changePassword</a>. Following a change of
* password, the properties source should be updated to reflect the change.
* If this is not done, then the next invocation of configure() will fail.
* @param properties A SessionManagerProperties ready to be used to reconfigure. This
* object must outlive the SessionManager.
void configure(SessionManagerProperties* properties)
throw (ConfigurationException);
const Greeting* getLastGreeting() const
throw (SessionConfigurationException,
void startup() throw (SessionConfigurationException,
* Keep internal session alive (i.e. prevent server triggered time-out).
* This method starts an internal thread which will continue until the
* manager is shut down.
void keepAlive();
void shutdown();
void run();
void changeMaxPoolSize (int size)
void changePassword (const std::string &oldPassword,
const std::string &newPassword);
* Try to process a single transaction. Up to
* MAX_ACCEPTABLE_FAIL_COUNT attempts will be made to process the
* transaction in cases where I/O errors or non-protocol server errors
* occur during processing. Use of the underlying session is protected
* against concurrent use by other threads by using the
* getSession/releaseSession features of this SessionManager's {@link
* com.ausregistry.jtoolkit2.session.SessionPool}. This method guarantees
* that the session used will be returned to the pool before the method
* returns.
* @throws FatalSessionException No session could be acquired to process
* the transaction. Check the exception message and log records for
* details.
* @throws IOException Every attempt to execute the transaction command
* failed due to an IOException. This is the last such IOException.
* @throws ParsingException Parsing of the response failed. Check the
* exception message for the cause.
* @throws CommandFailedException The acceptable limit on the number of
* failed commands due to server error was exceeded in trying to process
* the command. This probably indicates a server limitation related to
* the command being processed.
* @throws IllegalStateException The SessionManager had been shutdown or
* not started up prior to invoking this method.
void execute(Transaction& tx)
throw (FatalSessionException,
* Pipeline execute a sequence of commands over a single session. A single
* {@link Session} is used in order to guarantee ordering of commands.
* The number of transactions in the PROCESSED state following attempted
* execution of all eligible transactions is returned. If the number
* returned is less than the number of transactions supplied, then the
* state of each transaction should be checked prior to getting information
* from the contained response object. If the state is PROCESSED, then it
* is safe to use any of the methods on the response. If the state is
* RETRY, then it is possible that a further attempt to execute the
* transaction will succeed. If the state is FATAL_ERROR, then the
* transaction should not be re-attempted. In either of these cases, the
* getCause method can be used to determine the reason the transaction
* failed. If the state remains UNPROCESSED, it indicates that an error
* which occurred in processing an earlier transaction would have prevented
* the successful processing of the UNPROCESSED transaction. These
* transactions should be retried once the underlying cause of the first
* error has been resolved.
* @throws FatalSessionException No session was available to process any
* transactions (possibly due to misconfiguration or service unavailability
* - check the exception message and log records).
* @throws IllegalStateException The SessionManager had been shutdown or
* not started up prior to invoking this method. See {@link
* SessionManager#startup()} and {@link SessionManager#shutdown()}.
* @return The number of transactions in the PROCESSED state which precede
* the first transaction which failed due to an I/O error (if any).
int execute(std::vector<Transaction>& txs)
throw (FatalSessionException, IllegalStateException);
const StatsViewer & getStatsViewer() const;
static const int MAX_SLEEP_INTERRUPTS_TO_FAIL = 3,
static std::string pname;
pthread_t run_thread_id;
pthread_cond_t shutdown_condition;
pthread_mutex_t run_mutex;
int waitForInterrupt(struct timespec awakenTime);
SMState state;
bool running;
std::auto_ptr<SessionPool> sessionPool;
SessionManagerProperties* properties;
Logger *debugLogger, *userLogger;
static void *doRun(void *myobj);
void threadMain(void);
void doConfigure () throw (EPPException);
Session* sendCommandAndGetSession(std::vector<Transaction>& txs)
throw (FatalSessionException, IllegalStateException);