
349 lines
8.6 KiB

package HexChat::Embed;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# list of loaded scripts keyed by their package names
# The package names are generated from the filename of the script using
# the file2pkg() function.
# The values of this hash are hash references with the following keys:
# filename
# The full path to the script.
# gui_entry
# This is hexchat_plugin pointer that is used to remove the script from
# Plugins and Scripts window when a script is unloaded. This has also
# been converted with the PTR2IV() macro.
# hooks
# This is an array of hooks that are associated with this script.
# These are pointers that have been converted with the PTR2IV() macro.
# inner_packages
# Other packages that are defined in a script. This is not recommended
# partly because these will also get removed when a script is unloaded.
# loaded_at
# A timestamp of when the script was loaded. The value is whatever
# Time::HiRes::time() returns. This is used to retain load order when
# using the RELOADALL command.
# shutdown
# This is either a code ref or undef. It will be executed just before a
# script is unloaded.
our %scripts;
# This is a mapping of "inner package" => "containing script package"
our %owner_package;
# used to keep track of which package a hook belongs to, if the normal way of
# checking which script is calling a hook function fails this will be used
# instead. When a hook is created this will be copied to the HookData structure
# and when a callback is invoked this it will be used to set this value.
our $current_package;
sub load {
my $file = expand_homedir( shift @_ );
my $package = file2pkg( $file );
if( exists $scripts{$package} ) {
my $pkg_info = pkg_info( $package );
my $filename = File::Basename::basename( $pkg_info->{filename} );
qq{'%s' already loaded from '%s'.\n},
$filename, $pkg_info->{filename}
'If this is a different script then it rename and try '.
'loading it again.'
return 2;
if( open my $source_handle, $file ) {
my $source = do {local $/; <$source_handle>};
close $source_handle;
# we shouldn't care about things after __END__
$source =~ s/^__END__.*//ms;
# this must come before the eval or the filename will not be found in
# HexChat::register
$scripts{$package}{filename} = $file;
$scripts{$package}{loaded_at} = Time::HiRes::time();
# this must be done before the error check so the unload will remove
# any inner packages defined by the script. if a script fails to load
# then any inner packages need to be removed as well.
my @inner_packages = $source =~
m/^\s*package \s+
((?:[^\W:]+(?:::)?)+)\s*? # package name
# strict version number
(?:\d+(?:[.]\d+) # positive integer or decimal-fraction
|v\d+(?:[.]\d+){2,})? # dotted-decimal v-string
# check if any inner package defined in the to be loaded script has
# already been defined by another script
my @conflicts;
for my $inner ( @inner_packages ) {
if( exists $owner_package{ $inner } ) {
push @conflicts, $inner;
# report conflicts and bail out
if( @conflicts ) {
my $error_message =
"'$file' won't be loaded due to conflicting inner packages:\n";
for my $conflict_package ( @conflicts ) {
$error_message .= " $conflict_package already defined in " .
pkg_info($owner_package{ $conflict_package })->{filename}."\n";
HexChat::print( $error_message );
return 2;
my $full_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file );
$source =~ s/^/#line 1 "$full_path"\n\x7Bpackage $package;/;
# make sure we add the closing } even if the last line is a comment
if( $source =~ /^#.*\Z/m ) {
$source =~ s/^(?=#.*\Z)/\x7D/m;
} else {
$source =~ s/\Z/\x7D/;
$scripts{$package}{inner_packages} = [ @inner_packages ];
@owner_package{ @inner_packages } = ($package) x @inner_packages;
_do_eval( $source );
unless( exists $scripts{$package}{gui_entry} ) {
$scripts{$package}{gui_entry} =
"", "unknown", "", $file
if( $@ ) {
# something went wrong
$@ =~ s/\(eval \d+\)/$file/g;
HexChat::print( "Error loading '$file':\n$@\n" );
# make sure the script list doesn't contain false information
unload( $scripts{$package}{filename} );
return 1;
} else {
HexChat::print( "Error opening '$file': $!\n" );
return 2;
return 0;
sub _do_eval {
no strict;
no warnings;
eval $_[0];
sub unload {
my $file = shift @_;
my $package = file2pkg( $file );
my $pkg_info = pkg_info( $package );
if( $pkg_info ) {
# take care of the shutdown callback
if( exists $pkg_info->{shutdown} ) {
# allow incorrectly written scripts to be unloaded
eval {
if( ref $pkg_info->{shutdown} eq 'CODE' ) {
} elsif ( $pkg_info->{shutdown} ) {
no strict 'refs';
if( exists $pkg_info->{hooks} ) {
for my $hook ( @{$pkg_info->{hooks}} ) {
HexChat::unhook( $hook, $package );
if( exists $pkg_info->{gui_entry} ) {
plugingui_remove( $pkg_info->{gui_entry} );
delete @owner_package{ @{$pkg_info->{inner_packages}} };
for my $inner_package ( @{$pkg_info->{inner_packages}} ) {
Symbol::delete_package( $inner_package );
Symbol::delete_package( $package );
delete $scripts{$package};
return HexChat::EAT_ALL;
} else {
HexChat::print( qq{"$file" is not loaded.\n} );
return HexChat::EAT_NONE;
sub unload_all {
for my $package ( keys %scripts ) {
unload( $scripts{$package}->{filename} );
return HexChat::EAT_ALL;
sub reload {
my $file = shift @_;
my $package = file2pkg( $file );
my $pkg_info = pkg_info( $package );
my $fullpath = $file;
if( $pkg_info ) {
$fullpath = $pkg_info->{filename};
unload( $file );
load( $fullpath );
return HexChat::EAT_ALL;
sub reload_all {
my @dirs = HexChat::get_info( "configdir" );
push @dirs, File::Spec->catdir( $dirs[0], "plugins" );
for my $dir ( @dirs ) {
my $auto_load_glob = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, "*.pl" );
my @scripts = map { $_->{filename} }
sort { $a->{loaded_at} <=> $b->{loaded_at} } values %scripts;
push @scripts, File::Glob::bsd_glob( $auto_load_glob );
my %seen;
@scripts = grep { !$seen{ $_ }++ } @scripts;
for my $script ( @scripts ) {
if( !pkg_info( file2pkg( $script ) ) ) {
load( $script );
sub evaluate {
my ($code) = @_;
my @results = eval $code;
HexChat::print $@ if $@; #print warnings
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
if (@results > 1) {
HexChat::print Dumper \@results;
elsif (ref $results[0] || !$results[0]) {
HexChat::print Dumper $results[0];
else {
HexChat::print $results[0];
return HexChat::EAT_HEXCHAT;
sub expand_homedir {
my $file = shift @_;
if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
$file =~ s/^~/$ENV{USERPROFILE}/;
} else {
$file =~ s{^~}{
(getpwuid($>))[7] || $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR}
return $file;
sub file2pkg {
my $string = File::Basename::basename( shift @_ );
$string =~ s/\.pl$//i;
$string =~ s|([^A-Za-z0-9/])|'_'.unpack("H*",$1)|eg;
return "HexChat::Script::" . $string;
sub pkg_info {
my $package = shift @_;
return $scripts{$package};
sub find_external_pkg {
my $level = 1;
while( my @frame = caller( $level ) ) {
return @frame if $frame[0] !~ /(?:^IRC$|^HexChat)/;
sub find_pkg {
my $level = 1;
while( my ($package, $file, $line) = caller( $level ) ) {
return $package if $package =~ /^HexChat::Script::/;
my $current_package = get_current_package();
if( defined $current_package ) {
return $current_package;
my @frame = find_external_pkg();
my $location;
if( $frame[0] or $frame[1] ) {
my $calling_package = $frame[0];
if( defined( my $owner = $owner_package{ $calling_package } ) ) {
return ($owner, $calling_package);
$location = $frame[1] ? $frame[1] : "package $frame[0]";
$location .= " line $frame[2]";
} else {
$location = "unknown location";
die "Unable to determine which script this hook belongs to. at $location\n";
# convert function names into code references
sub fix_callback {
my ($package, $calling_package, $callback) = @_;
unless( ref $callback ) {
unless( $callback =~ /::/ ) {
my $prefix = defined $calling_package ? $calling_package : $package;
$callback =~ s/^/${prefix}::/;
no strict 'subs';
$callback = \&{$callback};
return $callback;
sub get_current_package {
return $current_package;
sub set_current_package {
my $old_package = $current_package;
$current_package = shift;
return $old_package;