
460 lines
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// @flow
// This component is based on RN's DrawerLayoutAndroid API
// It perhaps deserves to be put in a separate repo, but since it relies
// on react-native-gesture-handler library which isn't very popular at the
// moment I decided to keep it here for the time being. It will allow us
// to move faster and fix issues that may arise in gesture handler library
// that could be found when using the drawer component
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Animated, StyleSheet, View, Keyboard, StatusBar } from 'react-native';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import { AnimatedEvent } from 'react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/AnimatedEvent';
import {
} from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
const DRAG_TOSS = 0.05;
const IDLE = 'Idle';
const DRAGGING = 'Dragging';
const SETTLING = 'Settling';
export type PropType = {
children: any,
drawerBackgroundColor?: string,
drawerPosition: 'left' | 'right',
drawerWidth: number,
keyboardDismissMode?: 'none' | 'on-drag',
onDrawerClose?: Function,
onDrawerOpen?: Function,
onDrawerStateChanged?: Function,
renderNavigationView: (progressAnimatedValue: any) => any,
useNativeAnimations: boolean,
// brand new properties
drawerType: 'front' | 'back' | 'slide',
edgeWidth: number,
minSwipeDistance: number,
hideStatusBar?: boolean,
statusBarAnimation?: 'slide' | 'none' | 'fade',
overlayColor: string,
// Properties not yet supported
// onDrawerSlide?: Function
// drawerLockMode?: 'unlocked' | 'locked-closed' | 'locked-open',
export type StateType = {
drawerShown: boolean,
dragX: any,
touchX: any,
drawerTranslation: any,
containerWidth: number,
export type EventType = {
stopPropagation: Function,
export type DrawerMovementOptionType = {
velocity?: number,
export default class DrawerLayout extends Component<PropType, StateType> {
static defaultProps = {
drawerWidth: 0,
drawerPosition: 'left',
useNativeAnimations: true,
drawerType: 'front',
edgeWidth: 20,
minSwipeDistance: 3,
overlayColor: 'black',
static positions = {
Left: 'left',
Right: 'right',
_openValue: ?Animated.Interpolation;
_onGestureEvent: ?AnimatedEvent;
constructor(props: PropType, context: any) {
super(props, context);
const dragX = new Animated.Value(0);
const touchX = new Animated.Value(0);
const drawerTranslation = new Animated.Value(0);
this.state = {
drawerShown: false,
containerWidth: 0,
this._updateAnimatedEvent(props, this.state);
componentWillUpdate(props: PropType, state: StateType) {
if (
this.props.drawerPosition !== props.drawerPosition ||
this.props.drawerWidth !== props.drawerWidth ||
this.props.drawerType !== props.drawerType ||
this.state.containerWidth !== state.containerWidth
) {
this._updateAnimatedEvent(props, state);
_updateAnimatedEvent = (props: PropType, state: StateType) => {
// Event definition is based on
const { drawerPosition, drawerWidth, drawerType } = props;
const {
dragX: dragXValue,
touchX: touchXValue,
} = state;
let dragX = dragXValue;
let touchX = touchXValue;
if (drawerPosition !== 'left') {
// Most of the code is written in a way to handle left-side drawer.
// In order to handle right-side drawer the only thing we need to
// do is to reverse events coming from gesture handler in a way they
// emulate left-side drawer gestures. E.g. dragX is simply -dragX, and
// touchX is calulcated by subtracing real touchX from the width of the
// container (such that when touch happens at the right edge the value
// is simply 0)
dragX = Animated.multiply(new Animated.Value(-1), dragXValue);
touchX = Animated.add(
new Animated.Value(containerWidth),
Animated.multiply(new Animated.Value(-1), touchXValue)
} else {
// While closing the drawer when user starts gesture outside of its area (in greyed
// out part of the window), we want the drawer to follow only once finger reaches the
// edge of the drawer.
// E.g. on the diagram below drawer is illustrate by X signs and the greyed out area by
// dots. The touch gesture starts at '*' and moves left, touch path is indicated by
// an arrow pointing left
// 1) +---------------+ 2) +---------------+ 3) +---------------+ 4) +---------------+
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........|
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........|
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........|
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|.<-*..| |XXXXXXXX|<--*..| |XXXXX|<-----*..|
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........|
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........|
// |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXXXXX|......| |XXXXX|.........|
// +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
// For the above to work properly we define animated value that will keep start position
// of the gesture. Then we use that value to calculate how much we need to subtract from
// the dragX. If the gesture started on the greyed out area we take the distance from the
// edge of the drawer to the start position. Otherwise we don't subtract at all and the
// drawer be pulled back as soon as you start the pan.
// This is used only when drawerType is "front"
let translationX = dragX;
if (drawerType === 'front') {
const startPositionX = Animated.add(
Animated.multiply(new Animated.Value(-1), dragX)
const dragOffsetFromOnStartPosition = startPositionX.interpolate({
inputRange: [drawerWidth - 1, drawerWidth, drawerWidth + 1],
outputRange: [0, 0, 1],
translationX = Animated.add(dragX, dragOffsetFromOnStartPosition);
this._openValue = Animated.add(translationX, drawerTranslation).interpolate(
inputRange: [0, drawerWidth],
outputRange: [0, 1],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
this._onGestureEvent = Animated.event(
[{ nativeEvent: { translationX: dragXValue, x: touchXValue } }],
{ useNativeDriver: props.useNativeAnimations }
_handleContainerLayout = ({ nativeEvent }) => {
this.setState({ containerWidth: nativeEvent.layout.width });
_emitStateChanged = (newState: string, drawerWillShow: boolean) => {
this.props.onDrawerStateChanged &&
this.props.onDrawerStateChanged(newState, drawerWillShow);
_openingHandlerStateChange = ({ nativeEvent }) => {
if (nativeEvent.oldState === State.ACTIVE) {
} else if (nativeEvent.state === State.ACTIVE) {
this._emitStateChanged(DRAGGING, false);
if (this.props.keyboardDismissMode === 'on-drag') {
if (this.props.hideStatusBar) {
StatusBar.setHidden(true, this.props.statusBarAnimation || 'slide');
_onTapHandlerStateChange = ({ nativeEvent }) => {
if (this.state.drawerShown && nativeEvent.oldState === State.ACTIVE) {
_handleRelease = nativeEvent => {
const { drawerWidth, drawerPosition, drawerType } = this.props;
const { drawerShown, containerWidth } = this.state;
let { translationX: dragX, velocityX, x: touchX } = nativeEvent;
if (drawerPosition !== 'left') {
// See description in _updateAnimatedEvent about why events are flipped
// for right-side drawer
dragX = -dragX;
touchX = containerWidth - touchX;
velocityX = -velocityX;
const gestureStartX = touchX - dragX;
let dragOffsetBasedOnStart = 0;
if (drawerType === 'front') {
dragOffsetBasedOnStart =
gestureStartX > drawerWidth ? gestureStartX - drawerWidth : 0;
const startOffsetX =
dragX + dragOffsetBasedOnStart + (drawerShown ? drawerWidth : 0);
const projOffsetX = startOffsetX + DRAG_TOSS * velocityX;
const shouldOpen = projOffsetX > drawerWidth / 2;
if (shouldOpen) {
this._animateDrawer(startOffsetX, drawerWidth, velocityX);
} else {
this._animateDrawer(startOffsetX, 0, velocityX);
_animateDrawer = (fromValue: number, toValue: number, velocity: number) => {
this.props.drawerPosition === 'left' ? 0 : this.state.containerWidth
const willShow = toValue !== 0;
this.setState({ drawerShown: willShow });
this._emitStateChanged(SETTLING, willShow);
if (this.props.hideStatusBar) {
StatusBar.setHidden(willShow, this.props.statusBarAnimation || 'slide');
Animated.spring(this.state.drawerTranslation, {
bounciness: 0,
useNativeDriver: this.props.useNativeAnimations,
}).start(({ finished }) => {
if (finished) {
this._emitStateChanged(IDLE, willShow);
if (willShow) {
this.props.onDrawerOpen && this.props.onDrawerOpen();
} else {
this.props.onDrawerClose && this.props.onDrawerClose();
openDrawer = (options: DrawerMovementOptionType = {}) => {
options.velocity ? options.velocity : 0
closeDrawer = (options: DrawerMovementOptionType = {}) => {
options.velocity ? options.velocity : 0
_renderOverlay = () => {
/* Overlay styles */
invariant(this._openValue, 'should be set');
const overlayOpacity = this._openValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: [0, 0.7],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
const dynamicOverlayStyles = {
opacity: overlayOpacity,
backgroundColor: this.props.overlayColor,
return (
<TapGestureHandler onHandlerStateChange={this._onTapHandlerStateChange}>
pointerEvents={this.state.drawerShown ? 'auto' : 'none'}
style={[styles.overlay, dynamicOverlayStyles]}
_renderDrawer = () => {
const { drawerShown } = this.state;
const {
} = this.props;
const fromLeft = drawerPosition === 'left';
const drawerSlide = drawerType !== 'back';
const containerSlide = drawerType !== 'front';
const dynamicDrawerStyles = {
backgroundColor: drawerBackgroundColor,
width: drawerWidth,
const openValue = this._openValue;
invariant(openValue, 'should be set');
let containerStyles;
if (containerSlide) {
const containerTranslateX = openValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: fromLeft ? [0, drawerWidth] : [0, -drawerWidth],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
containerStyles = {
transform: [{ translateX: containerTranslateX }],
let drawerTranslateX = 0;
if (drawerSlide) {
const closedDrawerOffset = fromLeft ? -drawerWidth : drawerWidth;
drawerTranslateX = openValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: [closedDrawerOffset, 0],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
const drawerStyles = {
transform: [{ translateX: drawerTranslateX }],
flexDirection: fromLeft ? 'row' : 'row-reverse',
return (
<Animated.View style={styles.main} onLayout={this._handleContainerLayout}>
drawerType === 'front'
? styles.containerOnBack
: styles.containerInFront,
style={[styles.drawerContainer, drawerStyles]}>
<View style={[styles.drawer, dynamicDrawerStyles]}>
render() {
const { drawerShown, containerWidth } = this.state;
const {
} = this.props;
const fromLeft = drawerPosition === 'left';
// gestureOrientation is 1 if the expected gesture is from left to right and -1 otherwise
// e.g. when drawer is on the left and is closed we expect left to right gesture, thus
// orientation will be 1.
const gestureOrientation = (fromLeft ? 1 : -1) * (drawerShown ? -1 : 1);
// When drawer is closed we want the hitSlop to be horizontally shorter
// than the container size by the value of SLOP. This will make it only
// activate when gesture happens not further than SLOP away from the edge
const hitSlop = fromLeft
? { right: drawerShown ? 0 : edgeWidth - containerWidth }
: { left: drawerShown ? 0 : edgeWidth - containerWidth };
return (
minOffsetX={gestureOrientation * minSwipeDistance}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
drawer: { flex: 0 },
drawerContainer: {
zIndex: 1001,
flexDirection: 'row',
containerInFront: {
zIndex: 1002,
containerOnBack: {
main: {
flex: 1,
zIndex: 0,
overflow: 'hidden',
overlay: {
zIndex: 1000,