
149 lines
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'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var url = require('url');
var LRU = require('lru-cache');
var Agent = require('agent-base');
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var debug = require('debug')('proxy-agent');
var PacProxyAgent = require('pac-proxy-agent');
var HttpProxyAgent = require('http-proxy-agent');
var HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
var SocksProxyAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent');
* Module exports.
exports = module.exports = ProxyAgent;
* Number of `http.Agent` instances to cache.
* This value was arbitrarily chosen... a better
* value could be conceived with some benchmarks.
var cacheSize = 20;
* Cache for `http.Agent` instances.
exports.cache = new LRU(cacheSize);
* Built-in proxy types.
exports.proxies = Object.create(null);
exports.proxies.http = httpOrHttpsProxy;
exports.proxies.https = httpOrHttpsProxy;
exports.proxies.socks = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks4 = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks4a = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks5 = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks5h = SocksProxyAgent;
PacProxyAgent.protocols.forEach(function (protocol) {
exports.proxies['pac+' + protocol] = PacProxyAgent;
function httpOrHttpsProxy (opts, secureEndpoint) {
if (secureEndpoint) {
return new HttpsProxyAgent(opts);
} else {
return new HttpProxyAgent(opts);
* Attempts to get an `http.Agent` instance based off of the given proxy URI
* information, and the `secure` flag.
* An LRU cache is used, to prevent unnecessary creation of proxy
* `http.Agent` instances.
* @param {String} uri proxy url
* @param {Boolean} secure true if this is for an HTTPS request, false for HTTP
* @return {http.Agent}
* @api public
function ProxyAgent (opts) {
if (!(this instanceof ProxyAgent)) return new ProxyAgent(opts);
if ('string' == typeof opts) opts = url.parse(opts);
if (!opts) throw new TypeError('an HTTP(S) proxy server `host` and `protocol` must be specified!');
debug('creating new ProxyAgent instance: %o', opts);, connect);
var proxies;
if (opts.proxies) {
proxies = Object.assign({}, exports.proxies, opts.proxies);
} else {
proxies = exports.proxies;
// get the requested proxy "protocol"
var protocol = opts.protocol;
if (!protocol) {
throw new TypeError('You must specify a "protocol" for the ' +
'proxy type (' + Object.keys(proxies).join(', ') + ')');
// strip the trailing ":" if present
if (':' == protocol[protocol.length - 1]) {
protocol = protocol.substring(0, protocol.length - 1);
// get the proxy `http.Agent` creation function
var proxyFn = proxies[protocol];
if ('function' != typeof proxyFn) {
throw new TypeError('unsupported proxy protocol: "' + protocol + '"');
this.proxy = opts;
// format the proxy info back into a URI, since an opts object
// could have been passed in originally. This generated URI is
// used as part of the "key" for the LRU cache
this.proxyUri = url.format({
protocol: protocol + ':',
slashes: true,
hostname: opts.hostname ||,
port: opts.port
this.proxyFn = proxyFn;
inherits(ProxyAgent, Agent);
function connect (req, opts) {
// create the "key" for the LRU cache
var key = this.proxyUri;
if (opts.secureEndpoint) key += ' secure';
// attempt to get a cached `http.Agent` instance first
var agent = exports.cache.get(key);
if (!agent) {
// get an `http.Agent` instance from protocol-specific agent function
agent = this.proxyFn(this.proxy, opts.secureEndpoint);
if (agent) {
exports.cache.set(key, agent);
} else {
debug('cache hit with key: %o', key);
return agent;