218 lines
6.2 KiB
218 lines
6.2 KiB
var logfmt = require('../logfmt'),
assert = require('assert');
//avoid test bleeding
var logfmt = new logfmt;
var OutStream = require('./outstream');
suite('logfmt.requestLogger', function(){
logfmt.stream = new OutStream;
test("timing logs on res.end()", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.end = function(data, encoding){}
var next = function(){
assert.equal('', logfmt.stream.logline);
var logger = logfmt.requestLogger(function(req,res){
return {
method: req.method,
"status": res.statusCode
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)
var expectation = /method=GET status=200 elapsed=\dms\n/
var actual = logfmt.stream.logline;
assert(expectation.test(actual), actual);
test("immediate option logs before next()", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
var next = function(){
assert.equal('method=GET status=200\n', logfmt.stream.logline);
var logger = logfmt.requestLogger({immediate: true}, function(req,res){
return {
method: req.method,
"status": res.statusCode
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)
test("can just send options", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.header = function(){
return 'foo';
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.get = function(){
return 'foo';
var next = function(){
var actual = logfmt.parse(logfmt.stream.logline);
assert.equal('foo', actual.ip);
assert.equal('foo', actual.content_type);
assert.equal('foo', actual.content_length);
var logger = logfmt.requestLogger({immediate: true})
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)
test("elapsed option renames elapsed key", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.end = function(data, encoding){}
var next = function(){
assert.equal('', logfmt.stream.logline);
var logger = logfmt.requestLogger({elapsed: 'time'}, function(req,res){
return {
method: req.method,
"status": res.statusCode
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)
var expectation = /method=GET status=200 time=\dms\n/
var actual = logfmt.stream.logline;
assert(expectation.test(actual), actual);
test("empty defaults to commonLogger", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.path = '/bar'
mockReq.ip = ''
mockReq.header = function(h){
return 'foo'
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
var headers = {
"content-type": 'foo/foo',
"content-length": 123
mockRes.get = function(h){
return headers[h];
mockRes.end = function(data, encoding){}
var next = function(){
assert.equal('', logfmt.stream.logline);
var logger = logfmt.requestLogger();
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)
var actual = logfmt.parse(logfmt.stream.logline);
assert.equal(actual.path, '/bar');
assert.equal(actual.ip, '');
assert.equal(actual.content_type, 'foo/foo');
assert.equal(actual.content_length, '123');
assert(/\dms/.test(actual.elapsed), 'includes elapsed')
test("emits x-request-id header as request_id if present", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.path = '/bar'
mockReq.ip = ''
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
var headers = {
"x-request-id": '56e29d80-fb82-454c-b538-7af3e9d0b18c'
mockReq.header = function(h){
return headers[h];
mockRes.get = function(h){
return headers[h];
mockRes.end = function(data, encoding){}
var next = function(){
assert.equal('', logfmt.stream.logline);
var logger = logfmt.requestLogger();
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)
var actual = logfmt.parse(logfmt.stream.logline);
assert.equal(actual.request_id, '56e29d80-fb82-454c-b538-7af3e9d0b18c');
test("commonFormatter uses correct path with express", function(){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.originalUrl = '/bar'
mockReq.ip = ''
mockReq.header = function(h){ return 'foo' }
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.get = function(){ return 'foo' }
var actual = logfmt.requestLogger.commonFormatter(mockReq, mockRes);
assert.equal('/bar', actual.path);
test("commonFormatter uses correct path", function(){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.path = function(){ return '/bar' }
mockReq.ip = ''
mockReq.header = function(h){ return 'foo' }
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.get = function(){ return 'foo' }
var actual = logfmt.requestLogger.commonFormatter(mockReq, mockRes);
assert.equal('/bar', actual.path);
test("commonFormatter uses correct path w. vanilla http", function(){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.url = '/bar'
mockReq.ip = ''
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
var actual = logfmt.requestLogger.commonFormatter(mockReq, mockRes);
assert.equal('/bar', actual.path);
test("commonFormatter uses correct ip", function(){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.path = '/bar'
var headers = {
"x-forwarded-for": ''
mockReq.header = function(h){
return headers[h] || 'foo';
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.get = function(){
return 'foo';
var actual = logfmt.requestLogger.commonFormatter(mockReq, mockRes);
assert.equal('', actual.ip);
test("requestLogger works with namespace", function(done){
var mockReq = {method: 'GET'}
mockReq.header = function(){ return 'foo'; }
var mockRes = {statusCode: 200}
mockRes.get = function(){ return 'foo'; }
var next = function(){
var actual = logfmt.parse(logfmt.stream.logline);
assert.equal('namespacetest', actual.ns);
var logger = logfmt.namespace({ns:'namespacetest'}).requestLogger({immediate: true})
logger(mockReq, mockRes, next)