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"email": "sebmck@gmail.com"
"name": "danez",
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"name": "hzoo",
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"readme": "# babel-core\n\n> Babel compiler core.\n\n\n```javascript\nvar babel = require(\"babel-core\");\nimport { transform } from 'babel-core';\nimport * as babel from 'babel-core';\n```\n\nAll transformations will use your local configuration files (.babelrc or in package.json). See [options](#options) to disable it.\n\n## babel.transform(code: string, [options?](#options): Object)\n\nTransforms the passed in `code`. Returning an object with the generated code,\nsource map, and AST.\n\n```js\nbabel.transform(code, options) // => { code, map, ast }\n```\n\n**Example**\n\n```js\nvar result = babel.transform(\"code();\", options);\nresult.code;\nresult.map;\nresult.ast;\n```\n\n## babel.transformFile(filename: string, [options?](#options): Object, callback: Function)\n\nAsynchronously transforms the entire contents of a file.\n\n```js\nbabel.transformFile(filename, options, callback)\n```\n\n**Example**\n\n```js\nbabel.transformFile(\"filename.js\", options, function (err, result) {\n result; // => { code, map, ast }\n});\n```\n\n## babel.transformFileSync(filename: string, [options?](#options): Object)\n\nSynchronous version of `babel.transformFile`. Returns the transformed contents of\nthe `filename`.\n\n```js\nbabel.transformFileSync(filename, options) // => { code, map, ast }\n```\n\n**Example**\n\n```js\nbabel.transformFileSync(\"filename.js\", options).code;\n```\n\n## babel.transformFromAst(ast: Object, code?: string, [options?](#options): Object)\n\nGiven, an [AST](https://astexplorer.net/), transform it.\n\n```js\nconst code = \"if (true) return;\";\nconst ast = babylon.parse(code, { allowReturnOutsideFunction: true });\nconst { code, map, ast } = babel.transformFromAst(ast, code, options);\n```\n\n## Options\n\n<blockquote class=\"babel-callout babel-callout-info\">\n <h4>Babel CLI</h4>\n <p>\n You can pass these options from the Babel CLI like so:\n </p>\n <p>\n <code>babel --name<span class=\"o\">=</span>value</code>\n </p>\n</blockquote>\n\nFollowing is a table of the options you can use:\n\n| Option | Default | Description |\n| ------------------------ | -------------------- | ------------------------------- |\n| `ast` | `true` | Include the AST in the returned object |\n| `auxiliaryCommentAfter` | `null` | Attach a comment after all non-user injected code. |\n| `auxiliaryCommentBefore` | `null` | Attach a comment before all non-user injected code. |\n| `babelrc` | `true` | Specify whether or not to use .babelrc and .babelignore files. Not available when using the CLI, [use `--no-babelrc` instead](https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/cli/#babel-ignoring-babelrc). |\n| `code` | `true` | Enable code generation |\n| `comments` | `true` | Output comments in generated output. |\n| `compact` | `\"auto\"` | Do not include superfluous whitespace characters and line terminators. When set to `\"auto\"` compact is set to `true` on input sizes of >500KB. |\n| `env` | `{}` | This is an object of keys that represent different environments. For example, you may have: `{ env: { production: { /* specific options */ } } }` which will use those options when the environment variable `BABEL_ENV` is set to `\"production\"`. If `BABEL_ENV` isn't set then `NODE_ENV` will be used, if it's not set then it defaults to `\"development\"` |\n| `extends` | `null` | A path to an `.babelrc` file to extend |\n| `filename` | `\"unknown\"` | Filename for use in errors etc. |\n| `filenameRelative` | `(filename)` | Filename relative to `sourceRoot`. |\n| `generatorOpts` | `{}` | An object containing the options to be passed down to the babel code generator, babel-generator |\n| `getModuleId` | `null` | Specify a custom callback to generate a module id with. Called as `getModuleId(moduleName)`. If falsy value is returned then the generated module id is used. |\n| `highlightCode` | `true` | ANSI highlight syntax error code frames |\n| `ignore` | `null` | Opposite to the `only` option. `ignore` is disregarded if `only` is specified. |\n| `inputSourceMap` | `null` | A source map object that the output source map will be based on. |\n| `minified` | `false` | Should the output be minified (not printing last semicolons in blocks, printing literal string values instead of escaped ones, stripping `()` from `new` when safe) |\n| `moduleId` | `null` | Specify a custom name for module ids. |\n| `moduleIds` | `false` | If truthy, insert an explicit id for modules. By default, all modules are anonymous. (Not available for `common` modules) |\n| `moduleRoot` | `(sourceRoot)` | Optional prefix for the AMD module formatter that will be prepend to the filename on module definitions. |\n| `only` | `null` | A [glob](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch), regex, or mixed array of both, matching paths to **only** compile. Can also be an array of arrays containing paths to explicitly match. When attempting to compile a non-matching file it's returned verbatim. |\n| `parserOpts` | `{}` | An object containing the options to be passed down to the babel parser, babylon |\n| `plugins` | `[]` | List of [plugins](https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/) to load and use. |\n| `presets` | `[]` | List of [presets](https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/#presets) (a set of plugins) to load and use. |\n| `retainLines` | `false` | Retain line numbers. This will lead to wacky code but is handy for scenarios where you can't use source maps. (**NOTE:** This will not retain the columns) |\n| `resolveModuleSource` | `null` | Resolve a module source ie. `import \"SOURCE\";` to a custom value. Called as `resolveModuleSource(source, filename)`. |\n| `shouldPrintComment` | `null` | An optional callback that controls whether a comment should be output or not. Called as `shouldPrintComment(commentContents)`. **NOTE:** This overrides the `comment` option when used. |\n| `sourceFileName` | `(filenameRelative)` | Set `sources[0]` on returned source map. |\n| `sourceMaps` | `false` | If truthy, adds a `map` property to returned output. If set to `\"inline\"`, a comment with a sourceMappingURL directive is added to the bottom of the returned code. If set to `\"both\"` then a `map` property is returned as well as a source map comment appended. **This does not emit sourcemap files by itself!** To have sourcemaps emitted using the CLI, you must pass it the `--source-maps` option. |\n| `sourceMapTarget` | `(filenameRelative)` | Set `file` on returned source map. |\n| `sourceRoot` | `(moduleRoot)` | The root from which all sources are relative. |\n| `sourceType` | `\"module\"` | Indicate the mode the code should be parsed in. Can be either \"script\" or \"module\". |\n| `wrapPluginVisitorMethod`| `null` | An optional callback that can be used to wrap visitor methods. **NOTE:** This is useful for things like introspection, and not really needed for implementing anything. Called as `wrapPluginVisitorMethod(pluginAlias, visitorType, callback)`.\n",
"readmeFilename": "README.md",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/master/packages/babel-core"
"scripts": {
"bench": "make bench",
"test": "make test"
"version": "6.26.0"