
296 lines
7.2 KiB

'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });exports.default =
diffStrings;var _chalk = require('chalk');var _chalk2 = _interopRequireDefault(_chalk);var _diff = require('diff');var _constants = require('./constants.js');function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };}const DIFF_CONTEXT_DEFAULT = 5; // removed | added | equal
// Given diff digit, return array which consists of:
// if compared line is removed or added: corresponding original line
// if compared line is equal: original received and expected lines
* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
*/ // Given chunk, return diff character.
const getDiffChar = chunk => chunk.removed ? '-' : chunk.added ? '+' : ' '; // Given diff character in line of hunk or computed from properties of chunk.
const getDiffDigit = char => char === '-' ? -1 : char === '+' ? 1 : 0; // Color for text of line.
const getColor = (digit, onlyIndentationChanged) => {if (digit === -1) {return; // removed
}if (digit === 1) {return; // added
}return onlyIndentationChanged ? _chalk2.default.cyan : _chalk2.default.dim;}; // Do NOT color leading or trailing spaces if original lines are equal:
// Background color for leading or trailing spaces.
const getBgColor = (digit, onlyIndentationChanged) => digit === 0 && !onlyIndentationChanged ? _chalk2.default.bgYellow : _chalk2.default.inverse; // ONLY trailing if expected value is snapshot or multiline string.
const highlightTrailingSpaces = (line, bgColor) => line.replace(/\s+$/, bgColor('$&')); // BOTH leading AND trailing if expected value is data structure.
const highlightLeadingTrailingSpaces = (line, bgColor // If line consists of ALL spaces: highlight all of them.
) => highlightTrailingSpaces(line, bgColor).replace( // If line has an ODD length of leading spaces: highlight only the LAST.
/^(\s\s)*(\s)(?=[^\s])/, '$1' + bgColor('$2'));const getAnnotation = options =>'- ' + (options && options.aAnnotation || 'Expected')) + '\n' +'+ ' + (options && options.bAnnotation || 'Received')) + '\n\n'; // Given string, return array of its lines.
const splitIntoLines = string => {const lines = string.split('\n');if (lines.length !== 0 && lines[lines.length - 1] === '') {lines.pop();}return lines;}; // Given diff character and compared line, return original line with colors.
const formatLine = (char, lineCompared, getOriginal) => {const digit = getDiffDigit(char);if (getOriginal) {// Compared without indentation if expected value is data structure.
const lineArray = getOriginal(digit);const lineOriginal = lineArray[0];const onlyIndentationChanged = digit === 0 && lineOriginal.length !== lineArray[1].length;return getColor(digit, onlyIndentationChanged)(char + ' ' + // Prepend indentation spaces from original to compared line.
lineOriginal.slice(0, lineOriginal.length - lineCompared.length) + highlightLeadingTrailingSpaces(lineCompared, getBgColor(digit, onlyIndentationChanged)));} // Format compared line when expected is snapshot or multiline string.
return getColor(digit)(char + ' ' + highlightTrailingSpaces(lineCompared, getBgColor(digit)));}; // Given original lines, return callback function
// which given diff digit, returns array.
const getterForChunks = original => {const linesExpected = splitIntoLines(original.a);const linesReceived = splitIntoLines(original.b);let iExpected = 0;let iReceived = 0;return digit => {if (digit === -1) {return [linesExpected[iExpected++]];}if (digit === 1) {return [linesReceived[iReceived++]];} // Because compared line is equal: original received and expected lines.
return [linesReceived[iReceived++], linesExpected[iExpected++]];};}; // jest --expand
const formatChunks = (a, b, original) => {const chunks = (0, _diff.diffLines)(a, b);if (chunks.every(chunk => !chunk.removed && !chunk.added)) {return null;}const getOriginal = original && getterForChunks(original);return chunks.reduce((lines, chunk) => {const char = getDiffChar(chunk);splitIntoLines(chunk.value).forEach(line => {lines.push(formatLine(char, line, getOriginal));});return lines;}, []).join('\n');}; // Only show patch marks ("@@ ... @@") if the diff is big.
// To determine this, we need to compare either the original string (a) to
// `hunk.oldLines` or a new string to `hunk.newLines`.
// If the `oldLinesCount` is greater than `hunk.oldLines`
// we can be sure that at least 1 line has been "hidden".
const shouldShowPatchMarks = (hunk, oldLinesCount) => oldLinesCount > hunk.oldLines;const createPatchMark = hunk => {const markOld = `-${hunk.oldStart},${hunk.oldLines}`;const markNew = `+${hunk.newStart},${hunk.newLines}`;return _chalk2.default.yellow(`@@ ${markOld} ${markNew} @@`);}; // Given original lines, return callback function which given indexes for hunk,
// returns another callback function which given diff digit, returns array.
const getterForHunks = original => {const linesExpected = splitIntoLines(original.a);const linesReceived = splitIntoLines(original.b);return (iExpected, iReceived) => digit => {if (digit === -1) {return [linesExpected[iExpected++]];}if (digit === 1) {return [linesReceived[iReceived++]];} // Because compared line is equal: original received and expected lines.
return [linesReceived[iReceived++], linesExpected[iExpected++]];};}; // jest --no-expand
const formatHunks = (a, b, contextLines, original) => {const options = { context: typeof contextLines === 'number' && contextLines >= 0 ? contextLines : DIFF_CONTEXT_DEFAULT };var _structuredPatch = (0, _diff.structuredPatch)('', '', a, b, '', '', options);const hunks = _structuredPatch.hunks;if (hunks.length === 0) {return null;}const getter = original && getterForHunks(original);const oldLinesCount = (a.match(/\n/g) || []).length;return hunks.reduce((lines, hunk) => {if (shouldShowPatchMarks(hunk, oldLinesCount)) {lines.push(createPatchMark(hunk));} // Hunk properties are one-based but index args are zero-based.
const getOriginal = getter && getter(hunk.oldStart - 1, hunk.newStart - 1);hunk.lines.forEach(line => {lines.push(formatLine(line[0], line.slice(1), getOriginal));});return lines;}, []).join('\n');};function diffStrings(a, b, options, original) {// Because `formatHunks` and `formatChunks` ignore one trailing newline,
// always append newline to strings:
a += '\n';b += '\n'; // `diff` uses the Myers LCS diff algorithm which runs in O(n+d^2) time
// (where "d" is the edit distance) and can get very slow for large edit
// distances. Mitigate the cost by switching to a lower-resolution diff
// whenever linebreaks are involved.
const result = options && options.expand === false ? formatHunks(a, b, options && options.contextLines, original) : formatChunks(a, b, original);return result === null ? _constants.NO_DIFF_MESSAGE : getAnnotation(options) + result;}