
265 lines
6.9 KiB

'use strict';
* Module exports.
module.exports = exports = PacProxyAgent;
* Supported "protocols". Delegates out to the `get-uri` module.
var getUri = require('get-uri');
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'protocols', {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function () { return Object.keys(getUri.protocols); }
* Module dependencies.
var net = require('net');
var tls = require('tls');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var parse = require('url').parse;
var format = require('url').format;
var Agent = require('agent-base');
var HttpProxyAgent = require('http-proxy-agent');
var HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
var SocksProxyAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent');
var PacResolver = require('pac-resolver');
var getRawBody = require('raw-body');
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var debug = require('debug')('pac-proxy-agent');
* The `PacProxyAgent` class.
* A few different "protocol" modes are supported (supported protocols are
* backed by the `get-uri` module):
* - "pac+data", "data" - refers to an embedded "data:" URI
* - "pac+file", "file" - refers to a local file
* - "pac+ftp", "ftp" - refers to a file located on an FTP server
* - "pac+http", "http" - refers to an HTTP endpoint
* - "pac+https", "https" - refers to an HTTPS endpoint
* @api public
function PacProxyAgent (uri, opts) {
if (!(this instanceof PacProxyAgent)) return new PacProxyAgent(uri, opts);
// was an options object passed in first?
if ('object' === typeof uri) {
opts = uri;
// result of a url.parse() call?
if (opts.href) {
if (opts.path && !opts.pathname) {
opts.pathname = opts.path;
opts.slashes = true;
uri = format(opts);
} else {
uri = opts.uri;
if (!opts) opts = {};
if (!uri) throw new Error('a PAC file URI must be specified!');
debug('creating PacProxyAgent with URI %o and options %o', uri, opts);, connect);
// strip the "pac+" prefix
this.uri = uri.replace(/^pac\+/i, '');
this.sandbox = opts.sandbox;
this.proxy = opts;
this.cache = this._resolver = null;
inherits(PacProxyAgent, Agent);
* Loads the PAC proxy file from the source if necessary, and returns
* a generated `FindProxyForURL()` resolver function to use.
* @param {Function} fn callback function
* @api private
PacProxyAgent.prototype.loadResolver = function (fn) {
var self = this;
// kick things off by attempting to (re)load the contents of the PAC file URI
// loadPacFile() callback function
function onpacfile (err, code) {
if (err) {
if ('ENOTMODIFIED' == err.code) {
debug('got ENOTMODIFIED response, reusing previous proxy resolver');
fn(null, self._resolver);
} else {
// create a sha1 hash of the JS code
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(code).digest('hex');
if (self._resolver && self._resolver.hash == hash) {
debug('same sha1 hash for code - contents have not changed, reusing previous proxy resolver');
fn(null, self._resolver);
// cache the resolver
debug('creating new proxy resolver instance');
self._resolver = new PacResolver(code, {
filename: self.uri,
sandbox: self.sandbox
// store that sha1 hash on the resolver instance
// for future comparison purposes
self._resolver.hash = hash;
fn(null, self._resolver);
* Loads the contents of the PAC proxy file.
* @param {Function} fn callback function
* @api private
PacProxyAgent.prototype.loadPacFile = function (fn) {
debug('loading PAC file: %o', this.uri);
var self = this;
// delegate out to the `get-uri` module
var opts = {};
if (this.cache) {
opts.cache = this.cache;
getUri(this.uri, opts, onstream);
function onstream (err, rs) {
if (err) return fn(err);
debug('got stream.Readable instance for URI');
self.cache = rs;
getRawBody(rs, 'utf8', onbuffer);
function onbuffer (err, buf) {
if (err) return fn(err);
debug('read %o byte PAC file from URI', buf.length);
fn(null, buf);
* Called when the node-core HTTP client library is creating a new HTTP request.
* @api public
function connect (req, opts, fn) {
var url;
var host;
var self = this;
var secure = Boolean(opts.secureEndpoint);
// first we need get a generated FindProxyForURL() function,
// either cached or retreived from the source
// `loadResolver()` callback function
function onresolver (err, FindProxyForURL) {
if (err) return fn(err);
// calculate the `url` parameter
var defaultPort = secure ? 443 : 80;
var path = req.path;
var firstQuestion = path.indexOf('?');
var search;
if (-1 != firstQuestion) {
search = path.substring(firstQuestion);
path = path.substring(0, firstQuestion);
url = format(Object.assign({}, opts, {
protocol: secure ? 'https:' : 'http:',
pathname: path,
search: search,
// need to use `hostname` instead of `host` otherwise `port` is ignored
host: null,
// set `port` to null when it is the protocol default port (80 / 443)
port: defaultPort == opts.port ? null : opts.port
// calculate the `host` parameter
host = parse(url).hostname;
debug('url: %o, host: %o', url, host);
FindProxyForURL(url, host, onproxy);
// `FindProxyForURL()` callback function
function onproxy (err, proxy) {
if (err) return fn(err);
// default to "DIRECT" if a falsey value was returned (or nothing)
if (!proxy) proxy = 'DIRECT';
var proxies = String(proxy).trim().split(/\s*;\s*/g).filter(Boolean);
// XXX: right now, only the first proxy specified will be used
var first = proxies[0];
debug('using proxy: %o', first);
var agent;
var parts = first.split(/\s+/);
var type = parts[0];
if ('DIRECT' == type) {
// direct connection to the destination endpoint
var socket;
if (secure) {
socket = tls.connect(opts);
} else {
socket = net.connect(opts);
return fn(null, socket);
} else if ('SOCKS' == type) {
// use a SOCKS proxy
agent = new SocksProxyAgent('socks://' + parts[1]);
} else if ('PROXY' == type || 'HTTPS' == type) {
// use an HTTP or HTTPS proxy
var proxyURL = ('HTTPS' === type ? 'https' : 'http') + '://' + parts[1];
var proxy = Object.assign({}, self.proxy, parse(proxyURL));
if (secure) {
agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(proxy);
} else {
agent = new HttpProxyAgent(proxy);
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown proxy type: ' + type);
if (agent) agent.callback(req, opts, fn);