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13 KiB

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"contributors": [
"name": "Aleksey V Zapparov",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"name": "Vitaly Puzrin",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"name": "Martin Grenfell",
"email": "",
"url": ""
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"description": "YAML 1.2 parser and serializer",
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"name": "js-yaml",
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"readme": "JS-YAML - YAML 1.2 parser / writer for JavaScript\n=================================================\n\n[![Build Status](](\n[![NPM version](](\n\n__[Online Demo](\n\n\nThis is an implementation of [YAML](, a human-friendly data\nserialization language. Started as [PyYAML]( port, it was\ncompletely rewritten from scratch. Now it's very fast, and supports 1.2 spec.\n\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\n### YAML module for node.js\n\n```\nnpm install js-yaml\n```\n\n\n### CLI executable\n\nIf you want to inspect your YAML files from CLI, install js-yaml globally:\n\n```\nnpm install -g js-yaml\n```\n\n#### Usage\n\n```\nusage: js-yaml [-h] [-v] [-c] [-t] file\n\nPositional arguments:\n file File with YAML document(s)\n\nOptional arguments:\n -h, --help Show this help message and exit.\n -v, --version Show program's version number and exit.\n -c, --compact Display errors in compact mode\n -t, --trace Show stack trace on error\n```\n\n\n### Bundled YAML library for browsers\n\n``` html\n<!-- esprima required only for !!js/function -->\n<script src=\"esprima.js\"></script>\n<script src=\"js-yaml.min.js\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar doc = jsyaml.load('greeting: hello\\nname: world');\n</script>\n```\n\nBrowser support was done mostly for the online demo. If you find any errors - feel\nfree to send pull requests with fixes. Also note, that IE and other old browsers\nneeds [es5-shims]( to operate.\n\nNotes:\n\n1. We have no resources to support browserified version. Don't expect it to be\n well tested. Don't expect fast fixes if something goes wrong there.\n2. `!!js/function` in browser bundle will not work by default. If you really need\n it - load `esprima` parser first (via amd or directly).\n3. `!!bin` in browser will return `Array`, because browsers do not support\n node.js `Buffer` and adding Buffer shims is completely useless on practice.\n\n\nAPI\n---\n\nHere we cover the most 'useful' methods. If you need advanced details (creating\nyour own tags), see [wiki]( and\n[examples]( for more\ninfo.\n\n``` javascript\nyaml = require('js-yaml');\nfs = require('fs');\n\n// Get document, or throw exception on error\ntry {\n var doc = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync('/home/ixti/example.yml', 'utf8'));\n console.log(doc);\n} catch (e) {\n console.log(e);\n}\n```\n\n\n### safeLoad (string [ , options ])\n\n**Recommended loading way.** Parses `string` as single YAML document. Returns a JavaScript\nobject or throws `YAMLException` on error. By default, does not support regexps,\nfunctions and undefined. This method is safe for untrusted data.\n\noptions:\n\n- `filename` _(default: null)_ - string to be used as a file path in\n error/warning messages.\n- `onWarning` _(default: null)_ - function to call on warning messages.\n Loader will throw on warnings if this function is not provided.\n- `schema` _(default: `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`)_ - specifies a schema to use.\n - `FAILSAFE_SCHEMA` - only strings, arrays and plain objects:\n\n - `JSON_SCHEMA` - all JSON-supported types:\n\n - `CORE_SCHEMA` - same as `JSON_SCHEMA`:\n\n - `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA` - all supported YAML types, without unsafe ones\n (`!!js/undefined`, `!!js/regexp` and `!!js/function`):\n\n - `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` - all supported YAML types.\n- `json` _(default: false)_ - compatibility with JSON.parse behaviour. If true, then duplicate keys in a mapping will override values rather than throwing an error.\n\nNOTE: This function **does not** understand multi-document sources, it throws\nexception on those.\n\nNOTE: JS-YAML **does not** support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions.\nSo, the JSON schema is not as strictly defined in the YAML specification.\nIt allows numbers in any notation, use `Null` and `NULL` as `null`, etc.\nThe core schema also has no such restrictions. It allows binary notation for integers.\n\n\n### load (string [ , options ])\n\n**Use with care with untrusted sources**. The same as `safeLoad()` but uses\n`DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default - adds some JavaScript-specific types:\n`!!js/function`, `!!js/regexp` and `!!js/undefined`. For untrusted sources, you\nmust additionally validate object structure to avoid injections:\n\n``` javascript\nvar untrusted_code = '\"toString\": !<,2002:js/function> \"function (){very_evil_thing();}\"';\n\n// I'm just converting that string, what could possibly go wrong?\nrequire('js-yaml').load(untrusted_code) + ''\n```\n\n\n### safeLoadAll (string [, iterator] [, options ])\n\nSame as `safeLoad()`, but understands multi-document sources. Applies\n`iterator` to each document if specified, or returns array of documents.\n\n``` javascript\nvar yaml = require('js-yaml');\n\nyaml.safeLoadAll(data, function (doc) {\n console.log(doc);\n});\n```\n\n\n### loadAll (string [, iterator] [ , options ])\n\nSame as `safeLoadAll()` but uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default.\n\n\n### safeDump (object [ , options ])\n\nSerializes `object` as a YAML document. Uses `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`, so it will\nthrow an exception if you try to dump regexps or functions. However, you can\ndisable exceptions by setting the `skipInvalid` option to `true`.\n\noptions:\n\n- `indent` _(default: 2)_ - indentation width to use (in spaces).\n- `skipInvalid` _(default: false)_ - do not throw on invalid types (like function\n in the safe schema) and skip pairs and single values with such types.\n- `flowLevel` (default: -1) - specifies level of nesting, when to switch from\n block to flow style for collections. -1 means block style everwhere\n- `styles` - \"tag\" => \"style\" map. Each tag may have own set of styles.\n- `schema` _(default: `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`)_ specifies a schema to use.\n- `sortKeys` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true`, sort keys when dumping YAML. If a\n function, use the function to sort the keys.\n- `lineWidth` _(default: `80`)_ - set max line width.\n- `noRefs` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true`, don't convert duplicate objects into references\n- `noCompatMode` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true` don't try to be compatible with older\n yaml versions. Currently: don't quote \"yes\", \"no\" and so on, as required for YAML 1.1\n- `condenseFlow` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true` flow sequences will be condensed, omitting the space between `a, b`. Eg. `'[a,b]'`, and omitting the space between `key: value` and quoting the key. Eg. `'{\"a\":b}'` Can be useful when using yaml for pretty URL query params as spaces are %-encoded.\n\nThe following table show availlable styles (e.g. \"canonical\",\n\"binary\"...) available for each tag (.e.g. !!null, !!int ...). Yaml\nouput is shown on the right side after `=>` (default setting) or `->`:\n\n``` none\n!!null\n \"canonical\" -> \"~\"\n \"lowercase\" => \"null\"\n \"uppercase\" -> \"NULL\"\n \"camelcase\" -> \"Null\"\n\n!!int\n \"binary\" -> \"0b1\", \"0b101010\", \"0b1110001111010\"\n \"octal\" -> \"01\", \"052\", \"016172\"\n \"decimal\" => \"1\", \"42\", \"7290\"\n \"hexadecimal\" -> \"0x1\", \"0x2A\", \"0x1C7A\"\n\n!!bool\n \"lowercase\" => \"true\", \"false\"\n \"uppercase\" -> \"TRUE\", \"FALSE\"\n \"camelcase\" -> \"True\", \"False\"\n\n!!float\n \"lowercase\" => \".nan\", '.inf'\n \"uppercase\" -> \".NAN\", '.INF'\n \"camelcase\" -> \".NaN\", '.Inf'\n```\n\nExample:\n\n``` javascript\nsafeDump (object, {\n 'styles': {\n '!!null': 'canonical' // dump null as ~\n },\n 'sortKeys': true // sort object keys\n});\n```\n\n### dump (object [ , options ])\n\nSame as `safeDump()` but without limits (uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default).\n\n\nSupported YAML types\n--------------------\n\nThe list of standard YAML tags and corresponding JavaScipt types. See also\n[YAML tag discussion]( and\n[YAML types repository](\n\n```\n!!null '' # null\n!!bool 'yes' # bool\n!!int '3...' # number\n!!float '3.14...' # number\n!!binary '...base64...' # buffer\n!!timestamp 'YYYY-...' # date\n!!omap [ ... ] # array of key-value pairs\n!!pairs [ ... ] # array or array pairs\n!!set { ... } # array of objects with given keys and null values\n!!str '...' # string\n!!seq [ ... ] # array\n!!map { ... } # object\n```\n\n**JavaScript-specific tags**\n\n```\n!!js/regexp /pattern/gim # RegExp\n!!js/undefined '' # Undefined\n!!js/function 'function () {...}' # Function\n```\n\nCaveats\n-------\n\nNote, that you use arrays or objects as key in JS-YAML. JS does not allow objects\nor arrays as keys, and stringifies (by calling `toString()` method) them at the\nmoment of adding them.\n\n``` yaml\n---\n? [ foo, bar ]\n: - baz\n? { foo: bar }\n: - baz\n - baz\n```\n\n``` javascript\n{ \"foo,bar\": [\"baz\"], \"[object Object]\": [\"baz\", \"baz\"] }\n```\n\nAlso, reading of properties on implicit block mapping keys is not supported yet.\nSo, the following YAML document cannot be loaded.\n\n``` yaml\n&anchor foo:\n foo: bar\n *anchor: duplicate key\n baz: bat\n *anchor: duplicate key\n```\n\n\nBreaking changes in 2.x.x -> 3.x.x\n----------------------------------\n\nIf you have not used __custom__ tags or loader classes and not loaded yaml\nfiles via `require()`, no changes are needed. Just upgrade the library.\n\nOtherwise, you should:\n\n1. Replace all occurrences of `require('xxxx.yml')` by `fs.readFileSync()` +\n `yaml.safeLoad()`.\n2. rewrite your custom tags constructors and custom loader\n classes, to conform the new API. See\n [examples]( and\n [wiki]( for details.\n\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nView the [LICENSE]( file\n(MIT).\n",
"readmeFilename": "",
"repository": {
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"scripts": {
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"version": "3.10.0"