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"description": "Terminal string styling done right",
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"readme": "<h1 align=\"center\">\n\t<br>\n\t<br>\n\t<img width=\"320\" src=\"\" alt=\"chalk\">\n\t<br>\n\t<br>\n\t<br>\n</h1>\n\n> Terminal string styling done right\n\n[![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![](]( [![XO code style](]( [![Mentioned in Awesome Node.js](](\n\n### [See what's new in Chalk 2](\n\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\">\n\n\n## Highlights\n\n- Expressive API\n- Highly performant\n- Ability to nest styles\n- [256/Truecolor color support](#256-and-truecolor-color-support)\n- Auto-detects color support\n- Doesn't extend `String.prototype`\n- Clean and focused\n- Actively maintained\n- [Used by ~23,000 packages]( as of December 31, 2017\n\n\n## Install\n\n```console\n$ npm install chalk\n```\n\n\n## Usage\n\n```js\nconst chalk = require('chalk');\n\nconsole.log('Hello world!'));\n```\n\nChalk comes with an easy to use composable API where you just chain and nest the styles you want.\n\n```js\nconst chalk = require('chalk');\nconst log = console.log;\n\n// Combine styled and normal strings\nlog('Hello') + ' World' +'!'));\n\n// Compose multiple styles using the chainable API\nlog('Hello world!'));\n\n// Pass in multiple arguments\nlog('Hello', 'World!', 'Foo', 'bar', 'biz', 'baz'));\n\n// Nest styles\nlog('Hello', chalk.underline.bgBlue('world') + '!'));\n\n// Nest styles of the same type even (color, underline, background)\nlog(\n\t'I am a green line ' +\n\'with a blue substring') +\n\t' that becomes green again!'\n));\n\n// ES2015 template literal\nlog(`\nCPU: ${'90%')}\nRAM: ${'40%')}\nDISK: ${chalk.yellow('70%')}\n`);\n\n// ES2015 tagged template literal\nlog(chalk`\nCPU: {red ${cpu.totalPercent}%}\nRAM: {green ${ram.used / * 100}%}\nDISK: {rgb(255,131,0) ${disk.used / * 100}%}\n`);\n\n// Use RGB colors in terminal emulators that support it.\nlog(chalk.keyword('orange')('Yay for orange colored text!'));\nlog(chalk.rgb(123, 45, 67).underline('Underlined reddish color'));\nlog(chalk.hex('#DEADED').bold('Bold gray!'));\n```\n\nEasily define your own themes:\n\n```js\nconst chalk = require('chalk');\n\nconst error =;\nconst warning = chalk.keyword('orange');\n\nconsole.log(error('Error!'));\nconsole.log(warning('Warning!'));\n```\n\nTake advantage of console.log [string substitution](\n\n```js\nconst name = 'Sindre';\nconsole.log('Hello %s'), name);\n//=> 'Hello Sindre'\n```\n\n\n## API\n\n### chalk.`<style>[.<style>...](string, [string...])`\n\nExample: `'Hello', 'world');`\n\nChain [styles](#styles) and call the last one as a method with a string argument. Order doesn't matter, and later styles take precedent in case of a conflict. This simply means that `` is equivalent to ``.\n\nMultiple arguments will be separated by space.\n\n### chalk.enabled\n\nColor support is automatically detected, as is the level (see `chalk.level`). However, if you'd like to simply enable/disable Chalk, you can do so via the `.enabled` property.\n\nChalk is enabled by default unless explicitly disabled via the constructor or `chalk.level` is `0`.\n\nIf you need to change this in a reusable module, create a new instance:\n\n```js\nconst ctx = new chalk.constructor({enabled: false});\n```\n\n### chalk.level\n\nColor support is automatically detected, but you can override it by setting the `level` property. You should however only do this in your own code as it applies globally to all Chalk consumers.\n\nIf you need to change this in a reusable module, create a new instance:\n\n```js\nconst ctx = new chalk.constructor({level: 0});\n```\n\nLevels are as follows:\n\n0. All colors disabled\n1. Basic color support (16 colors)\n2. 256 color support\n3. Truecolor support (16 million colors)\n\n### chalk.supportsColor\n\nDetect whether the terminal [supports color]( Used internally and handled for you, but exposed for convenience.\n\nCan be overridden by the user with the flags `--color` and `--no-color`. For situations where using `--color` is not possible, add the environment variable `FORCE_COLOR=1` to forcefully enable color or `FORCE_COLOR=0` to forcefully disable. The use of `FORCE_COLOR` overrides all other color support checks.\n\nExplicit 256/Truecolor mode can be enabled using the `--color=256` and `--color=16m` flags, respectively.\n\n\n## Styles\n\n### Modifiers\n\n- `reset`\n- `bold`\n- `dim`\n- `italic` *(Not widely supported)*\n- `underline`\n- `inverse`\n- `hidden`\n- `strikethrough` *(Not widely supported)*\n- `visible` (Text is emitted only if enabled)\n\n### Colors\n\n- `black`\n- `red`\n- `green`\n- `yellow`\n- `blue` *(On Windows the bright version is used since normal blue is illegible)*\n- `magenta`\n- `cyan`\n- `white`\n- `gray` (\"bright black\")\n- `redBright`\n- `greenBright`\n- `yellowBright`\n- `blueBright`\n- `magentaBright`\n- `cyanBright`\n- `whiteBright`\n\n### Background colors\n\n- `bgBlack`\n- `bgRed`\n- `bgGreen`\n- `bgYellow`\n- `bgBlue`\n- `bgMagenta`\n- `bgCyan`\n- `bgWhite`\n- `bgBlackBright`\n- `bgRedBright`\n- `bgGreenBright`\n- `bgYellowBright`\n- `bgBlueBright`\n- `bgMagentaBright`\n- `bgCyanBright`\n- `bgWhiteBright`\n\n\n## Tagged template literal\n\nChalk can be used as a [tagged template literal](\n\n```js\nconst chalk = require('chalk');\n\nconst miles = 18;\nconst calculateFeet = miles => miles * 5280;\n\nconsole.log(chalk`\n There are {bold 5280 feet} in a mile.\n In {bold ${miles} miles}, there are {green.bold ${calculateFeet(miles)} feet}.\n`);\n```\n\nBlocks are delimited by an opening curly brace (`{`), a style, some content, and a closing curly brace (`}`).\n\nTemplate styles are chained exactly like normal Chalk styles. The following two statements are equivalent:\n\n```js\nconsole.log(chalk.bold.rgb(10, 100, 200)('Hello!'));\nconsole.log(chalk`{bold.rgb(10,100,200) Hello!}`);\n```\n\nNote that function styles (`rgb()`, `hsl()`, `keyword()`, etc.) may not contain spaces between parameters.\n\nAll interpolated values (`` chalk`${foo}` ``) are converted to strings via the `.toString()` method. All curly braces (`{` and `}`) in interpolated value strings are escaped.\n\n\n## 256 and Truecolor color support\n\nChalk supports 256 colors and [Truecolor]( (16 million colors) on supported terminal apps.\n\nColors are downsampled from 16 million RGB values to an ANSI color format that is supported by the terminal emulator (or by specifying `{level: n}` as a Chalk option). For example, Chalk configured to run at level 1 (basic color support) will downsample an RGB value of #FF0000 (red) to 31 (ANSI escape for red).\n\nExamples:\n\n- `chalk.hex('#DEADED').underline('Hello, world!')`\n- `chalk.keyword('orange')('Some orange text')`\n- `chalk.rgb(15, 100, 204).inverse('Hello!')`\n\nBackground versions of these models are prefixed with `bg` and the first level of the module capitalized (e.g. `keyword` for foreground colors and `bgKeyword` for background colors).\n\n- `chalk.bgHex('#DEADED').underline('Hello, world!')`\n- `chalk.bgKeyword('orange')('Some orange text')`\n- `chalk.bgRgb(15, 100, 204).inverse('Hello!')`\n\nThe following color models can be used:\n\n- [`rgb`]( - Example: `chalk.rgb(255, 136, 0).bold('Orange!')`\n- [`hex`]( - Example: `chalk.hex('#FF8800').bold('Orange!')`\n- [`keyword`]( (CSS keywords) - Example: `chalk.keyword('orange').bold('Orange!')`\n- [`hsl`]( - Example: `chalk.hsl(32, 100, 50).bold('Orange!')`\n- [`hsv`]( - Example: `chalk.hsv(32, 100, 100).bold('Orange!')`\n- [`hwb`]( - Example: `chalk.hwb(32, 0, 50).bold('Orange!')`\n- `ansi16`\n- `ansi256`\n\n\n## Windows\n\nIf you're on Windows, do yourself a favor and use [`cmder`]( instead of `cmd.exe`.\n\n\n## Origin story\n\n[colors.js]( used to be the most popular string styling module, but it has serious deficiencies like extending `String.prototype` which causes all kinds of [problems]( and the package is unmaintained. Although there are other packages, they either do too much or not enough. Chalk is a clean and focused alternative.\n\n\n## Related\n\n- [chalk-cli]( - CLI for this module\n- [ansi-styles]( - ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal\n- [supports-color]( - Detect whether a terminal supports color\n- [strip-ansi]( - Strip ANSI escape codes\n- [strip-ansi-stream]( - Strip ANSI escape codes from a stream\n- [has-ansi]( - Check if a string has ANSI escape codes\n- [ansi-regex]( - Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes\n- [wrap-ansi]( - Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes\n- [slice-ansi]( - Slice a string with ANSI escape codes\n- [color-convert]( - Converts colors between different models\n- [chalk-animation]( - Animate strings in the terminal\n- [gradient-string]( - Apply color gradients to strings\n- [chalk-pipe]( - Create chalk style schemes with simpler style strings\n\n\n## Maintainers\n\n- [Sindre Sorhus](\n- [Josh Junon](\n\n\n## License\n\nMIT\n",
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