416 lines
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416 lines
16 KiB
"schema": {
"description":"The name of your app as it appears both within Exponent and on your home screen as a standalone app.",
"description":"A short description of what your app is and why it is great.",
"description":"The friendly url name for publishing. eg: `exp.host/@your-username/slug`.",
"description":"Either `public` or `unlisted`. If not provided, defaults to `unlisted`. In the future `private` will be supported. `unlisted` hides the experience from search results.",
"description":"The Exponent sdkVersion to run the project on. This should line up with the version specified in your package.json.",
"description":"Your app version, use whatever versioning scheme that you like.",
"description":"Lock your app to a specific orientation with `portrait` or `landscape`. Defaults to no lock.",
"description":"On Android, this will determine the color of your app in the multitasker. Currently this is not used on iOS, but it may be used for other purposes in the future.",
"meta": {
"regexHuman": "6 character long hex color string, eg: `'#000000'`"
"description":"Local path or remote url to an image to use for your app's icon. We recommend that you use a 512x512 png file with transparency. This icon will appear on the home screen and within the Exponent app.",
"contentTypeHuman":".png image"
"description":"Configuration for remote (push) notifications.",
"description":"Local path or remote url to an image to use as the icon for push notifications. 48x48 png grayscale with transparency.",
"contentTypeHuman":".png image"
"description":"Tint color for the push notification image when it appears in the notification tray.",
"meta": {
"regexHuman": "6 character long hex color string, eg: `'#000000'`"
"description":"Show each push notification individually (`default`) or collapse into one (`collapse`).",
"description":"If `androidMode` is set to `collapse`, this title is used for the collapsed notification message. eg: `'#{unread_notifications} new interactions'`.",
"description":"Configuration for the loading screen that users see when opening your app, while fetching & caching bundle and assets.",
"description":"Local path or remote url to an image to display while starting up the app. Image size and aspect ratio are up to you. Must be a .png.",
"contentTypeHuman":".png image"
"description":"If no icon is provided, we will show the Exponent logo. You can choose between `white` and `blue`.",
"description":"Similar to `exponentIconColor` but instead indicate if it should be grayscale (`1`) or not (`0`).",
"description":"Local path or remote url to an image to fill the background of the loading screen. Image size and aspect ratio are up to you. Must be a .png.",
"contentTypeHuman":".png image"
"description":"Color to fill the loading screen background",
"meta": {
"regexHuman": "6 character long hex color string, eg: `'#000000'`"
"description":"By default, Exponent shows some text at the bottom of the loading screen. Set this to `true` to disable.",
"loadingIndicatorStyleExperimental": {
"description": "DEPRECATED: was used in the past for changing the style of the iOS loading indicator.",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^light$",
"meta": {
"autogenerated": true
"description":"By default, Exponent looks for the application registered with the AppRegistry as `main`. If you would like to change this, you can specify the name in this property.",
"meta": {
"deprecated": true,
"regexHuman": "6 character long hex color string, eg: `'#000000'`"
"description":"Configuration for android statusbar.",
"properties": {
"barStyle": {
"description":"Configure the statusbar icons to have light or dark color.",
"backgroundColor": {
"description":"Configuration for android statusbar.",
"meta": {
"regexHuman": "6 character long hex color string, eg: `'#000000'`"
"description":"By default, Exponent adds a notification to your app with refresh button and debug info. Set this to `true` to disable.",
"description":"Url scheme to link into your app. For example, if we set this to `'rnplay'`, then rnplay:// urls would open your app when tapped.",
"meta": {
"standaloneOnly": true
"description":"The relative path to your main JavaScript file.",
"description":"Any extra fields you want to pass to your experience.",
"description":"iOS standalone app specific configuration",
"meta": {
"standaloneOnly": true
"description":"The bundle identifier for your iOS standalone app. You make it up, but it needs to be unique on the App Store. See [this StackOverflow question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11347470/what-does-bundle-identifier-mean-in-the-ios-project).",
"meta": {
"regexHuman": "iOS bundle identifier notation unique name for your app. For example, host.exp.exponent, where exp.host is our domain and Exponent is our app."
"buildNumber": {
"description": "Build number for your iOS standalone app. Must be a string that matches Apple's [format for CFBundleVersion](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001431-102364).",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+$"
"description":"Sets `ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption` in the standalone ipa's Info.plist to the given boolean value.",
"description":"`Google Maps iOS SDK <https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios-sdk/start>`_ key for your standalone app.",
"description":"[Google Sign-In iOS SDK](https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/ios/start-integrating) keys for your standalone app.",
"description":"The reserved client id url scheme. Can be found in `GoogeService-Info.plist`.",
"description":"Whether your standalone iOS app supports tablet screen sizes.",
"description":"Arbitrary configuration to add to your standalone app's native Info.plist. Applied prior to all other Exponent-specific configuration. No other validation is performed, so use this at your own risk of rejection from the App Store.",
"additionalProperties": true
"description":"Android standalone app specific configuration",
"meta": {
"standaloneOnly": true
"description":"The package name for your Android standalone app. You make it up, but it needs to be unique on the Play Store. See [this StackOverflow question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6273892/android-package-name-convention).",
"meta": {
"regexHuman": "Reverse DNS notation unique name for your app. For example, host.exp.exponent, where exp.host is our domain and Exponent is our app."
"description":"Version number required by Google Play. Increment by one for each release. https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/versioning.html.",
"description":"[Twitter Fabric](https://get.fabric.io/) keys to hook up Crashlytics and other services.",
"description":"Your Fabric API key",
"description":"Your Fabric build secret",
"description":"[Google Maps Android SDK](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/signup) key for your standalone app.",
"description":"Your Google Maps Android SDK API key",
"description":"[Google Sign-In Android SDK](https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start-integrating) keys for your standalone app.",
"description":"The Android API key. Can be found in the credentials section of the developer console or in `google-services.json`.",
"description":"The SHA-1 hash of the signing certificate used to build the apk without any separator `:`. Can be found in `google-services.json`. https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth",
"description":"Used for Facebook native login. Starts with 'fb' and followed by a string of digits, like 'fb1234567890'. You can find your scheme at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/ios in the 'Configuring Your info.plist' section.",
"pattern": "^fb[0-9]+$"
"isDetached": {
"description": "Is app detached",
"type": "boolean",
"meta": {
"autogenerated": true
"description":"Extra fields needed by detached apps",
"meta": {
"autogenerated": true