581 lines
18 KiB
581 lines
18 KiB
#import "REANodesManager.h"
#import <React/RCTConvert.h>
#import "Nodes/REANode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAPropsNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAStyleNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REATransformNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAValueNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REABlockNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REACondNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAOperatorNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REASetNode.h"
#import "Nodes/READebugNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAClockNodes.h"
#import "Nodes/REAJSCallNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REABezierNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAEventNode.h"
#import "REAModule.h"
#import "Nodes/REAAlwaysNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAConcatNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAParamNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REAFunctionNode.h"
#import "Nodes/REACallFuncNode.h"
#import <React/RCTShadowView.h>
// Interface below has been added in order to use private methods of RCTUIManager,
// RCTUIManager#UpdateView is a React Method which is exported to JS but in
// Objective-C it stays private
// RCTUIManager#setNeedsLayout is a method which updated layout only which
// in its turn will trigger relayout if no batch has been activated
@interface RCTUIManager ()
- (void)updateView:(nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag
viewName:(NSString *)viewName
props:(NSDictionary *)props;
- (void)setNeedsLayout;
@interface RCTUIManager (SyncUpdates)
- (BOOL)hasEnqueuedUICommands;
- (void)runSyncUIUpdatesWithObserver:(id<RCTUIManagerObserver>)observer;
@implementation RCTUIManager (SyncUpdates)
- (BOOL)hasEnqueuedUICommands
// Accessing some private bits of RCTUIManager to provide missing functionality
return [[self valueForKey:@"_pendingUIBlocks"] count] > 0;
- (void)runSyncUIUpdatesWithObserver:(id<RCTUIManagerObserver>)observer
// before we run uimanager batch complete, we override coordinator observers list
// to avoid observers from firing. This is done because we only want the uimanager
// related operations to run and not all other operations (including the ones enqueued
// by reanimated or native animated modules) from being scheduled. If we were to allow
// other modules to execute some logic from this sync uimanager run there is a possibility
// that the commands will execute out of order or that we intercept a batch of commands that
// those modules may be in a middle of (we verify that batch isn't in progress for uimodule
// but can't do the same for all remaining modules)
// store reference to the observers array
id oldObservers = [self.observerCoordinator valueForKey:@"_observers"];
// temporarily replace observers with a table conatining just nodesmanager (we need
// this to capture mounting block)
NSHashTable<id<RCTUIManagerObserver>> *soleObserver = [NSHashTable new];
[soleObserver addObject:observer];
[self.observerCoordinator setValue:soleObserver forKey:@"_observers"];
// run batch
[self batchDidComplete];
// restore old observers table
[self.observerCoordinator setValue:oldObservers forKey:@"_observers"];
@interface REANodesManager() <RCTUIManagerObserver>
@implementation REANodesManager
NSMutableDictionary<REANodeID, REANode *> *_nodes;
NSMapTable<NSString *, REANode *> *_eventMapping;
NSMutableArray<id<RCTEvent>> *_eventQueue;
CADisplayLink *_displayLink;
REAUpdateContext *_updateContext;
BOOL _wantRunUpdates;
BOOL _processingDirectEvent;
NSMutableArray<REAOnAnimationCallback> *_onAnimationCallbacks;
NSMutableArray<REANativeAnimationOp> *_operationsInBatch;
BOOL _tryRunBatchUpdatesSynchronously;
REAEventHandler _eventHandler;
volatile void (^_mounting)(void);
- (instancetype)initWithModule:(REAModule *)reanimatedModule
uiManager:(RCTUIManager *)uiManager
if ((self = [super init])) {
_reanimatedModule = reanimatedModule;
_uiManager = uiManager;
_nodes = [NSMutableDictionary new];
_eventMapping = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable];
_eventQueue = [NSMutableArray new];
_updateContext = [REAUpdateContext new];
_wantRunUpdates = NO;
_onAnimationCallbacks = [NSMutableArray new];
_operationsInBatch = [NSMutableArray new];
_displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(onAnimationFrame:)];
[_displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[_displayLink setPaused:true];
return self;
- (void)invalidate
_eventHandler = nil;
[self stopUpdatingOnAnimationFrame];
- (void)operationsBatchDidComplete
if (![_displayLink isPaused]) {
// if display link is set it means some of the operations that have run as a part of the batch
// requested updates. We want updates to be run in the same frame as in which operations have
// been scheduled as it may mean the new view has just been mounted and expects its initial
// props to be calculated.
// Unfortunately if the operation has just scheduled animation callback it won't run until the
// next frame, so it's being triggered manually.
_wantRunUpdates = YES;
[self performOperations];
- (REANode *)findNodeByID:(REANodeID)nodeID
return _nodes[nodeID];
- (void)postOnAnimation:(REAOnAnimationCallback)clb
[_onAnimationCallbacks addObject:clb];
[self startUpdatingOnAnimationFrame];
- (void)postRunUpdatesAfterAnimation
_wantRunUpdates = YES;
if (!_processingDirectEvent) {
[self startUpdatingOnAnimationFrame];
- (void)registerEventHandler:(REAEventHandler)eventHandler
_eventHandler = eventHandler;
- (void)startUpdatingOnAnimationFrame
// Setting _currentAnimationTimestamp here is connected with manual triggering of performOperations
// in operationsBatchDidComplete. If new node has been created and clock has not been started,
// _displayLink won't be initialized soon enough and _displayLink.timestamp will be 0.
// However, CADisplayLink is using CACurrentMediaTime so if there's need to perform one more
// evaluation, it could be used it here. In usual case, CACurrentMediaTime is not being used in
// favor of setting it with _displayLink.timestamp in onAnimationFrame method.
_currentAnimationTimestamp = CACurrentMediaTime();
[_displayLink setPaused:false];
- (void)stopUpdatingOnAnimationFrame
if (_displayLink) {
[_displayLink setPaused:true];
- (void)onAnimationFrame:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink
_currentAnimationTimestamp = _displayLink.timestamp;
// We process all enqueued events first
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < _eventQueue.count; i++) {
id<RCTEvent> event = _eventQueue[i];
[self processEvent:event];
[_eventQueue removeAllObjects];
NSArray<REAOnAnimationCallback> *callbacks = _onAnimationCallbacks;
_onAnimationCallbacks = [NSMutableArray new];
// When one of the callbacks would postOnAnimation callback we don't want
// to process it until the next frame. This is why we cpy the array before
// we iterate over it
for (REAOnAnimationCallback block in callbacks) {
[self performOperations];
if (_onAnimationCallbacks.count == 0) {
[self stopUpdatingOnAnimationFrame];
- (BOOL)uiManager:(RCTUIManager *)manager performMountingWithBlock:(RCTUIManagerMountingBlock)block {
RCTAssert(_mounting == nil, @"Mouting block is expected to not be set");
_mounting = block;
return YES;
- (void)performOperations
if (_wantRunUpdates) {
[REANode runPropUpdates:_updateContext];
if (_operationsInBatch.count != 0) {
NSMutableArray<REANativeAnimationOp> *copiedOperationsQueue = _operationsInBatch;
_operationsInBatch = [NSMutableArray new];
BOOL trySynchronously = _tryRunBatchUpdatesSynchronously;
_tryRunBatchUpdatesSynchronously = NO;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
__typeof__(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (strongSelf == nil) {
BOOL canUpdateSynchronously = trySynchronously && ![strongSelf.uiManager hasEnqueuedUICommands];
if (!canUpdateSynchronously) {
for (int i = 0; i < copiedOperationsQueue.count; i++) {
if (canUpdateSynchronously) {
[strongSelf.uiManager runSyncUIUpdatesWithObserver:self];
//In case canUpdateSynchronously=true we still have to send uiManagerWillPerformMounting event
//to observers because some components (e.g. TextInput) update their UIViews only on that event.
[strongSelf.uiManager setNeedsLayout];
if (trySynchronously) {
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
if (_mounting) {
_mounting = nil;
_wantRunUpdates = NO;
- (void)enqueueUpdateViewOnNativeThread:(nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag
viewName:(NSString *) viewName
nativeProps:(NSMutableDictionary *)nativeProps
trySynchronously:(BOOL)trySync {
if (trySync) {
_tryRunBatchUpdatesSynchronously = YES;
[_operationsInBatch addObject:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager) {
[uiManager updateView:reactTag viewName:viewName props:nativeProps];
- (void)getValue:(REANodeID)nodeID
id val = _nodes[nodeID].value;
if (val) {
} else {
// NULL is not an object and it's not possible to pass it as callback's argument
callback(@[[NSNull null]]);
#pragma mark -- Graph
- (void)createNode:(REANodeID)nodeID
config:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)config
static NSDictionary *map;
static dispatch_once_t mapToken;
dispatch_once(&mapToken, ^{
map = @{@"props": [REAPropsNode class],
@"style": [REAStyleNode class],
@"transform": [REATransformNode class],
@"value": [REAValueNode class],
@"block": [REABlockNode class],
@"cond": [REACondNode class],
@"op": [REAOperatorNode class],
@"set": [REASetNode class],
@"debug": [READebugNode class],
@"clock": [REAClockNode class],
@"clockStart": [REAClockStartNode class],
@"clockStop": [REAClockStopNode class],
@"clockTest": [REAClockTestNode class],
@"call": [REAJSCallNode class],
@"bezier": [REABezierNode class],
@"event": [REAEventNode class],
@"always": [REAAlwaysNode class],
@"concat": [REAConcatNode class],
@"param": [REAParamNode class],
@"func": [REAFunctionNode class],
@"callfunc": [REACallFuncNode class]
// @"listener": nil,
NSString *nodeType = [RCTConvert NSString:config[@"type"]];
Class nodeClass = map[nodeType];
if (!nodeClass) {
RCTLogError(@"Animated node type %@ not supported natively", nodeType);
REANode *node = [[nodeClass alloc] initWithID:nodeID config:config];
node.nodesManager = self;
node.updateContext = _updateContext;
_nodes[nodeID] = node;
- (void)dropNode:(REANodeID)nodeID
REANode *node = _nodes[nodeID];
if (node) {
[node onDrop];
[_nodes removeObjectForKey:nodeID];
- (void)connectNodes:(nonnull NSNumber *)parentID childID:(nonnull REANodeID)childID
REANode *parentNode = _nodes[parentID];
REANode *childNode = _nodes[childID];
[parentNode addChild:childNode];
- (void)disconnectNodes:(REANodeID)parentID childID:(REANodeID)childID
REANode *parentNode = _nodes[parentID];
REANode *childNode = _nodes[childID];
[parentNode removeChild:childNode];
- (void)connectNodeToView:(REANodeID)nodeID
viewTag:(NSNumber *)viewTag
viewName:(NSString *)viewName
REANode *node = _nodes[nodeID];
if ([node isKindOfClass:[REAPropsNode class]]) {
[(REAPropsNode *)node connectToView:viewTag viewName:viewName];
- (void)disconnectNodeFromView:(REANodeID)nodeID
viewTag:(NSNumber *)viewTag
REANode *node = _nodes[nodeID];
if ([node isKindOfClass:[REAPropsNode class]]) {
[(REAPropsNode *)node disconnectFromView:viewTag];
- (void)attachEvent:(NSNumber *)viewTag
eventName:(NSString *)eventName
REANode *eventNode = _nodes[eventNodeID];
RCTAssert([eventNode isKindOfClass:[REAEventNode class]], @"Event node is of an invalid type");
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
RCTAssert([_eventMapping objectForKey:key] == nil, @"Event handler already set for the given view and event type");
[_eventMapping setObject:eventNode forKey:key];
- (void)detachEvent:(NSNumber *)viewTag
eventName:(NSString *)eventName
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
[_eventMapping removeObjectForKey:key];
- (void)processEvent:(id<RCTEvent>)event
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
REAEventNode *eventNode = [_eventMapping objectForKey:key];
[eventNode processEvent:event];
- (void)processDirectEvent:(id<RCTEvent>)event
_processingDirectEvent = YES;
[self processEvent:event];
[self performOperations];
_processingDirectEvent = NO;
- (BOOL)isDirectEvent:(id<RCTEvent>)event
static NSArray<NSString *> *directEventNames;
static dispatch_once_t directEventNamesToken;
dispatch_once(&directEventNamesToken, ^{
directEventNames = @[
return [directEventNames containsObject:RCTNormalizeInputEventName(event.eventName)];
- (void)dispatchEvent:(id<RCTEvent>)event
NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
NSString *eventHash = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
if (_eventHandler != nil) {
__weak REAEventHandler eventHandler = _eventHandler;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
__typeof__(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (strongSelf == nil) {
if (eventHandler == nil) {
eventHandler(eventHash, event);
if ([strongSelf isDirectEvent:event]) {
[strongSelf performOperations];
REANode *eventNode = [_eventMapping objectForKey:key];
if (eventNode != nil) {
if ([self isDirectEvent:event]) {
// Bypass the event queue/animation frames and process scroll events
// immediately to avoid getting out of sync with the scroll position
[self processDirectEvent:event];
} else {
// enqueue node to be processed
[_eventQueue addObject:event];
[self startUpdatingOnAnimationFrame];
- (void)configureProps:(NSSet<NSString *> *)nativeProps
uiProps:(NSSet<NSString *> *)uiProps
_uiProps = uiProps;
_nativeProps = nativeProps;
- (void)setValueForNodeID:(nonnull NSNumber *)nodeID value:(nonnull NSNumber *)newValue
REANode *node = _nodes[nodeID];
REAValueNode *valueNode = (REAValueNode *)node;
[valueNode setValue:newValue];
- (void)updateProps:(nonnull NSDictionary *)props
ofViewWithTag:(nonnull NSNumber *)viewTag
withName:(nonnull NSString *)viewName
// TODO: refactor PropsNode to also use this function
NSMutableDictionary *uiProps = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSMutableDictionary *nativeProps = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSMutableDictionary *jsProps = [NSMutableDictionary new];
void (^addBlock)(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL * stop) = ^(NSString *key, id obj, BOOL * stop){
if ([self.uiProps containsObject:key]) {
uiProps[key] = obj;
} else if ([self.nativeProps containsObject:key]) {
nativeProps[key] = obj;
} else {
jsProps[key] = obj;
[props enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:addBlock];
if (uiProps.count > 0) {
if (nativeProps.count > 0) {
[self enqueueUpdateViewOnNativeThread:viewTag viewName:viewName nativeProps:nativeProps trySynchronously:YES];
if (jsProps.count > 0) {
[self.reanimatedModule sendEventWithName:@"onReanimatedPropsChange"
body:@{@"viewTag": viewTag, @"props": jsProps }];
- (NSString*)obtainProp:(nonnull NSNumber *)viewTag
propName:(nonnull NSString *)propName
UIView* view = [self.uiManager viewForReactTag:viewTag];
NSString* result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"error: unknown propName %@, currently supported: opacity, zIndex", propName];
if ([propName isEqualToString:@"opacity"]) {
CGFloat alpha = view.alpha;
result = [@(alpha) stringValue];
} else if ([propName isEqualToString:@"zIndex"]) {
NSInteger zIndex = view.reactZIndex;
result = [@(zIndex) stringValue];
return result;