
127 lines
5.4 KiB

import { CodedError, NativeModulesProxy } from '@unimodules/core';
import { Platform, NativeModules } from 'react-native';
import { AppOwnership, ExecutionEnvironment, UserInterfaceIdiom, } from './Constants.types';
import ExponentConstants from './ExponentConstants';
export { AppOwnership, ExecutionEnvironment, UserInterfaceIdiom, };
if (!ExponentConstants) {
console.warn("No native ExponentConstants module found, are you sure the expo-constants's module is linked properly?");
let rawManifest = null;
// If expo-updates defines a non-empty manifest, prefer that one
if (NativeModulesProxy.ExpoUpdates) {
let updatesManifest;
if (NativeModulesProxy.ExpoUpdates.manifest) {
updatesManifest = NativeModulesProxy.ExpoUpdates.manifest;
else if (NativeModulesProxy.ExpoUpdates.manifestString) {
updatesManifest = JSON.parse(NativeModulesProxy.ExpoUpdates.manifestString);
if (updatesManifest && Object.keys(updatesManifest).length > 0) {
rawManifest = updatesManifest;
// If dev-launcher defines a non-empty manifest, prefer that one
if (NativeModules.EXDevLauncher) {
let devLauncherManifest;
if (NativeModules.EXDevLauncher.manifestString) {
devLauncherManifest = JSON.parse(NativeModules.EXDevLauncher.manifestString);
if (devLauncherManifest && Object.keys(devLauncherManifest).length > 0) {
rawManifest = devLauncherManifest;
// Fall back to ExponentConstants.manifest if we don't have one from Updates
if (!rawManifest && ExponentConstants && ExponentConstants.manifest) {
rawManifest = ExponentConstants.manifest;
// On Android we pass the manifest in JSON form so this step is necessary
if (typeof rawManifest === 'string') {
rawManifest = JSON.parse(rawManifest);
const { name, appOwnership, ...nativeConstants } = (ExponentConstants || {});
let warnedAboutInstallationId = false;
let warnedAboutDeviceId = false;
let warnedAboutLinkingUrl = false;
const constants = {
// Ensure this is null in bare workflow
appOwnership: appOwnership ?? null,
// Deprecated fields
get installationId() {
if (!warnedAboutInstallationId) {
console.warn(`Constants.installationId has been deprecated in favor of generating and storing your own ID. Implement it using expo-application's androidId on Android and a storage API such as expo-secure-store on iOS and localStorage on the web. This API will be removed in SDK 44.`);
warnedAboutInstallationId = true;
return nativeConstants.installationId;
// Legacy aliases
get deviceId() {
if (!warnedAboutDeviceId) {
console.warn(`Constants.deviceId has been deprecated in favor of generating and storing your own ID. This API will be removed in SDK 44.`);
warnedAboutDeviceId = true;
return nativeConstants.installationId;
get linkingUrl() {
if (!warnedAboutLinkingUrl) {
console.warn(`Constants.linkingUrl has been renamed to Constants.linkingUri. Consider using the Linking API directly. Constants.linkingUrl will be removed in SDK 44.`);
warnedAboutLinkingUrl = true;
return nativeConstants.linkingUri;
get manifest() {
const maybeManifest = getManifest();
if (!maybeManifest || !isAppManifest(maybeManifest)) {
return null;
return maybeManifest;
get manifest2() {
const maybeManifest = getManifest();
if (!maybeManifest || !isManifest(maybeManifest)) {
return null;
return maybeManifest;
* Use `manifest` property by default.
* This property is only used for internal purposes.
* It behaves similarly to the original one, but suppresses warning upon no manifest available.
* `expo-asset` uses it to prevent users from seeing mentioned warning.
get __unsafeNoWarnManifest() {
return getManifest(true);
get __rawManifest_TEST() {
return rawManifest;
set __rawManifest_TEST(value) {
rawManifest = value;
function isAppManifest(manifest) {
return !isManifest(manifest);
function isManifest(manifest) {
return 'metadata' in manifest;
function getManifest(suppressWarning = false) {
if (!rawManifest) {
const invalidManifestType = rawManifest === null ? 'null' : 'undefined';
if (nativeConstants.executionEnvironment === ExecutionEnvironment.Bare &&
Platform.OS !== 'web') {
if (!suppressWarning) {
console.warn(`Constants.manifest is ${invalidManifestType} because the embedded app.config could not be read. Ensure that you have installed the expo-constants build scripts if you need to read from Constants.manifest.`);
else if (nativeConstants.executionEnvironment === ExecutionEnvironment.StoreClient ||
nativeConstants.executionEnvironment === ExecutionEnvironment.Standalone) {
// If we somehow get here, this is a truly exceptional state to be in.
// Constants.manifest should *always* be defined in those contexts.
throw new CodedError('ERR_CONSTANTS_MANIFEST_UNAVAILABLE', `Constants.manifest is ${invalidManifestType}, must be an object.`);
return rawManifest;
export default constants;