var UUID = require('../lib/uuid'); var assert = require('assert'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var util = require('util'); function isUUID(str) { return str.match(/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/); } exports['Check UUID methods'] = function() { var methods = [ 'maxFromBits', 'limitUI04', 'limitUI06', 'limitUI08', 'limitUI12', 'limitUI14', 'limitUI16', 'limitUI32', 'limitUI40', 'limitUI48', 'randomUI04', 'randomUI06', 'randomUI08', 'randomUI12', 'randomUI14', 'randomUI16', 'randomUI32', 'randomUI40', 'randomUI48', 'create', '_create1', '_create4', 'paddedString', 'getTimeFieldValues', 'fromTime', 'firstFromTime', 'lastFromTime', 'fromURN', 'fromBytes', 'fromBinary', // Legacy methods: 'new', 'newTS' ]; var found = 0; for (var key in UUID) { if (methods.indexOf(key) !== -1) { found++; continue; } assert.ok(false, 'Found unexpected method: ' + key); } assert.equal(found, methods.length, 'Unexpected number of defined methods: ' + found + ' != ' + methods.length); }; exports['Check UUID prototypes'] = function() { var methods = [ 'fromParts', 'toString', 'toURN', 'toBytes', 'equals' ]; var found = 0; for (var key in UUID.prototype) { if (methods.indexOf(key) !== -1) { found++; continue; } assert.ok(false, 'Found unexpected prototype: ' + key); } assert.equal(found, methods.length, 'Unexpected number of defined prototypes: ' + found + ' != ' + methods.length); }; exports['v4 UUID: uuid = UUID.create(4) -> test properties'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(4); var properties = [ 'version', 'hex' ]; var found = 0; for (var key in uuid) { // Filter prototypes if (!uuid.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } if (properties.indexOf(key) !== -1) { found++; continue; } console.log(key); assert.ok(false, 'Found unexpected property in uuid instance: ' + key); } assert.equal(found, properties.length); assert.equal(uuid.version, 4, 'Unexpected version: ' + uuid.version); assert.ok(isUUID(uuid.hex), 'UUID semantically incorrect'); }; exports['v4 UUID: uuid.toString()'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(4); assert.equal(uuid.toString(), uuid.hex); }; exports['v4 UUID: uuid.toURN()'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(4); assert.equal(uuid.toURN(), 'urn:uuid:' + uuid.hex); }; exports['v4 UUID: uuid.toBytes()'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(4); var bytes = uuid.toBytes(); // Reassemble the bytes and check if they fit the string representation var hex = []; for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { hex.push(bytes[i].toString(16)); } var index = 0; var parts = []; [4, 2, 2, 2, 6].forEach(function(len) { var part = []; for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { var val = hex[index]+""; if (val.length < 2) { val = "0" + val; } part.push(val); index++; } parts.push(part.join('')); }); assert.equal(uuid.hex, parts.join('-')); }; exports['v4 UUID: check that they are not time-ordered'] = function() { var unsorted = []; var sorted = []; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var uuid = UUID.create(4).toString(); unsorted.push(uuid); sorted.push(uuid); } sorted.sort(); assert.notDeepEqual(sorted, unsorted, 'v4 UUIDs appear to be sorted!'); }; exports['v1 UUID: uuid = UUID.create(1) -> test properties'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(1); var properties = [ 'version', 'hex' ]; var found = 0; for (var key in uuid) { // Filter prototypes if (!uuid.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } if (properties.indexOf(key) !== -1) { found++; continue; } assert.ok(false, 'Found unexpected property in uuid instance: ' + key); } assert.equal(found, properties.length); assert.equal(uuid.version, 1, 'Unexpected version: ' + uuid.version); assert.ok(isUUID(uuid.hex), 'UUID semantically incorrect'); }; exports['v1 UUID: uuid.toString()'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(1); assert.equal(uuid.toString(), uuid.hex); }; exports['v1 UUID: uuid.toURN()'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(1); assert.equal(uuid.toURN(), 'urn:uuid:' + uuid.hex); }; exports['v1 UUID: uuid.toBytes()'] = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(1); var bytes = uuid.toBytes(); // Reassemble the bytes and check if they fit the string representation var hex = []; for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { hex.push(bytes[i].toString(16)); } var index = 0; var parts = []; [4, 2, 2, 2, 6].forEach(function(len) { var part = []; for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { var val = hex[index]+""; if (val.length < 2) { val = "0" + val; } part.push(val); index++; } parts.push(part.join('')); }); assert.equal(uuid.hex, parts.join('-')); }; exports['v1 UUID: check that they are time-ordered'] = function() { var unsorted = []; var sorted = []; var check = function() { sorted.sort(); assert.deepEqual(sorted, unsorted, 'v1 UUIDs appear not to be sorted!'); }; var i = 0; // We have to wait a tiny bit between generating two UUIDs to assure time // order since times are based on milliseconds and two UUIDs created in // the same millisecond need not be different. var next = function() { var uuid = UUID.create(1).toString(); unsorted.push(uuid); sorted.push(uuid); i++; if (i < 100) { return setTimeout(next, 5); } check(); }; next(); }; exports['firstFromTime()'] = function() { var date = new Date(); date = date.getTime(); var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, 'fromTime'); var uuid = UUID.firstFromTime(date); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok(spy.calledWith(date, false)); assert.ok(isUUID(uuid.toString()), 'UUID semantically incorrect'); spy.restore(); }; exports['lastFromTime()'] = function() { var date = new Date(); date = date.getTime(); var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, 'fromTime'); var uuid = UUID.lastFromTime(date); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok(spy.calledWith(date, true)); assert.ok(isUUID(uuid.toString()), 'UUID semantically incorrect'); spy.restore(); }; exports['fromTime()'] = function() { var date = new Date(); date = date.getTime(); var uuidFirst = UUID.fromTime(date, false); var uuidLast = UUID.fromTime(date, true); assert.strictEqual(uuidFirst.toString().substr(0, 19), uuidLast.toString().substr(0, 19), 'Timestamp part of first and last not equal'); }; exports['create(1) -> _create1()'] = function() { var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, '_create1'); var uuid = UUID.create(1); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); spy.restore(); }; exports['create(4) -> _create4()'] = function() { var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, '_create4'); var uuid = UUID.create(4); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); spy.restore(); }; exports['create() -> create4()'] = function() { var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, '_create4'); var uuid = UUID.create(); assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); spy.restore(); }; exports['new() alias for create(4)'] = function() { var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, 'create'); var uuid =; assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok(spy.calledWith(4)); spy.restore(); }; exports['newTS() alias for create(1)'] = function() { var spy = sinon.spy(UUID, 'create'); var uuid =; assert.ok(spy.calledOnce); assert.ok(spy.calledWith(4)); spy.restore(); }; exports['correct random max values'] = function() { var stub = sinon.stub(Math, 'random').returns(0.9999999999); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI04(), 0x0000000F); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI06(), 0x0000003F); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI08(), 0x000000FF); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI12(), 0x00000FFF); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI14(), 0x00003FFF); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI16(), 0x0000FFFF); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI32(), 0xFFFFFFFF); // not really sure about these.... assert.equal(UUID.randomUI40(), 0xFFFFFFFFFF); assert.equal(UUID.randomUI48(), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF); stub.restore(); }; for (var key in exports) { exports[key](); console.log('✔ ' + key); }