node-stream-parser ================== ### Generic interruptible "parser" mixin for Transform & Writable streams [![Build Status](]( This module offers the `stream-parser` mixin, which provides an easy-to-use API for parsing bytes from `Writable` and/or `Transform` stream instances. This module is great for implementing streaming parsers for standardized file formats. For `Writable` streams, the parser takes control over the `_write` callback function. For `Transform` streams, the parser controls the `_transform` callback function. Installation ------------ ``` bash $ npm install stream-parser ``` Example ------- Let's create a quick `Transform` stream subclass that utilizes the parser's `_bytes()` and `_passthrough()` functions to parse a theoretical file format that has an 8-byte header we want to parse, and then pass through the rest of the data. ``` javascript var Parser = require('stream-parser'); var inherits = require('util').inherits; var Transform = require('stream').Transform; // create a Transform stream subclass function MyParser () {; // buffer the first 8 bytes written this._bytes(8, this.onheader); } inherits(MyParser, Transform); // mixin stream-parser into MyParser's `prototype` Parser(MyParser.prototype); // invoked when the first 8 bytes have been received MyParser.prototype.onheader = function (buffer, output) { // parse the "buffer" into a useful "header" object var header = {}; header.type = buffer.readUInt32LE(0); = buffer.toString('utf8', 4); this.emit('header', header); // it's usually a good idea to queue the next "piece" within the callback this._passthrough(Infinity); }; // now we can *use* it! var parser = new MyParser(); parser.on('header', function (header) { console.error('got "header"', header); }); process.stdin.pipe(parser).pipe(process.stdout); ``` Here's an example of manually creating a `Transform` stream and turning it into a "pass through" stream equivalent to the one built into node core: ``` javascript var Parser = require('stream-parser'); var Transform = require('stream').Transform; // create a Transform instance and extend it with "stream-parser" var p = new Transform(); Parser(p); // pass through `Infinity` bytes... forever... p._passthrough(Infinity); // now `p` is equivalent to a stream.PassThrough instance process.stdin.pipe(p).pipe(process.stdout); ``` See the `test` directory for some more example code in the test cases. A list of known concrete implementations is here (send pull requests for more!): * [node-icecast][] * [node-throttle][] * [node-flv][] * [node-wav][] API --- - [Parser()](#parser) - [._bytes(n, cb)](#_bytesn-cb) - [._skipBytes(n, cb)](#_skipbytesn-cb) - [._passthrough(n, cb)](#_passthroughn-cb) ## Parser() The `Parser` stream mixin works with either `Writable` or `Transform` stream instances/subclasses. Provides a convenient generic "parsing" API: ```js _bytes(n, cb) - buffers "n" bytes and then calls "cb" with the "chunk" _skipBytes(n, cb) - skips "n" bytes and then calls "cb" when done ``` If you extend a `Transform` stream, then the `_passthrough()` function is also added: ```js _passthrough(n, cb) - passes through "n" bytes untouched and then calls "cb" ``` ### ._bytes(n, cb) Buffers `n` bytes and then invokes `cb` once that amount has been collected. ### ._skipBytes(n, cb) Skips over the next `n` bytes and then invokes `cb` once that amount has been discarded. ### ._passthrough(n, cb) Passes through `n` bytes to the readable side of this stream untouched, then invokes `cb` once that amount has been passed through. This function is only defined when stream-parser is extending a `Transform` stream. [node-icecast]: [node-throttle]: [node-flv]: [node-wav]: