* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule TouchableOpacity
* @noflow
'use strict';
// Note (avik): add @flow when Flow supports spread properties in propTypes
var Animated = require('Animated');
var Easing = require('Easing');
var NativeMethodsMixin = require('NativeMethodsMixin');
var React = require('React');
var PropTypes = require('prop-types');
var TimerMixin = require('react-timer-mixin');
var Touchable = require('Touchable');
var TouchableWithoutFeedback = require('TouchableWithoutFeedback');
var createReactClass = require('create-react-class');
var ensurePositiveDelayProps = require('ensurePositiveDelayProps');
var flattenStyle = require('flattenStyle');
type Event = Object;
var PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET = {top: 20, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30};
* A wrapper for making views respond properly to touches.
* On press down, the opacity of the wrapped view is decreased, dimming it.
* Opacity is controlled by wrapping the children in an Animated.View, which is
* added to the view hiearchy. Be aware that this can affect layout.
* Example:
* ```
* renderButton: function() {
* return (
* );
* },
* ```
* ### Example
* ```ReactNativeWebPlayer
* import React, { Component } from 'react'
* import {
* AppRegistry,
* StyleSheet,
* TouchableOpacity,
* Text,
* View,
* } from 'react-native'
* class App extends Component {
* constructor(props) {
* super(props)
* this.state = { count: 0 }
* }
* onPress = () => {
* this.setState({
* count: this.state.count+1
* })
* }
* render() {
* return (
* Touch Here
* { this.state.count !== 0 ? this.state.count: null}
* )
* }
* }
* const styles = StyleSheet.create({
* container: {
* flex: 1,
* justifyContent: 'center',
* paddingHorizontal: 10
* },
* button: {
* alignItems: 'center',
* backgroundColor: '#DDDDDD',
* padding: 10
* },
* countContainer: {
* alignItems: 'center',
* padding: 10
* },
* countText: {
* color: '#FF00FF'
* }
* })
* AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App)
* ```
var TouchableOpacity = createReactClass({
displayName: 'TouchableOpacity',
mixins: [TimerMixin, Touchable.Mixin, NativeMethodsMixin],
propTypes: {
* Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is
* active. Defaults to 0.2.
activeOpacity: PropTypes.number,
* *(Apple TV only)* TV preferred focus (see documentation for the View component).
* @platform ios
hasTVPreferredFocus: PropTypes.bool,
* Apple TV parallax effects
tvParallaxProperties: PropTypes.object,
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
activeOpacity: 0.2,
getInitialState: function() {
return {
anim: new Animated.Value(this._getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault()),
componentDidMount: function() {
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
* Animate the touchable to a new opacity.
setOpacityTo: function(value: number, duration: number) {
toValue: value,
duration: duration,
easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
useNativeDriver: true,
* `Touchable.Mixin` self callbacks. The mixin will invoke these if they are
* defined on your component.
touchableHandleActivePressIn: function(e: Event) {
if (e.dispatchConfig.registrationName === 'onResponderGrant') {
} else {
this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(e);
touchableHandleActivePressOut: function(e: Event) {
this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(e);
touchableHandlePress: function(e: Event) {
this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(e);
touchableHandleLongPress: function(e: Event) {
this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(e);
touchableGetPressRectOffset: function() {
return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || PRESS_RETENTION_OFFSET;
touchableGetHitSlop: function() {
return this.props.hitSlop;
touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function() {
return this.props.delayPressIn || 0;
touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function() {
return this.props.delayLongPress === 0 ? 0 :
this.props.delayLongPress || 500;
touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function() {
return this.props.delayPressOut;
_opacityActive: function(duration: number) {
this.setOpacityTo(this.props.activeOpacity, duration);
_opacityInactive: function(duration: number) {
_getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault: function() {
var childStyle = flattenStyle(this.props.style) || {};
return childStyle.opacity == undefined ? 1 : childStyle.opacity;
render: function() {
return (
{Touchable.renderDebugView({color: 'cyan', hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop})}
module.exports = TouchableOpacity;