import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { NativeModules, Platform, PixelRatio, processColor, Text, } from './react-native'; import createIconButtonComponent from './icon-button'; import createTabBarItemIOSComponent from './tab-bar-item-ios'; import createToolbarAndroidComponent from './toolbar-android'; const NativeIconAPI = NativeModules.RNVectorIconsManager || NativeModules.RNVectorIconsModule; const DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE = 12; const DEFAULT_ICON_COLOR = 'black'; export default function createIconSet(glyphMap, fontFamily, fontFile) { let fontReference = fontFamily; // Android doesn't care about actual fontFamily name, it will only look in fonts folder. if (Platform.OS === 'android' && fontFile) { fontReference = fontFile.replace(/\.(otf|ttf)$/, ''); } if (Platform.OS === 'windows' && fontFile) { fontReference = `Assets/${fontFile}#${fontFamily}`; } const IconNamePropType = PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(glyphMap)); class Icon extends Component { static propTypes = { name: IconNamePropType, size: PropTypes.number, color: PropTypes.string, children: PropTypes.node, style: PropTypes.any, // eslint-disable-line react/forbid-prop-types }; static defaultProps = { size: DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, allowFontScaling: false, }; setNativeProps(nativeProps) { if (this.root) { this.root.setNativeProps(nativeProps); } } root = null; handleRef = ref => { this.root = ref; }; render() { const { name, size, color, style, ...props } = this.props; let glyph = name ? glyphMap[name] || '?' : ''; if (typeof glyph === 'number') { glyph = String.fromCharCode(glyph); } const styleDefaults = { fontSize: size, color, }; const styleOverrides = { fontFamily: fontReference, fontWeight: 'normal', fontStyle: 'normal', }; = [styleDefaults, style, styleOverrides]; props.ref = this.handleRef; return ( {glyph} {this.props.children} ); } } const imageSourceCache = {}; function ensureNativeModuleAvailable() { if (!NativeIconAPI) { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { throw new Error( 'RNVectorIconsModule not available, did you properly integrate the module? Try running `react-native link react-native-vector-icons` and recompiling.' ); } throw new Error( 'RNVectorIconsManager not available, did you add the library to your project and link with libRNVectorIcons.a? Try running `react-native link react-native-vector-icons` and recompiling.' ); } } function getImageSource( name, size = DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE, color = DEFAULT_ICON_COLOR ) { ensureNativeModuleAvailable(); let glyph = glyphMap[name] || '?'; if (typeof glyph === 'number') { glyph = String.fromCharCode(glyph); } const processedColor = processColor(color); const cacheKey = `${glyph}:${size}:${processedColor}`; const scale = PixelRatio.get(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const cached = imageSourceCache[cacheKey]; if (typeof cached !== 'undefined') { if (!cached || cached instanceof Error) { reject(cached); } else { resolve({ uri: cached, scale }); } } else { NativeIconAPI.getImageForFont( fontReference, glyph, size, processedColor, (err, image) => { const error = typeof err === 'string' ? new Error(err) : err; imageSourceCache[cacheKey] = image || error || false; if (!error && image) { resolve({ uri: image, scale }); } else { reject(error); } } ); } }); } function loadFont(file = fontFile) { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { ensureNativeModuleAvailable(); if (!file) { return Promise.reject( new Error('Unable to load font, because no file was specified. ') ); } return NativeIconAPI.loadFontWithFileName(...file.split('.')); } return Promise.resolve(); } Icon.Button = createIconButtonComponent(Icon); Icon.TabBarItem = createTabBarItemIOSComponent( IconNamePropType, getImageSource ); Icon.TabBarItemIOS = Icon.TabBarItem; Icon.ToolbarAndroid = createToolbarAndroidComponent( IconNamePropType, getImageSource ); Icon.getImageSource = getImageSource; Icon.loadFont = loadFont; return Icon; }