import _ from 'lodash'; import React, {Children} from 'react'; import TSpan from '../../elements/TSpan'; const fontRegExp = /^\s*((?:(?:normal|bold|italic)\s+)*)(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[ptexm%]*(?:\s*\/.*?)?\s+)?\s*"?([^"]*)/i; const fontFamilyPrefix = /^[\s"']*/; const fontFamilySuffix = /[\s"']*$/; const spaceReg = /\s+/; const commaReg = /,/g; const anchors = { auto: 0, start: 1, middle: 2, end: 3 }; let cachedFontObjectsFromString = {}; function extractSingleFontFamily(fontFamilyString) { // SVG on the web allows for multiple font-families to be specified. // For compatibility, we extract the first font-family, hoping // we'll get a match. return fontFamilyString ? fontFamilyString.split(commaReg)[0] .replace(fontFamilyPrefix, '') .replace(fontFamilySuffix, '') : null; } function parseFontString(font) { if (cachedFontObjectsFromString.hasOwnProperty(font)) { return cachedFontObjectsFromString[font]; } let match = fontRegExp.exec(font); if (!match) { return null; } let fontFamily = extractSingleFontFamily(match[3]); let fontSize = +match[2] || 12; let isBold = /bold/.exec(match[1]); let isItalic = /italic/.exec(match[1]); cachedFontObjectsFromString[font] = { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize, fontWeight: isBold ? 'bold' : 'normal', fontStyle: isItalic ? 'italic' : 'normal' }; return cachedFontObjectsFromString[font]; } function extractFont(props) { let font = props.font; let fontSize = +props.fontSize; let ownedFont = { fontFamily: extractSingleFontFamily(props.fontFamily), fontSize: isNaN(fontSize) ? null : fontSize, fontWeight: props.fontWeight, fontStyle: props.fontStyle }; if (typeof props.font === 'string') { font = parseFontString(props.font); } ownedFont = _.pickBy(ownedFont, prop => !_.isNil(prop)); return _.defaults(ownedFont, font); } function parseDelta(delta) { if (typeof delta === 'string') { if (isNaN(+delta)) { return delta.trim().replace(commaReg, ' ').split(spaceReg).map(d => +d || 0); } else { return [+delta]; } } else if (typeof delta === 'number') { return [delta]; } else { return []; } } export default function(props, container) { const { x, y, dx, dy, textAnchor, startOffset } = props; const deltaX = parseDelta(dx); const deltaY = parseDelta(dy); let { children } = props; let content = null; if (typeof children === 'string' || typeof children === 'number') { const childrenString = children.toString(); if (container) { children = {childrenString}; } else { content = childrenString; children = null; } } else if (Children.count(children) > 1 || Array.isArray(children)) { children =, child => { if (typeof child === 'string' || typeof child === 'number') { return {child.toString()}; } else { return child; } }); } return { textAnchor: anchors[textAnchor] || 0, font: extractFont(props), children, content, deltaX, deltaY, startOffset: (startOffset || 0).toString(), positionX: _.isNil(x) ? null : x.toString(), positionY: _.isNil(y) ? null : y.toString() }; }