/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Horcrux. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTConvert+RNSVG.h" #import "RNSVGPainterBrush.h" #import "RNSVGSolidColorBrush.h" #import #import @implementation RCTConvert (RNSVG) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(RNSVGCGFCRule, (@{ @"evenodd": @(kRNSVGCGFCRuleEvenodd), @"nonzero": @(kRNSVGCGFCRuleNonzero), }), kRNSVGCGFCRuleNonzero, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(RNSVGVBMOS, (@{ @"meet": @(kRNSVGVBMOSMeet), @"slice": @(kRNSVGVBMOSSlice), @"none": @(kRNSVGVBMOSNone) }), kRNSVGVBMOSMeet, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(RNSVGTextAnchor, (@{ @"auto": @(kRNSVGTextAnchorAuto), @"start": @(kRNSVGTextAnchorStart), @"middle": @(kRNSVGTextAnchorMiddle), @"end": @(kRNSVGTextAnchorEnd) }), kRNSVGTextAnchorAuto, intValue) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(RNSVGUnits, (@{ @"objectBoundingBox": @(kRNSVGUnitsObjectBoundingBox), @"userSpaceOnUse": @(kRNSVGUnitsUserSpaceOnUse), }), kRNSVGUnitsObjectBoundingBox, intValue) + (RNSVGCGFloatArray)RNSVGCGFloatArray:(id)json { NSArray *arr = [self NSNumberArray:json]; NSUInteger count = arr.count; RNSVGCGFloatArray array; array.count = count; array.array = nil; if (count) { // Ideally, these arrays should already use the same memory layout. // In that case we shouldn't need this new malloc. array.array = malloc(sizeof(CGFloat) * count); for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) { array.array[i] = [arr[i] doubleValue]; } } return array; } + (RNSVGBrush *)RNSVGBrush:(id)json { NSArray *arr = [self NSArray:json]; NSUInteger type = [self NSUInteger:arr.firstObject]; switch (type) { case 0: // solid color // These are probably expensive allocations since it's often the same value. // We should memoize colors but look ups may be just as expensive. return [[RNSVGSolidColorBrush alloc] initWithArray:arr]; case 1: // brush return [[RNSVGPainterBrush alloc] initWithArray:arr]; default: RCTLogError(@"Unknown brush type: %zd", type); return nil; } } + (RNSVGPathParser *)RNSVGCGPath:(NSString *)d { return [[RNSVGPathParser alloc] initWithPathString: d]; } + (CGRect)RNSVGCGRect:(id)json offset:(NSUInteger)offset { NSArray *arr = [self NSArray:json]; if (arr.count < offset + 4) { RCTLogError(@"Too few elements in array (expected at least %zd): %@", 4 + offset, arr); return CGRectZero; } return (CGRect){ {[self CGFloat:arr[offset]], [self CGFloat:arr[offset + 1]]}, {[self CGFloat:arr[offset + 2]], [self CGFloat:arr[offset + 3]]}, }; } + (CGColorRef)RNSVGCGColor:(id)json offset:(NSUInteger)offset { NSArray *arr = [self NSArray:json]; if (arr.count < offset + 4) { RCTLogError(@"Too few elements in array (expected at least %zd): %@", 4 + offset, arr); return nil; } return [self CGColor:[arr subarrayWithRange:(NSRange){offset, 4}]]; } + (CGGradientRef)RNSVGCGGradient:(id)json offset:(NSUInteger)offset { NSArray *arr = [self NSArray:json]; if (arr.count < offset) { RCTLogError(@"Too few elements in array (expected at least %zd): %@", offset, arr); return nil; } arr = [arr subarrayWithRange:(NSRange){offset, arr.count - offset}]; RNSVGCGFloatArray colorsAndOffsets = [self RNSVGCGFloatArray:arr]; size_t stops = colorsAndOffsets.count / 5; CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGGradientRef gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents( rgb, colorsAndOffsets.array, colorsAndOffsets.array + stops * 4, stops ); CGColorSpaceRelease(rgb); free(colorsAndOffsets.array); return (CGGradientRef)CFAutorelease(gradient); } @end