import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { ViewPropTypes, View, } from 'react-native'; import decorateMapComponent, { USES_DEFAULT_IMPLEMENTATION, SUPPORTED, } from './decorateMapComponent'; // if ViewPropTypes is not defined fall back to View.propType (to support RN < 0.44) const viewPropTypes = ViewPropTypes || View.propTypes; const propTypes = { ...viewPropTypes, /** * The path template of the local tile source. * The patterns {x} {y} {z} will be replaced at runtime, * for example, /storage/emulated/0/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png. */ pathTemplate: PropTypes.string.isRequired, /** * The order in which this tile overlay is drawn with respect to other overlays. An overlay * with a larger z-index is drawn over overlays with smaller z-indices. The order of overlays * with the same z-index is arbitrary. The default zIndex is -1. * * @platform android */ zIndex: PropTypes.number, /** * Size of tile images. */ tileSize: PropTypes.number, }; class MapLocalTile extends React.Component { render() { const AIRMapLocalTile = this.getAirComponent(); return ( ); } } MapLocalTile.propTypes = propTypes; module.exports = decorateMapComponent(MapLocalTile, { componentType: 'LocalTile', providers: { google: { ios: SUPPORTED, android: USES_DEFAULT_IMPLEMENTATION, }, }, });