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Supported image types:\n> JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP, BMP, TIFF, SVG, PSD.\n\nKey features:\n\n- small size, no heavy dependencies\n- works with remote and local data\n- effective with big images (speed/memory), download minimal data from remotes\n- easy to browserify (splitted to components)\n\n\nInstall\n-------\n\n```bash\nnpm install probe-image-size --save\n```\n\nExample\n-------\n\n```js\nvar probe = require('probe-image-size');\n\n// Get by URL\n//\nprobe('http://example.com/image.jpg').then(result => {\n console.log(result); // =>\n /*\n {\n width: xx,\n height: yy,\n type: 'jpg',\n mime: 'image/jpeg',\n wUnits: 'px',\n hUnits: 'px',\n url: 'http://example.com/image.jpg'\n }\n */\n});\n\n// By URL with options\n//\nprobe('http://example.com/image.jpg', { timeout: 5000 }).then(function (result) {\n console.log(result);\n});\n\n// With callback\n//\nprobe('http://example.com/image.jpg', function (err, result) {\n console.log(result);\n});\n\n// From the stream\n//\nvar input = require('fs').createReadStream('image.jpg');\n\nprobe(input).then(result => {\n console.log(result);\n\n // terminate input, depends on stream type,\n // this example is for fs streams only.\n input.destroy();\n});\n\n// From a Buffer\n//\nvar data = require('fs').readFileSync('image.jpg');\n\nconsole.log(probe.sync(data));\n```\n\n\nAPI\n---\n\n### probe(src [, options, callback]) -> Promise\n\n`src` can be of this types:\n\n- __String__ - URL to fetch\n- __Stream__ - readable stream\n\n`options` - HTTP only. See [`got` documentation](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\nDefaults changed to `{ retries: 1, timeout: 30000 }`\n\n`result` (Promise) contains:\n\n```js\n{\n width: XX,\n height: YY,\n length: ZZ, // byte length of the file (if available, HTTP only)\n type: ..., // image 'type' (usual file name extention)\n mime: ..., // mime type\n wUnits: 'px', // width units type ('px' by default, can be different for SVG)\n hUnits: 'px', // height units type ('px' by default, can be different for SVG)\n url: ..., // last url for the image in chain of redirects (if no redirects, same as src) (HTTP only)\n}\n```\n\nReturned errors can be extended with 2 fields:\n\n- `code` - equals to `ECONTENT` if the library failed to parse the file;\n- `status` - equals to a HTTP status code if it receives a non-200 response.\n\nIf callback (legacy node style) provided, `Promise` will not be returned.\n\n__Note 1.__ If you use `Stream` as source, it's your responsibility to close that\nstream in callback. In other case you can get memory leak, because stream will\nbe left in paused state. With http requests that's not a problem - everything\nis released automatically, as soon as possible.\n\n__Note 2.__ We still support legacy v2.x signature for http probe (`src` is\nObject as described in [request](https://github.com/request/request)). But it\nwill be deprecated in next versions.\n\n\n### sync.probe(src) -> result|null\n\nSync version can eat arrays, typed arrays and buffers. On success it returns\nthe same result as async version. On fail it returns null.\n\n__Note.__ Formats like JPEG & TIFF can store size anywhere (far from the head).\nThat usually does not happens, but if you need guarantees - always provide full\nfile content to sync methods. We strongly recommend to use async version\nas memory-friendly.\n\n\nSimilar projects\n----------------\n\n- [image-size](https://github.com/netroy/image-size)\n- [imagesize](https://github.com/arnaud-lb/imagesize.js)\n\n\nLicense\n-------\n\n[MIT](https://raw.github.com/nodeca/probe-image-size/master/LICENSE)\n", "readmeFilename": "README.md", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+https://github.com/nodeca/probe-image-size.git" }, "scripts": { "coverage": "rm -rf coverage && ./node_modules/.bin/istanbul cover node_modules/.bin/_mocha", "lint": "eslint .", "report-coveralls": "istanbul cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --report lcovonly -- -R spec && cat ./coverage/lcov.info | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js && rm -rf ./coverage", "test": "npm run lint && ./node_modules/.bin/mocha" }, "version": "3.2.0" }