var shellwords = require('shellwords'); var cp = require('child_process'); var semver = require('semver'); var path = require('path'); var url = require('url'); var os = require('os'); var fs = require('fs'); function clone(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } module.exports.clone = clone; var escapeQuotes = function(str) { if (typeof str === 'string') { return str.replace(/(["$`\\])/g, '\\$1'); } else { return str; } }; var inArray = function(arr, val) { return arr.indexOf(val) !== -1; }; var notifySendFlags = { u: 'urgency', urgency: 'urgency', t: 'expire-time', time: 'expire-time', e: 'expire-time', expire: 'expire-time', 'expire-time': 'expire-time', i: 'icon', icon: 'icon', c: 'category', category: 'category', subtitle: 'category', h: 'hint', hint: 'hint' }; module.exports.command = function(notifier, options, cb) { notifier = shellwords.escape(notifier); if (process.env.DEBUG && process.env.DEBUG.indexOf('notifier') !== -1) {'node-notifier debug info (command):');'[notifier path]', notifier);'[notifier options]', options.join(' ')); } return cp.exec(notifier + ' ' + options.join(' '), function( error, stdout, stderr ) { if (error) return cb(error); cb(stderr, stdout); }); }; module.exports.fileCommand = function(notifier, options, cb) { if (process.env.DEBUG && process.env.DEBUG.indexOf('notifier') !== -1) {'node-notifier debug info (fileCommand):');'[notifier path]', notifier);'[notifier options]', options.join(' ')); } return cp.execFile(notifier, options, function(error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) return cb(error, stdout); cb(stderr, stdout); }); }; module.exports.fileCommandJson = function(notifier, options, cb) { if (process.env.DEBUG && process.env.DEBUG.indexOf('notifier') !== -1) {'node-notifier debug info (fileCommandJson):');'[notifier path]', notifier);'[notifier options]', options.join(' ')); } return cp.execFile(notifier, options, function(error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) return cb(error, stdout); if (!stdout) return cb(error, {}); try { var data = JSON.parse(stdout); cb(stderr, data); } catch (e) { cb(e, stdout); } }); }; module.exports.immediateFileCommand = function(notifier, options, cb) { if (process.env.DEBUG && process.env.DEBUG.indexOf('notifier') !== -1) {'node-notifier debug info (notifier):');'[notifier path]', notifier); } notifierExists(notifier, function(_, exists) { if (!exists) { return cb(new Error('Notifier (' + notifier + ') not found on system.')); } cp.execFile(notifier, options); cb(); }); }; function notifierExists(notifier, cb) { return fs.stat(notifier, function(err, stat) { if (!err) return cb(err, stat.isFile()); // Check if Windows alias if (path.extname(notifier)) { // Has extentioon, no need to check more return cb(err, false); } // Check if there is an exe file in the directory return fs.stat(notifier + '.exe', function(err, stat) { if (err) return cb(err, false); cb(err, stat.isFile()); }); }); } var mapAppIcon = function(options) { if (options.appIcon) { options.icon = options.appIcon; delete options.appIcon; } return options; }; var mapText = function(options) { if (options.text) { options.message = options.text; delete options.text; } return options; }; var mapIconShorthand = function(options) { if (options.i) { options.icon = options.i; delete options.i; } return options; }; module.exports.mapToNotifySend = function(options) { options = mapAppIcon(options); options = mapText(options); for (var key in options) { if (key === 'message' || key === 'title') continue; if (options.hasOwnProperty(key) && notifySendFlags[key] !== key) { options[notifySendFlags[key]] = options[key]; delete options[key]; } } return options; }; module.exports.mapToGrowl = function(options) { options = mapAppIcon(options); options = mapIconShorthand(options); options = mapText(options); if (options.icon && !Buffer.isBuffer(options.icon)) { try { options.icon = fs.readFileSync(options.icon); } catch (ex) {} } return options; }; module.exports.mapToMac = function(options) { options = mapIconShorthand(options); options = mapText(options); if (options.icon) { options.appIcon = options.icon; delete options.icon; } if (options.sound === true) { options.sound = 'Bottle'; } if (options.sound === false) { delete options.sound; } if (options.sound && options.sound.indexOf('Notification.') === 0) { options.sound = 'Bottle'; } if (options.wait === true) { if (!options.timeout) { options.timeout = 5; } delete options.wait; } options.json = true; return options; }; function isArray(arr) { return === '[object Array]'; } function noop() {} module.exports.actionJackerDecorator = function(emitter, options, fn, mapper) { options = clone(options); fn = fn || noop; if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new TypeError( 'The second argument must be a function callback. You have passed ' + typeof fn ); } return function(err, data) { var resultantData = data; var metadata = {}; // Allow for extra data if resultantData is an object if (resultantData && typeof resultantData === 'object') { metadata = resultantData; resultantData = resultantData.activationType; } // Sanitize the data if (resultantData) { resultantData = resultantData.toLowerCase().trim(); if (resultantData.match(/^activate|clicked$/)) { resultantData = 'activate'; } } fn.apply(emitter, [err, resultantData, metadata]); if (!mapper || !resultantData) return; var key = mapper(resultantData); if (!key) return; emitter.emit(key, emitter, options, metadata); }; }; module.exports.constructArgumentList = function(options, extra) { var args = []; extra = extra || {}; // Massive ugly setup. Default args var initial = extra.initial || []; var keyExtra = extra.keyExtra || ''; var allowedArguments = extra.allowedArguments || []; var noEscape = extra.noEscape !== void 0; var checkForAllowed = extra.allowedArguments !== void 0; var explicitTrue = !!extra.explicitTrue; var keepNewlines = !!extra.keepNewlines; var wrapper = extra.wrapper === void 0 ? '"' : extra.wrapper; var escapeFn = function(arg) { if (isArray(arg)) { return removeNewLines(arg.join(',')); } if (!noEscape) { arg = escapeQuotes(arg); } if (typeof arg === 'string' && !keepNewlines) { arg = removeNewLines(arg); } return wrapper + arg + wrapper; }; initial.forEach(function(val) { args.push(escapeFn(val)); }); for (var key in options) { if ( options.hasOwnProperty(key) && (!checkForAllowed || inArray(allowedArguments, key)) ) { if (explicitTrue && options[key] === true) { args.push('-' + keyExtra + key); } else if (explicitTrue && options[key] === false) continue; else args.push('-' + keyExtra + key, escapeFn(options[key])); } } return args; }; function removeNewLines(str) { var excapedNewline = process.platform === 'win32' ? '\\r\\n' : '\\n'; return str.replace(/\r?\n/g, excapedNewline); } /* ---- Options ---- [-t] | Displayed on the first line of the toast. [-m] <message string> | Displayed on the remaining lines, wrapped. [-p] <image URI> | Display toast with an image, local files only. [-w] | Wait for toast to expire or activate. [-id] <id> | sets the id for a notification to be able to close it later. [-s] <sound URI> | Sets the sound of the notifications, for possible values see [-silent] | Don't play a sound file when showing the notifications. [-appID] <App.ID> | Don't create a shortcut but use the provided app id. -close <id> | Closes a currently displayed notification, in order to be able to close a notification the parameter -w must be used to create the notification. */ var allowedToasterFlags = [ 't', 'm', 'p', 'w', 'id', 's', 'silent', 'appID', 'close', 'install' ]; var toasterSoundPrefix = 'Notification.'; var toasterDefaultSound = 'Notification.Default'; module.exports.mapToWin8 = function(options) { options = mapAppIcon(options); options = mapText(options); if (options.icon) { if (/^file:\/+/.test(options.icon)) { // should parse file protocol URL to path options.p = url .parse(options.icon) .pathname.replace(/^\/(\w:\/)/, '$1') .replace(/\//g, '\\'); } else { options.p = options.icon; } delete options.icon; } if (options.message) { // Remove escape char to debug "HRESULT : 0xC00CE508" exception options.m = options.message.replace(/\x1b/g, ''); delete options.message; } if (options.title) { options.t = options.title; delete options.title; } if (options.appName) { options.appID = options.appName; delete options.appName; } if (typeof options.remove !== 'undefined') { options.close = options.remove; delete options.remove; } if (options.quiet || options.silent) { options.silent = options.quiet || options.silent; delete options.quiet; } if (typeof options.sound !== 'undefined') { options.s = options.sound; delete options.sound; } if (options.s === false) { options.silent = true; delete options.s; } // Silent takes precedence. Remove sound. if (options.s && options.silent) { delete options.s; } if (options.s === true) { options.s = toasterDefaultSound; } if (options.s && options.s.indexOf(toasterSoundPrefix) !== 0) { options.s = toasterDefaultSound; } if (options.wait) { options.w = options.wait; delete options.wait; } for (var key in options) { // Check if is allowed. If not, delete! if ( options.hasOwnProperty(key) && allowedToasterFlags.indexOf(key) === -1 ) { delete options[key]; } } return options; }; module.exports.mapToNotifu = function(options) { options = mapAppIcon(options); options = mapText(options); if (options.icon) { options.i = options.icon; delete options.icon; } if (options.message) { options.m = options.message; delete options.message; } if (options.title) { options.p = options.title; delete options.title; } if (options.time) { options.d = options.time; delete options.time; } if (options.q !== false) { options.q = true; } else { delete options.q; } if (options.quiet === false) { delete options.q; delete options.quiet; } if (options.sound) { delete options.q; delete options.sound; } if (options.t) { options.d = options.t; delete options.t; } if (options.type) { options.t = sanitizeNotifuTypeArgument(options.type); delete options.type; } return options; }; module.exports.isMac = function() { return os.type() === 'Darwin'; }; module.exports.isMountainLion = function() { return ( os.type() === 'Darwin' && semver.satisfies(garanteeSemverFormat(os.release()), '>=12.0.0') ); }; module.exports.isWin8 = function() { return ( os.type() === 'Windows_NT' && semver.satisfies(garanteeSemverFormat(os.release()), '>=6.2.9200') ); }; module.exports.isLessThanWin8 = function() { return ( os.type() === 'Windows_NT' && semver.satisfies(garanteeSemverFormat(os.release()), '<6.2.9200') ); }; function garanteeSemverFormat(version) { if (version.split('.').length === 2) { version += '.0'; } return version; } function sanitizeNotifuTypeArgument(type) { if (typeof type === 'string' || type instanceof String) { if (type.toLowerCase() === 'info') return 'info'; if (type.toLowerCase() === 'warn') return 'warn'; if (type.toLowerCase() === 'error') return 'error'; } return 'info'; }