'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _expect = require('expect'); var _jestSnapshot = require('jest-snapshot'); // Get suppressed errors form jest-matchers that weren't throw during // test execution and add them to the test result, potentially failing // a passing test. /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * */const addSuppressedErrors = result => {var _getState = (0, _expect.getState)();const suppressedErrors = _getState.suppressedErrors;(0, _expect.setState)({ suppressedErrors: [] });if (suppressedErrors.length) {result.status = 'failed';result.failedExpectations = suppressedErrors.map(error => ({ actual: '', // passing error for custom test reporters error, expected: '', message: error.message, passed: false, stack: error.stack })); } }; const addAssertionErrors = result => { const assertionErrors = (0, _expect.extractExpectedAssertionsErrors)(); if (assertionErrors.length) { const jasmineErrors = assertionErrors.map((_ref) => {let actual = _ref.actual,error = _ref.error,expected = _ref.expected; return { actual, expected, message: error.stack, passed: false }; }); result.status = 'failed'; result.failedExpectations = result.failedExpectations.concat(jasmineErrors); } }; const patchJasmine = () => { global.jasmine.Spec = (realSpec => { const Spec = function Spec(attr) { const resultCallback = attr.resultCallback; attr.resultCallback = function (result) { addSuppressedErrors(result); addAssertionErrors(result); resultCallback.call(attr, result); }; const onStart = attr.onStart; attr.onStart = context => { (0, _expect.setState)({ currentTestName: context.getFullName() }); onStart && onStart.call(attr, context); }; realSpec.call(this, attr); }; Spec.prototype = realSpec.prototype; for (const statics in realSpec) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(realSpec, statics)) { Spec[statics] = realSpec[statics]; } } return Spec; })(global.jasmine.Spec); };exports.default = (_ref2) => {let config = _ref2.config,globalConfig = _ref2.globalConfig,localRequire = _ref2.localRequire,testPath = _ref2.testPath; // Jest tests snapshotSerializers in order preceding built-in serializers. // Therefore, add in reverse because the last added is the first tested. config.snapshotSerializers. concat(). reverse(). forEach(path => { (0, _jestSnapshot.addSerializer)(localRequire(path)); }); patchJasmine();const expand = globalConfig.expand,updateSnapshot = globalConfig.updateSnapshot; const snapshotState = new _jestSnapshot.SnapshotState(testPath, { expand, updateSnapshot }); (0, _expect.setState)({ snapshotState, testPath }); // Return it back to the outer scope (test runner outside the VM). return snapshotState; };