{ "_args": [ [ { "raw": "glob-base@^0.3.0", "scope": null, "escapedName": "glob-base", "name": "glob-base", "rawSpec": "^0.3.0", "spec": ">=0.3.0 <0.4.0", "type": "range" }, "/home/jdaugherty/work/GT2/GT2-Android/node_modules/parse-glob" ] ], "_from": "glob-base@>=0.3.0 <0.4.0", "_id": "glob-base@0.3.0", "_inCache": true, "_location": "/glob-base", "_nodeVersion": "0.12.7", "_npmUser": { "name": "es128", "email": "elan.shanker+npm@gmail.com" }, "_npmVersion": "2.11.3", "_phantomChildren": {}, "_requested": { "raw": "glob-base@^0.3.0", "scope": null, "escapedName": "glob-base", "name": "glob-base", "rawSpec": "^0.3.0", "spec": ">=0.3.0 <0.4.0", "type": "range" }, "_requiredBy": [ "/parse-glob" ], "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/glob-base/-/glob-base-0.3.0.tgz", "_shasum": "dbb164f6221b1c0b1ccf82aea328b497df0ea3c4", "_shrinkwrap": null, "_spec": "glob-base@^0.3.0", "_where": "/home/jdaugherty/work/GT2/GT2-Android/node_modules/parse-glob", "author": { "name": "Jon Schlinkert", "url": "https://github.com/jonschlinkert" }, "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base/issues" }, "dependencies": { "glob-parent": "^2.0.0", "is-glob": "^2.0.0" }, "description": "Returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern.", "devDependencies": { "mocha": "*", "should": "^5.1.0" }, "directories": {}, "dist": { "shasum": "dbb164f6221b1c0b1ccf82aea328b497df0ea3c4", "tarball": "https://registry.npmjs.org/glob-base/-/glob-base-0.3.0.tgz" }, "engines": { "node": ">=0.10.0" }, "files": [ "index.js" ], "gitHead": "adbc0ab07ec8a85f76ffd1b54dd41cdb9d1d0b83", "homepage": "https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base", "keywords": [ "base", "directory", "dirname", "expression", "glob", "parent", "path", "pattern", "regex", "regular", "root" ], "license": { "type": "MIT", "url": "https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base/blob/master/LICENSE" }, "main": "index.js", "maintainers": [ { "name": "doowb", "email": "brian.woodward@gmail.com" }, { "name": "es128", "email": "elan.shanker+npm@gmail.com" }, { "name": "jonschlinkert", "email": "github@sellside.com" } ], "name": "glob-base", "optionalDependencies": {}, "readme": "# glob-base [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/glob-base.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/glob-base) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jonschlinkert/glob-base.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/jonschlinkert/glob-base) \n\n> Returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern.\n\nUse [glob-parent](https://github.com/es128/glob-parent) if you just want the base path.\n\n## Install with [npm](npmjs.org)\n\n```bash\nnpm i glob-base --save\n```\n\n## Related projects\n* [glob-parent](https://github.com/es128/glob-parent): Strips glob magic from a string to provide the parent path\n* [micromatch](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/micromatch): Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A faster alternative to minimatch (10-45x faster on avg), with all the features you're used to using in your Grunt and gulp tasks.\n* [parse-glob](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob): Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens.\n* [is-glob](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-glob): Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern.\n* [braces](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/braces): Fastest brace expansion for node.js, with the most complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification.\n* [fill-range](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range): Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or multiplier to use.\n* [expand-range](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/expand-range): Fast, bash-like range expansion. Expand a range of numbers or letters, uppercase or lowercase. See the benchmarks. Used by micromatch.\n\n## Usage\n\n```js\nvar globBase = require('glob-base');\n\nglobBase('a/b/.git/');\n//=> { base: 'a/b/.git/', isGlob: false, glob: '' })\n\nglobBase('a/b/**/e');\n//=> { base: 'a/b', isGlob: true, glob: '**/e' }\n\nglobBase('a/b/*.{foo,bar}');\n//=> { base: 'a/b', isGlob: true, glob: '*.{foo,bar}' }\n\nglobBase('a/b/.git/**');\n//=> { base: 'a/b/.git', isGlob: true, glob: '**' }\n\nglobBase('a/b/c/*.md');\n//=> { base: 'a/b/c', isGlob: true, glob: '*.md' }\n\nglobBase('a/b/c/.*.md');\n//=> { base: 'a/b/c', isGlob: true, glob: '.*.md' }\n\nglobBase('a/b/{c,d}');\n//=> { base: 'a/b', isGlob: true, glob: '{c,d}' }\n\nglobBase('!*.min.js');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '!*.min.js' }\n\nglobBase('!foo');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '!foo' }\n\nglobBase('!foo/(a|b).min.js');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '!foo/(a|b).min.js' }\n\nglobBase('');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: false, glob: '' }\n\nglobBase('**/*.md');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '**/*.md' }\n\nglobBase('**/*.min.js');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '**/*.min.js' }\n\nglobBase('**/.*');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '**/.*' }\n\nglobBase('**/d');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '**/d' }\n\nglobBase('*.*');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '*.*' }\n\nglobBase('*.min.js');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '*.min.js' }\n\nglobBase('*/*');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '*/*' }\n\nglobBase('*b');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '*b' }\n\nglobBase('.');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: false, glob: '.' }\n\nglobBase('.*');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '.*' }\n\nglobBase('./*');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '*' }\n\nglobBase('/a');\n//=> { base: '/', isGlob: false, glob: 'a' }\n\nglobBase('@(a|b)/e.f.g/');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '@(a|b)/e.f.g/' }\n\nglobBase('[a-c]b*');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: '[a-c]b*' }\n\nglobBase('a');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: false, glob: 'a' }\n\nglobBase('a.min.js');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: false, glob: 'a.min.js' }\n\nglobBase('a/');\n//=> { base: 'a/', isGlob: false, glob: '' }\n\nglobBase('a/**/j/**/z/*.md');\n//=> { base: 'a', isGlob: true, glob: '**/j/**/z/*.md' }\n\nglobBase('a/*/c/*.md');\n//=> { base: 'a', isGlob: true, glob: '*/c/*.md' }\n\nglobBase('a/?/c.md');\n//=> { base: 'a', isGlob: true, glob: '?/c.md' }\n\nglobBase('a/??/c.js');\n//=> { base: 'a', isGlob: true, glob: '??/c.js' }\n\nglobBase('a?b');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: true, glob: 'a?b' }\n\nglobBase('bb');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: false, glob: 'bb' }\n\nglobBase('c.md');\n//=> { base: '.', isGlob: false, glob: 'c.md' }\n```\n\n## Running tests\nInstall dev dependencies.\n\n```bash\nnpm i -d && npm test\n```\n\n\n## Contributing\nPull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base/issues)\n\n\n## Author\n\n**Jon Schlinkert**\n \n+ [github/jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)\n+ [twitter/jonschlinkert](http://twitter.com/jonschlinkert) \n\n## License\nCopyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert \nReleased under the MIT license\n\n***\n\n_This file was generated by [verb-cli](https://github.com/assemble/verb-cli) on March 08, 2015._\n", "readmeFilename": "README.md", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base.git" }, "scripts": { "test": "mocha" }, "version": "0.3.0" }