/** * @flow */ import _ from 'lodash'; import Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import freeportAsync from 'freeport-async'; import http from 'http'; import qs from 'querystring'; import opn from 'opn'; import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import type Auth0JS from 'auth0-js'; import type Auth0Node from 'auth0'; import ApiV2Client, { ApiV2Error } from './ApiV2'; import * as Analytics from './Analytics'; import Config from './Config'; import ErrorCode from './ErrorCode'; import XDLError from './XDLError'; import Logger from './Logger'; import * as Intercom from './Intercom'; import UserSettings from './UserSettings'; import { Semaphore } from './Utils'; export type User = { kind: 'user', // required name: string, username: string, nickname: string, userId: string, picture: string, // optional email?: string, emailVerified?: boolean, givenName?: string, familyName?: string, loginsCount?: number, intercomUserHash: string, userMetadata: { onboarded: boolean, legacy?: boolean, }, identities: Array<{ connection: ConnectionType, isSocial: boolean, provider: string, userId: string, }>, accessToken: string, idToken: string, refreshToken: string, currentConnection: ConnectionType, }; export type LegacyUser = { kind: 'legacyUser', username: string, userMetadata: { legacy: boolean, needsPasswordMigration: boolean, }, }; export type UserOrLegacyUser = User | LegacyUser; type ConnectionType = 'Username-Password-Authentication' | 'facebook' | 'google-oauth2' | 'github'; type LoginOptions = { connection: ConnectionType, device: string, responseType: string, responseMode: string, }; export type RegistrationData = { username: string, password: string, email?: string, givenName?: string, familyName?: string, }; type Auth0Options = { clientID: string, callbackURL?: string, }; export type LoginType = 'user-pass' | 'facebook' | 'google' | 'github'; const AUTH0_DOMAIN = 'exponent.auth0.com'; const AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 5; // 5 minutes export class UserManagerInstance { clientID = 'o0YygTgKhOTdoWj10Yl9nY2P0SMTw38Y'; // Default Client ID loginServer = null; refreshSessionThreshold = 60 * 60; // 1 hour _currentUser: ?User = null; _getSessionLock = new Semaphore(); static getGlobalInstance() { if (!__globalInstance) { __globalInstance = new UserManagerInstance(); } return __globalInstance; } initialize(clientID: ?string) { if (clientID) { this.clientID = clientID; } this.loginServer = null; this._currentUser = null; this._getSessionLock = new Semaphore(); } /** * Logs in a user for a given login type. * * Valid login types are: * - "user-pass": Username and password authentication * - "facebook": Facebook authentication * - "google": Google authentication * - "github": Github authentication * * If the login type is "user-pass", we directly make the request to Auth0 * to login a user. * * If the login type is any of the social providers, we start a web server * that can act as the receiver of the OAuth callback from the authentication * process. The response we receive on that web server will be token data. */ async loginAsync( loginType: LoginType, loginArgs?: { username: string, password: string } ): Promise { let loginOptions; if (loginType === 'user-pass') { if (!loginArgs) { throw new Error(`The 'user-pass' login type requires a username and password.`); } loginOptions = { connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication', responseType: 'token', sso: false, username: loginArgs.username, password: loginArgs.password, }; } else if (loginType === 'facebook') { loginOptions = { connection: 'facebook', }; } else if (loginType === 'google') { loginOptions = { connection: 'google-oauth2', }; } else if (loginType === 'github') { loginOptions = { connection: 'github', }; } else { throw new Error( `Invalid login type provided. Must be one of 'user-pass', 'facebook', 'google', or 'github'.` ); } loginOptions = { ...loginOptions, scope: 'openid offline_access username nickname', // audience: 'https://exp.host', responseMode: 'form_post', responseType: 'token', device: 'xdl', }; let auth0Options = { clientID: this.clientID, }; if (loginType === 'user-pass') { try { const loginResp = await this._auth0LoginAsync(auth0Options, loginOptions); return await this._getProfileAsync({ currentConnection: loginOptions.connection, accessToken: loginResp.access_token, refreshToken: loginResp.refresh_token, idToken: loginResp.id_token, refreshTokenClientId: this.clientID, }); } catch (err) { throw err; } } // Doing a social login, so start a server const { server, callbackURL, getTokenInfoAsync } = await _startLoginServerAsync(); // Kill server after 5 minutes if it hasn't already been closed const destroyServerTimer = setTimeout(() => { if (server.listening) { server.destroy(); } }, AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_TIMEOUT); auth0Options = { clientID: this.clientID, callbackURL, }; // Don't await -- we'll get response back through server // This will open a browser window this._auth0LoginAsync(auth0Options, loginOptions); // Wait for token info to come back from server const tokenInfo = await getTokenInfoAsync(); server.destroy(); clearTimeout(destroyServerTimer); const profile = await this._getProfileAsync({ currentConnection: loginOptions.connection, accessToken: tokenInfo.access_token, refreshToken: tokenInfo.refresh_token, idToken: tokenInfo.id_token, refreshTokenClientId: this.clientID, }); return profile; } async registerAsync(userData: RegistrationData, user: ?UserOrLegacyUser): Promise { if (!user) { user = await this.getCurrentUserAsync(); } if (user && user.kind === 'user' && user.userMetadata && user.userMetadata.onboarded) { await this.logoutAsync(); user = null; } let shouldUpdateUsernamePassword = true; if (user && user.kind === 'legacyUser') { // we're upgrading from an older client, // so login with username/pass if (userData.username && userData.password) { user = await this.loginAsync('user-pass', { username: userData.username, password: userData.password, }); } shouldUpdateUsernamePassword = false; } const currentUser: ?User = (user: any); const shouldLinkAccount = currentUser && currentUser.currentConnection !== 'Username-Password-Authentication'; try { // Create or update the profile let registeredUser = await this.createOrUpdateUserAsync({ connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication', // Always create/update username password email: userData.email, userMetadata: { onboarded: true, givenName: userData.givenName, familyName: userData.familyName, }, ...(shouldUpdateUsernamePassword ? { username: userData.username } : {}), ...(shouldLinkAccount ? { emailVerified: true } : {}), ...(shouldUpdateUsernamePassword ? { password: userData.password } : {}), ...(currentUser && shouldLinkAccount ? { forceCreate: true, linkedAccountId: currentUser.userId, linkedAccountConnection: currentUser.currentConnection, } : {}), }); // if it's a new registration, or if they signed up with a social account, // we need to re-log them in with their username/pass. Otherwise, they're // already logged in. if ( shouldLinkAccount || (registeredUser && (!registeredUser.loginsCount || (registeredUser.loginsCount && registeredUser.loginsCount < 1))) ) { // this is a new registration, log them in registeredUser = await this.loginAsync('user-pass', { username: userData.username, password: userData.password, }); } return registeredUser; } catch (e) { throw new XDLError(ErrorCode.REGISTRATION_ERROR, 'Error registering user: ' + e.message); } } /** * Ensure user is logged in and has a valid token. * * If there are any issues with the login, this method throws. */ async ensureLoggedInAsync( options: { noTrackError: boolean } = { noTrackError: false } ): Promise { if (Config.offline) { return null; } const user = await this.getCurrentUserAsync(); if (!user) { if (await this.getLegacyUserData()) { throw new XDLError( ErrorCode.LEGACY_ACCOUNT_ERROR, `We've updated our account system! Please login again by running \`exp login\`. Sorry for the inconvenience!`, { noTrack: options.noTrackError } ); } throw new XDLError(ErrorCode.NOT_LOGGED_IN, 'Not logged in', { noTrack: options.noTrackError, }); } return user; } /** * Get the current user based on the available token. * If there is no current token, returns null. */ async getCurrentUserAsync(): Promise { await this._getSessionLock.acquire(); try { // If user is cached and token isn't expired // return the user if (this._currentUser && !this._isTokenExpired(this._currentUser.idToken)) { return this._currentUser; } if (Config.offline) { return null; } // Not cached, check for token let { currentConnection, idToken, accessToken, refreshToken } = await UserSettings.getAsync( 'auth', {} ); // No tokens, no current user. Need to login if (!currentConnection || !idToken || !accessToken || !refreshToken) { return null; } try { return await this._getProfileAsync({ currentConnection, accessToken, idToken, refreshToken, }); } catch (e) { Logger.global.error(e); // This logs us out if theres a fatal error when getting the profile with // current access token // However, this also logs us out if there is a network error await this.logoutAsync(); return null; } } finally { this._getSessionLock.release(); } } /** * Get legacy user data from UserSettings. */ async getLegacyUserData(): Promise { const legacyUsername = await UserSettings.getAsync('username', null); if (legacyUsername) { return { kind: 'legacyUser', username: legacyUsername, userMetadata: { legacy: true, needsPasswordMigration: true, }, }; } return null; } /** * Create or update a user. */ async createOrUpdateUserAsync(userData: Object): Promise { let currentUser = this._currentUser; if (!currentUser) { // attempt to get the current user currentUser = await this.getCurrentUserAsync(); } try { const api = ApiV2Client.clientForUser(this._currentUser); const { user: updatedUser } = await api.postAsync('auth/createOrUpdateUser', { userData: _prepareAuth0Profile(userData), }); this._currentUser = { ...(this._currentUser || {}), ..._parseAuth0Profile(updatedUser), }; return { kind: 'user', ...this._currentUser, }; } catch (e) { const err: ApiV2Error = (e: any); if (err.code === 'AUTHENTICATION_ERROR') { throw new Error(err.details.message); } throw e; } } /** * Logout */ async logoutAsync(): Promise { if (this._currentUser) { Analytics.logEvent('Logout', { username: this._currentUser.username, }); } this._currentUser = null; // Delete saved JWT await UserSettings.deleteKeyAsync('auth'); // Delete legacy auth await UserSettings.deleteKeyAsync('username'); // Logout of Intercom Intercom.update(null); } /** * Forgot Password */ async forgotPasswordAsync(usernameOrEmail: string): Promise { return await this._auth0ForgotPasswordAsync(usernameOrEmail); } /** * Get profile given token data. Errors if token is not valid or if no * user profile is returned. * * This method is called by all public authentication methods of `UserManager` * except `logoutAsync`. Therefore, we use this method as a way to: * - update the UserSettings store with the current token and user id * - update UserManager._currentUser * - Fire login analytics events * - Update the currently assigned Intercom user * * Also updates UserManager._currentUser. * * @private */ async _getProfileAsync({ currentConnection, accessToken, idToken, refreshToken, refreshTokenClientId, }: { currentConnection: ConnectionType, accessToken: string, idToken: string, refreshToken: string, refreshTokenClientId?: string, }): Promise { // Attempt to grab profile from Auth0. // If token is expired / getting the profile fails, use refresh token to let user; try { const dtoken = jwt.decode(idToken, { complete: true }); const { aud } = dtoken.payload; // If it's not a new login, refreshTokenClientId won't be set in the arguments. // In this case, try to get the currentRefreshTokenClientId from UserSettings, // otherwise, default back to the audience of the current id_token if (!refreshTokenClientId) { const { refreshTokenClientId: currentRefreshTokenClientId } = await UserSettings.getAsync( 'auth', {} ); if (!currentRefreshTokenClientId) { refreshTokenClientId = aud; // set it to the "aud" property of the existing token } else { refreshTokenClientId = currentRefreshTokenClientId; } } // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('REFRESH_TOKEN_CLIENT_ID', refreshTokenClientId); } // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('DECODED TOKEN', dtoken); } if (this._isTokenExpired(idToken)) { // if there's less than the refresh session threshold left on the token, refresh it // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('REFRESHING ID TOKEN'); } // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('REFRESH TOKEN', refreshToken); } const delegationResult = await this._auth0RefreshToken( refreshTokenClientId, // client id that's associated with the refresh token refreshToken // refresh token to use ); // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('SUCCESSFULLY GOT NEW ID TOKEN'); } idToken = delegationResult.id_token; // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('NEW ID TOKEN', idToken); } } // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('ID TOKEN FOR PROFILE', idToken); } user = await this._auth0GetProfileAsync(idToken); // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('USER DATA', user); } if (!user) { throw new Error('No user profile associated with this token'); } } catch (e) { throw e; } if (!user) { throw new Error('Unable to fetch user.'); } user = { ..._parseAuth0Profile(user), kind: 'user', currentConnection, accessToken, idToken, refreshToken, }; await UserSettings.mergeAsync({ auth: { userId: user.userId, username: user.username, currentConnection, accessToken, idToken, refreshToken, ...(refreshTokenClientId ? { refreshTokenClientId } : {}), }, }); await UserSettings.deleteKeyAsync('username'); // If no currentUser, or currentUser.id differs from profiles // user id, that means we have a new login if ( (!this._currentUser || this._currentUser.userId !== user.userId) && user.username && user.username !== '' ) { Analytics.logEvent('Login', { userId: user.userId, currentConnection: user.currentConnection, username: user.username, }); Analytics.setUserProperties(user.username, { userId: user.userId, currentConnection: user.currentConnection, username: user.username, }); if (user.intercomUserHash) { Intercom.update(user); } } else { Intercom.update(null); } this._currentUser = user; return user; } _isTokenExpired(idToken: string): boolean { const dtoken = jwt.decode(idToken, { complete: true }); const { exp } = dtoken.payload; // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('TOKEN EXPIRATION', exp); } // TODO(@skevy): remove if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Logger.global.debug('TOKEN TIME LEFT', exp - Date.now() / 1000); } return exp - Date.now() / 1000 <= this.refreshSessionThreshold; } async _auth0LoginAsync(auth0Options: Auth0Options, loginOptions: LoginOptions): Promise<*> { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) { const Auth0JS = _auth0JSInstanceWithOptions(auth0Options); const resp = await Auth0JS.loginAsync(loginOptions); return { access_token: resp.accessToken, id_token: resp.idToken, refresh_token: resp.refreshToken, }; } const Auth0Node = _nodeAuth0InstanceWithOptions(auth0Options); if (loginOptions.connection === 'Username-Password-Authentication') { try { return await Auth0Node.oauth.signIn(loginOptions); } catch (e) { throw _formatAuth0NodeError(e); } } else { // social opn(_buildAuth0SocialLoginUrl(auth0Options, loginOptions), { wait: false, }); return {}; } } async _auth0GetProfileAsync(idToken: string): Promise<*> { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) { const Auth0JS = _auth0JSInstanceWithOptions({ clientID: this.clientID }); return await Auth0JS.getProfileAsync(idToken); } const Auth0Node = _nodeAuth0InstanceWithOptions({ clientID: this.clientID, }); const profile = await Auth0Node.tokens.getInfo(idToken); return profile; } async _auth0RefreshToken(clientId: string, refreshToken: string): Promise<*> { const delegationTokenOptions = { refresh_token: refreshToken, api_type: 'app', scope: 'openid offline_access nickname username', target: this.clientID, client_id: clientId, }; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) { const Auth0JS = _auth0JSInstanceWithOptions({ clientID: clientId, }); return await Auth0JS.getDelegationTokenAsync({ ...delegationTokenOptions, }); } const Auth0Node = _nodeAuth0InstanceWithOptions({ clientID: this.clientID, }); const delegationResult = await Auth0Node.tokens.getDelegationToken({ grant_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer', ...delegationTokenOptions, }); return delegationResult; } async _auth0ForgotPasswordAsync(usernameOrEmail: string): Promise { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) { const Auth0JS = _auth0JSInstanceWithOptions({ clientID: this.clientID }); return await Auth0JS.changePasswordAsync({ connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication', email: usernameOrEmail, }); } const Auth0Node = _nodeAuth0InstanceWithOptions({ clientID: this.clientID, }); return await Auth0Node.database.changePassword({ connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication', email: usernameOrEmail, }); } } let __globalInstance; export default UserManagerInstance.getGlobalInstance(); /** Private Methods **/ type APIError = Error & { name: string, statusCode: string, }; type ErrorWithDescription = Error & { description?: string, }; function _formatAuth0NodeError(e: APIError) { // TODO: Fix the Auth0 js library to throw better error messages when the network fails. // Auth0 returns an error object whenver Auth0 fails to make an API request. // These error messages are usually well-formed when you have an invalid login or too many attempts, // but when the network is down it does not give any meaningful messages. // Network failures log the user out in _getCurrentUserAsync() when it uses Auth0. const errData = e.message; switch (errData.error) { case 'invalid_user_password': return new XDLError(ErrorCode.INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD, 'Invalid username or password'); case 'too_many_attempts': return new XDLError(ErrorCode.TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS, errData.error_description); default: return new Error(errData.error_description); } return e; } function _buildAuth0SocialLoginUrl(auth0Options: Auth0Options, loginOptions: LoginOptions) { const qsData = { scope: 'openid offline_access username nickname', response_type: loginOptions.responseType, response_mode: loginOptions.responseMode, connection: loginOptions.connection, device: 'xdl', client_id: auth0Options.clientID, redirect_uri: auth0Options.callbackURL, }; const queryString = qs.stringify(qsData); return `https://${AUTH0_DOMAIN}/authorize?${queryString}`; } function _auth0JSInstanceWithOptions(options: Object = {}): any { const Auth0 = require('auth0-js'); let auth0Options = { domain: AUTH0_DOMAIN, responseType: 'token', ...options, }; const Auth0Instance = Bluebird.promisifyAll(new Auth0(auth0Options)); return Auth0Instance; } function _nodeAuth0InstanceWithOptions(options: Object = {}): any { let auth0Options = { domain: AUTH0_DOMAIN, clientId: options.clientID || options.clientId, ...options, }; let Auth0Instance; if (auth0Options.management === true) { auth0Options = _.omit(auth0Options, 'management'); const ManagementClient = require('auth0').ManagementClient; Auth0Instance = new ManagementClient(auth0Options); } else { const AuthenticationClient = require('auth0').AuthenticationClient; Auth0Instance = new AuthenticationClient(auth0Options); } return Auth0Instance; } function _parseAuth0Profile(rawProfile: any): User { if (!rawProfile || typeof rawProfile !== 'object') { return rawProfile; } return ((Object.keys(rawProfile).reduce((p, key) => { p[_.camelCase(key)] = _parseAuth0Profile(rawProfile[key]); return p; }, {}): any): User); } function _prepareAuth0Profile(niceProfile: any): Object { if (typeof niceProfile !== 'object') { return niceProfile; } return ((Object.keys(niceProfile).reduce((p, key) => { p[_.snakeCase(key)] = _prepareAuth0Profile(niceProfile[key]); return p; }, {}): any): User); } type TokenInfo = { access_token: string, id_token: string, refresh_token: string, }; class Deferred { promise: Promise; resolve: (...args: Array<*>) => void; reject: (...args: Array<*>) => void; constructor() { this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.reject = reject; this.resolve = resolve; }); } } type ServerWithDestroy = { destroy: Function, listening: boolean, on: Function, close: Function, listen: Function, }; async function _startLoginServerAsync(): Promise<{ server: ServerWithDestroy, callbackURL: string, getTokenInfoAsync: () => Promise, }> { let dfd = new Deferred(); const server: ServerWithDestroy = ((http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.method === 'POST' && req.url === '/callback') { let body = ''; req.on('data', function(data) { body += data; }); req.on('end', function() { dfd.resolve(qs.parse(body)); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.end( ` Authenticated successfully! You can close this window. ` ); }); } else { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }); res.end( ` ` ); } }): any): ServerWithDestroy); server.on('clientError', (err, socket) => { //eslint-disable-line socket.end('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n'); }); let connections = {}; server.on('connection', function(conn) { let key = conn.remoteAddress + ':' + conn.remotePort; connections[key] = conn; conn.on('close', function() { delete connections[key]; }); }); server.destroy = function(cb) { server.close(cb); for (let key in connections) { connections[key].destroy(); } }; const port = await freeportAsync(11000); try { server.listen(port, ''); return { server, callbackURL: `${port}/callback`, getTokenInfoAsync: (): Promise => dfd.promise, }; } catch (err) { throw err; } }