import * as React from 'react'; import { SafeAreaProvider, SafeAreaConsumer, initialWindowSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { getStatusBarHeight, getBottomSpace } from 'react-native-iphone-x-helper'; // The provider component for safe area initializes asynchornously // Until the insets are available, there'll be blank screen // To avoid the blank screen, we specify some initial values export const initialSafeAreaInsets = { // Approximate values which are good enough for most cases top: getStatusBarHeight(true), bottom: getBottomSpace(), right: 0, left: 0, // If we are on a newer version of the library, we can get the correct window insets // The component might not be filling the window, but this is good enough for most cases ...initialWindowSafeAreaInsets }; export default function SafeAreaProviderCompat({ children }) { return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SafeAreaConsumer, null, insets => { if (insets) { // If we already have insets, don't wrap the stack in another safe area provider // This avoids an issue with updates at the cost of potentially incorrect values // return children; } return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SafeAreaProvider, { initialSafeAreaInsets: initialSafeAreaInsets }, children); }); } //#