"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = void 0; var _AccessibilityUtil = _interopRequireDefault(require("../AccessibilityUtil")); var _css = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../exports/StyleSheet/css")); var _StyleSheet = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../exports/StyleSheet")); var _styleResolver = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../exports/StyleSheet/styleResolver")); var _constants = require("../../exports/StyleSheet/constants"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } var emptyObject = {}; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // Reset styles for heading, link, and list DOM elements var classes = _css.default.create({ reset: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', color: 'inherit', font: 'inherit', listStyle: 'none', margin: 0, textAlign: 'inherit', textDecoration: 'none' }, cursor: { cursor: 'pointer' } }, _constants.STYLE_GROUPS.classicReset); var pointerEventsStyles = _StyleSheet.default.create({ auto: { pointerEvents: 'auto' }, 'box-none': { pointerEvents: 'box-none' }, 'box-only': { pointerEvents: 'box-only' }, none: { pointerEvents: 'none' } }); var createDOMProps = function createDOMProps(component, props) { if (!props) { props = emptyObject; } var _props = props, accessibilityLabel = _props.accessibilityLabel, accessibilityLiveRegion = _props.accessibilityLiveRegion, accessibilityState = _props.accessibilityState, accessibilityValue = _props.accessibilityValue, accessible = _props.accessible, classList = _props.classList, dataSet = _props.dataSet, providedDisabled = _props.disabled, importantForAccessibility = _props.importantForAccessibility, nativeID = _props.nativeID, pointerEvents = _props.pointerEvents, providedStyle = _props.style, testID = _props.testID, accessibilityRole = _props.accessibilityRole, domProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_props, ["accessibilityLabel", "accessibilityLiveRegion", "accessibilityState", "accessibilityValue", "accessible", "classList", "dataSet", "disabled", "importantForAccessibility", "nativeID", "pointerEvents", "style", "testID", "accessibilityRole"]); var disabled = accessibilityState != null && accessibilityState.disabled === true || providedDisabled; var role = _AccessibilityUtil.default.propsToAriaRole(props); var isNativeInteractiveElement = role === 'link' || component === 'a' || component === 'button' || component === 'input' || component === 'select' || component === 'textarea' || domProps.contentEditable != null; // dataSet if (dataSet != null) { for (var prop in dataSet) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(dataSet, prop)) { var value = dataSet[prop]; if (value != null) { domProps["data-" + prop] = value; } } } } // accessibilityLabel if (accessibilityLabel != null) { domProps['aria-label'] = accessibilityLabel; } // accessibilityLiveRegion if (accessibilityLiveRegion != null) { domProps['aria-live'] = accessibilityLiveRegion === 'none' ? 'off' : accessibilityLiveRegion; } // accessibilityRole if (role != null) { domProps.role = role; } // accessibilityState if (accessibilityState != null) { for (var _prop in accessibilityState) { var _value = accessibilityState[_prop]; if (_value != null) { if (_prop === 'disabled' || _prop === 'hidden') { if (_value === true) { domProps["aria-" + _prop] = _value; // also set prop directly to pick up host component behaviour domProps[_prop] = _value; } } else { domProps["aria-" + _prop] = _value; } } } } // accessibilityValue if (accessibilityValue != null) { for (var _prop2 in accessibilityValue) { var _value2 = accessibilityValue[_prop2]; if (_value2 != null) { domProps["aria-value" + _prop2] = _value2; } } } // legacy fallbacks if (importantForAccessibility === 'no-hide-descendants') { domProps['aria-hidden'] = true; } if (disabled === true) { domProps['aria-disabled'] = true; domProps.disabled = true; } // FOCUS // Assume that 'link' is focusable by default (uses ). // Assume that 'button' is not (uses
) but must be treated as such. var focusable = !disabled && importantForAccessibility !== 'no' && importantForAccessibility !== 'no-hide-descendants'; if (isNativeInteractiveElement) { if (accessible === false || !focusable) { domProps.tabIndex = '-1'; } else { domProps['data-focusable'] = true; } } else if (role === 'button' || role === 'menuitem' || role === 'textbox') { if (accessible !== false && focusable) { domProps['data-focusable'] = true; domProps.tabIndex = '0'; } } else { if (accessible === true && focusable) { domProps['data-focusable'] = true; domProps.tabIndex = '0'; } } // STYLE var reactNativeStyle = _StyleSheet.default.compose(pointerEvents && pointerEventsStyles[pointerEvents], providedStyle); // Additional style resets for interactive elements var needsCursor = (role === 'button' || role === 'link') && !disabled; var needsReset = component === 'a' || component === 'button' || component === 'li' || component === 'ul' || role === 'heading'; // Classic CSS styles var finalClassList = [needsReset && classes.reset, needsCursor && classes.cursor, classList]; // Resolve styles var _styleResolver$resolv = _styleResolver.default.resolve(reactNativeStyle, finalClassList), className = _styleResolver$resolv.className, style = _styleResolver$resolv.style; if (className != null && className !== '') { domProps.className = className; } if (style) { domProps.style = style; } // OTHER // Native element ID if (nativeID != null) { domProps.id = nativeID; } // Link security // https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/ // Note: using "noreferrer" doesn't impact referrer tracking for https // transfers (i.e., from https to https). if (component === 'a' && domProps.target === '_blank') { domProps.rel = (domProps.rel || '') + " noopener noreferrer"; } // Automated test IDs if (testID != null) { domProps['data-testid'] = testID; } // Keyboard accessibility // Button-like roles should trigger 'onClick' if SPACE key is pressed. // Button-like roles should not trigger 'onClick' if they are disabled. if (domProps['data-focusable']) { var onClick = domProps.onClick; if (onClick != null) { if (disabled) { // Prevent click propagating if the element is disabled. See #1757 domProps.onClick = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }; } else if (!isNativeInteractiveElement) { // For native elements that are focusable but don't dispatch 'click' events // for keyboards. var onKeyDown = domProps.onKeyDown; domProps.onKeyDown = function (e) { var key = e.key, repeat = e.repeat; var isSpacebarKey = key === ' ' || key === 'Spacebar'; var isButtonRole = role === 'button' || role === 'menuitem'; if (onKeyDown != null) { onKeyDown(e); } if (!repeat && key === 'Enter') { onClick(e); } else if (isSpacebarKey && isButtonRole) { if (!repeat) { onClick(e); } // Prevent spacebar scrolling the window e.preventDefault(); } }; } } } return domProps; }; var _default = createDOMProps; exports.default = _default; module.exports = exports.default;