"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = exports.ImageUriCache = void 0; /** * Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * */ var dataUriPattern = /^data:/; var ImageUriCache = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { function ImageUriCache() {} ImageUriCache.has = function has(uri) { var entries = ImageUriCache._entries; var isDataUri = dataUriPattern.test(uri); return isDataUri || Boolean(entries[uri]); }; ImageUriCache.add = function add(uri) { var entries = ImageUriCache._entries; var lastUsedTimestamp = Date.now(); if (entries[uri]) { entries[uri].lastUsedTimestamp = lastUsedTimestamp; entries[uri].refCount += 1; } else { entries[uri] = { lastUsedTimestamp: lastUsedTimestamp, refCount: 1 }; } }; ImageUriCache.remove = function remove(uri) { var entries = ImageUriCache._entries; if (entries[uri]) { entries[uri].refCount -= 1; } // Free up entries when the cache is "full" ImageUriCache._cleanUpIfNeeded(); }; ImageUriCache._cleanUpIfNeeded = function _cleanUpIfNeeded() { var entries = ImageUriCache._entries; var imageUris = Object.keys(entries); if (imageUris.length + 1 > ImageUriCache._maximumEntries) { var leastRecentlyUsedKey; var leastRecentlyUsedEntry; imageUris.forEach(function (uri) { var entry = entries[uri]; if ((!leastRecentlyUsedEntry || entry.lastUsedTimestamp < leastRecentlyUsedEntry.lastUsedTimestamp) && entry.refCount === 0) { leastRecentlyUsedKey = uri; leastRecentlyUsedEntry = entry; } }); if (leastRecentlyUsedKey) { delete entries[leastRecentlyUsedKey]; } } }; return ImageUriCache; }(); exports.ImageUriCache = ImageUriCache; ImageUriCache._maximumEntries = 256; ImageUriCache._entries = {}; var id = 0; var requests = {}; var ImageLoader = { abort: function abort(requestId) { var image = requests["" + requestId]; if (image) { image.onerror = null; image.onload = null; image = null; delete requests["" + requestId]; } }, getSize: function getSize(uri, success, failure) { var complete = false; var interval = setInterval(callback, 16); var requestId = ImageLoader.load(uri, callback, errorCallback); function callback() { var image = requests["" + requestId]; if (image) { var naturalHeight = image.naturalHeight, naturalWidth = image.naturalWidth; if (naturalHeight && naturalWidth) { success(naturalWidth, naturalHeight); complete = true; } } if (complete) { ImageLoader.abort(requestId); clearInterval(interval); } } function errorCallback() { if (typeof failure === 'function') { failure(); } ImageLoader.abort(requestId); clearInterval(interval); } }, has: function has(uri) { return ImageUriCache.has(uri); }, load: function load(uri, onLoad, onError) { id += 1; var image = new window.Image(); image.onerror = onError; image.onload = function (e) { // avoid blocking the main thread var onDecode = function onDecode() { return onLoad({ nativeEvent: e }); }; if (typeof image.decode === 'function') { // Safari currently throws exceptions when decoding svgs. // We want to catch that error and allow the load handler // to be forwarded to the onLoad handler in this case image.decode().then(onDecode, onDecode); } else { setTimeout(onDecode, 0); } }; image.src = uri; requests["" + id] = image; return id; }, prefetch: function prefetch(uri) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { ImageLoader.load(uri, function () { // Add the uri to the cache so it can be immediately displayed when used // but also immediately remove it to correctly reflect that it has no active references ImageUriCache.add(uri); ImageUriCache.remove(uri); resolve(); }, reject); }); }, queryCache: function queryCache(uris) { var result = {}; uris.forEach(function (u) { if (ImageUriCache.has(u)) { result[u] = 'disk/memory'; } }); return Promise.resolve(result); } }; var _default = ImageLoader; exports.default = _default;