'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.installErrorOnPrivate = installErrorOnPrivate; var _jestUtil = require('jest-util'); /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ // prettier-ignore const disabledGlobals = { fail: 'Illegal usage of global `fail`, prefer throwing an error, or the `done.fail` callback.', pending: 'Illegal usage of global `pending`, prefer explicitly skipping a test using `test.skip`', spyOn: 'Illegal usage of global `spyOn`, prefer `jest.spyOn`.', spyOnProperty: 'Illegal usage of global `spyOnProperty`, prefer `jest.spyOn`.' }; // prettier-ignore const disabledJasmineMethods = { addMatchers: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.addMatchers`, prefer `expect.extends`.', any: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.any`, prefer `expect.any`.', anything: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.anything`, prefer `expect.anything`.', arrayContaining: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.arrayContaining`, prefer `expect.arrayContaining`.', createSpy: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.createSpy`, prefer `jest.fn`.', objectContaining: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.objectContaining`, prefer `expect.objectContaining`.', stringMatching: 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.stringMatching`, prefer `expect.stringMatching`.' }; function installErrorOnPrivate(global) { const jasmine = global.jasmine; Object.keys(disabledGlobals).forEach(functionName => { global[functionName] = () => { throwAtFunction(disabledGlobals[functionName], global[functionName]); }; }); Object.keys(disabledJasmineMethods).forEach(methodName => { // @ts-ignore jasmine[methodName] = () => { throwAtFunction(disabledJasmineMethods[methodName], jasmine[methodName]); }; }); function set() { throwAtFunction( 'Illegal usage of `jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL`, prefer `jest.setTimeout`.', set ); } const original = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; Object.defineProperty(jasmine, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => original, set }); } function throwAtFunction(message, fn) { throw new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack(message, fn); }