# compare-versions
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Compare [semver](https://semver.org/) version strings to find greater, equal or lesser. Runs in the browser as well as Node.js/React Native etc. Has no dependencies and is tiny (~630 bytes gzipped).
This library supports the full semver specification, including comparing versions with different number of digits like `1.0.0`, `1.0`, `1`, and pre-release versions like `1.0.0-alpha`. Additionally supports the following variations:
- Supports wildcards for minor and patch version like `1.0.x` or `1.0.*`.
- Supports [Chromium version numbers](https://www.chromium.org/developers/version-numbers) with 4 parts, e.g. version `25.0.1364.126`.
- Any leading `v` is ignored, e.g. `v1.0` is interpreted as `1.0`.
- Leading zero is ignored, e.g. `1.01.1` is interpreted as `1.1.1`.
## Install
$ npm install compare-versions
## Usage
### Import
// ES6/TypeScript
import compareVersions from 'compare-versions';
// Node
var compareVersions = require('compare-versions');
### Compare
compareVersions('10.1.8', '10.0.4'); // 1
compareVersions('10.0.1', '10.0.1'); // 0
compareVersions('10.1.1', '10.2.2'); // -1
Can also be used for sorting:
var versions = [
var sorted = versions.sort(compareVersions);
var sortDescending = versions.sort(compareVersions).reverse();
### "Human Readable" Compare
The normal compare function doesn't return a self-explanatory value (using `1`, `0` and `-1`).
This version returns the boolean which fulfills the specified operator.
compareVersions.compare('10.1.8', '10.0.4', '>'); // return true
compareVersions.compare('10.0.1', '10.0.1', '='); // return true
compareVersions.compare('10.1.1', '10.2.2', '<'); // return true
compareVersions.compare('10.1.1', '10.2.2', '<='); // return true
compareVersions.compare('10.1.1', '10.2.2', '>='); // return false
### Validate version numbers
Applies the same ruleset as used before comparing version numbers and returns a boolean:
compareVersions.validate('1.0.0-rc.1'); // return true
compareVersions.validate('1.0-rc.1'); // return false
compareVersions.validate('foo'); // return false
### Browser
If included directly in the browser, `compareVersions()` is available on the global window: