
406 lines
7.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* References:
* -
* -
* Module dependencies.
var emitNewlineEvents = require('./newlines')
, prefix = '\x1b[' // For all escape codes
, suffix = 'm' // Only for color codes
* The ANSI escape sequences.
var codes = {
up: 'A'
, down: 'B'
, forward: 'C'
, back: 'D'
, nextLine: 'E'
, previousLine: 'F'
, horizontalAbsolute: 'G'
, eraseData: 'J'
, eraseLine: 'K'
, scrollUp: 'S'
, scrollDown: 'T'
, savePosition: 's'
, restorePosition: 'u'
, queryPosition: '6n'
, hide: '?25l'
, show: '?25h'
* Rendering ANSI codes.
var styles = {
bold: 1
, italic: 3
, underline: 4
, inverse: 7
* The negating ANSI code for the rendering modes.
var reset = {
bold: 22
, italic: 23
, underline: 24
, inverse: 27
* The standard, styleable ANSI colors.
var colors = {
white: 37
, black: 30
, blue: 34
, cyan: 36
, green: 32
, magenta: 35
, red: 31
, yellow: 33
, grey: 90
, brightBlack: 90
, brightRed: 91
, brightGreen: 92
, brightYellow: 93
, brightBlue: 94
, brightMagenta: 95
, brightCyan: 96
, brightWhite: 97
* Creates a Cursor instance based off the given `writable stream` instance.
function ansi (stream, options) {
if (stream._ansicursor) {
return stream._ansicursor
} else {
return stream._ansicursor = new Cursor(stream, options)
module.exports = exports = ansi
* The `Cursor` class.
function Cursor (stream, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Cursor)) {
return new Cursor(stream, options)
if (typeof stream != 'object' || typeof stream.write != 'function') {
throw new Error('a valid Stream instance must be passed in')
// the stream to use = stream
// when 'enabled' is false then all the functions are no-ops except for write()
this.enabled = options && options.enabled
if (typeof this.enabled === 'undefined') {
this.enabled = stream.isTTY
this.enabled = !!this.enabled
// then `buffering` is true, then `write()` calls are buffered in
// memory until `flush()` is invoked
this.buffering = !!(options && options.buffering)
this._buffer = []
// controls the foreground and background colors
this.fg = this.foreground = new Colorer(this, 0) = this.background = new Colorer(this, 10)
// defaults
this.Bold = false
this.Italic = false
this.Underline = false
this.Inverse = false
// keep track of the number of "newlines" that get encountered
this.newlines = 0
stream.on('newline', function () {
exports.Cursor = Cursor
* Helper function that calls `write()` on the underlying Stream.
* Returns `this` instead of the write() return value to keep
* the chaining going.
Cursor.prototype.write = function (data) {
if (this.buffering) {
} else {, arguments)
return this
* Buffer `write()` calls into memory.
* @api public
Cursor.prototype.buffer = function () {
this.buffering = true
return this
* Write out the in-memory buffer.
* @api public
Cursor.prototype.flush = function () {
this.buffering = false
var str = (args) {
if (args.length != 1) throw new Error('unexpected args length! ' + args.length);
return args[0];
this._buffer.splice(0); // empty
return this
* The `Colorer` class manages both the background and foreground colors.
function Colorer (cursor, base) {
this.current = null
this.cursor = cursor
this.base = base
exports.Colorer = Colorer
* Write an ANSI color code, ensuring that the same code doesn't get rewritten.
Colorer.prototype._setColorCode = function setColorCode (code) {
var c = String(code)
if (this.current === c) return
this.cursor.enabled && this.cursor.write(prefix + c + suffix)
this.current = c
return this
* Set up the positional ANSI codes.
Object.keys(codes).forEach(function (name) {
var code = String(codes[name])
Cursor.prototype[name] = function () {
var c = code
if (arguments.length > 0) {
c = toArray(arguments).map(Math.round).join(';') + code
this.enabled && this.write(prefix + c)
return this
* Set up the functions for the rendering ANSI codes.
Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (style) {
var name = style[0].toUpperCase() + style.substring(1)
, c = styles[style]
, r = reset[style]
Cursor.prototype[style] = function () {
if (this[name]) return this
this.enabled && this.write(prefix + c + suffix)
this[name] = true
return this
Cursor.prototype['reset' + name] = function () {
if (!this[name]) return this
this.enabled && this.write(prefix + r + suffix)
this[name] = false
return this
* Setup the functions for the standard colors.
Object.keys(colors).forEach(function (color) {
var code = colors[color]
Colorer.prototype[color] = function () {
this._setColorCode(this.base + code)
return this.cursor
Cursor.prototype[color] = function () {
return this.foreground[color]()
* Makes a beep sound!
Cursor.prototype.beep = function () {
this.enabled && this.write('\x07')
return this
* Moves cursor to specific position
Cursor.prototype.goto = function (x, y) {
x = x | 0
y = y | 0
this.enabled && this.write(prefix + y + ';' + x + 'H')
return this
* Resets the color.
Colorer.prototype.reset = function () {
this._setColorCode(this.base + 39)
return this.cursor
* Resets all ANSI formatting on the stream.
Cursor.prototype.reset = function () {
this.enabled && this.write(prefix + '0' + suffix)
this.Bold = false
this.Italic = false
this.Underline = false
this.Inverse = false
this.foreground.current = null
this.background.current = null
return this
* Sets the foreground color with the given RGB values.
* The closest match out of the 216 colors is picked.
Colorer.prototype.rgb = function (r, g, b) {
var base = this.base + 38
, code = rgb(r, g, b)
this._setColorCode(base + ';5;' + code)
return this.cursor
* Same as `cursor.fg.rgb(r, g, b)`.
Cursor.prototype.rgb = function (r, g, b) {
return this.foreground.rgb(r, g, b)
* Accepts CSS color codes for use with ANSI escape codes.
* For example: `#FF000` would be bright red.
Colorer.prototype.hex = function (color) {
return this.rgb.apply(this, hex(color))
* Same as `cursor.fg.hex(color)`.
Cursor.prototype.hex = function (color) {
return this.foreground.hex(color)
* Translates a 255 RGB value to a 0-5 ANSI RGV value,
* then returns the single ANSI color code to use.
function rgb (r, g, b) {
var red = r / 255 * 5
, green = g / 255 * 5
, blue = b / 255 * 5
return rgb5(red, green, blue)
* Turns rgb 0-5 values into a single ANSI color code to use.
function rgb5 (r, g, b) {
var red = Math.round(r)
, green = Math.round(g)
, blue = Math.round(b)
return 16 + (red*36) + (green*6) + blue
* Accepts a hex CSS color code string (# is optional) and
* translates it into an Array of 3 RGB 0-255 values, which
* can then be used with rgb().
function hex (color) {
var c = color[0] === '#' ? color.substring(1) : color
, r = c.substring(0, 2)
, g = c.substring(2, 4)
, b = c.substring(4, 6)
return [parseInt(r, 16), parseInt(g, 16), parseInt(b, 16)]
* Turns an array-like object into a real array.
function toArray (a) {
var i = 0
, l = a.length
, rtn = []
for (; i<l; i++) {
return rtn