174 lines
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174 lines
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"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = createResponderEvent;
var _getBoundingClientRect = _interopRequireDefault(require("../../modules/getBoundingClientRect"));
var _ResponderTouchHistoryStore = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ResponderTouchHistoryStore"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var emptyFunction = function emptyFunction() {};
var emptyObject = {};
var emptyArray = [];
* Safari produces very large identifiers that would cause the `touchBank` array
* length to be so large as to crash the browser, if not normalized like this.
* In the future the `touchBank` should use an object/map instead.
function normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifier > 20 ? identifier % 20 : identifier;
* Converts a native DOM event to a ResponderEvent.
* Mouse events are transformed into fake touch events.
function createResponderEvent(domEvent) {
var rect;
var propagationWasStopped = false;
var changedTouches;
var touches;
var domEventChangedTouches = domEvent.changedTouches;
var domEventType = domEvent.type;
var metaKey = domEvent.metaKey === true;
var shiftKey = domEvent.shiftKey === true;
var force = domEventChangedTouches && domEventChangedTouches[0].force || 0;
var identifier = normalizeIdentifier(domEventChangedTouches && domEventChangedTouches[0].identifier || 0);
var clientX = domEventChangedTouches && domEventChangedTouches[0].clientX || domEvent.clientX;
var clientY = domEventChangedTouches && domEventChangedTouches[0].clientY || domEvent.clientY;
var pageX = domEventChangedTouches && domEventChangedTouches[0].pageX || domEvent.pageX;
var pageY = domEventChangedTouches && domEventChangedTouches[0].pageY || domEvent.pageY;
var preventDefault = typeof domEvent.preventDefault === 'function' ? domEvent.preventDefault.bind(domEvent) : emptyFunction;
var timestamp = domEvent.timeStamp;
function normalizeTouches(touches) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(touches).map(function (touch) {
return {
force: touch.force,
identifier: normalizeIdentifier(touch.identifier),
get locationX() {
return locationX(touch.clientX);
get locationY() {
return locationY(touch.clientY);
pageX: touch.pageX,
pageY: touch.pageY,
target: touch.target,
timestamp: timestamp
if (domEventChangedTouches != null) {
changedTouches = normalizeTouches(domEventChangedTouches);
touches = normalizeTouches(domEvent.touches);
} else {
var emulatedTouches = [{
force: force,
identifier: identifier,
get locationX() {
return locationX(clientX);
get locationY() {
return locationY(clientY);
pageX: pageX,
pageY: pageY,
target: domEvent.target,
timestamp: timestamp
changedTouches = emulatedTouches;
touches = domEventType === 'mouseup' || domEventType === 'dragstart' ? emptyArray : emulatedTouches;
var responderEvent = {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
// `currentTarget` is set before dispatch
currentTarget: null,
defaultPrevented: domEvent.defaultPrevented,
dispatchConfig: emptyObject,
eventPhase: domEvent.eventPhase,
isDefaultPrevented: function isDefaultPrevented() {
return domEvent.defaultPrevented;
isPropagationStopped: function isPropagationStopped() {
return propagationWasStopped;
isTrusted: domEvent.isTrusted,
nativeEvent: {
altKey: false,
ctrlKey: false,
metaKey: metaKey,
shiftKey: shiftKey,
changedTouches: changedTouches,
force: force,
identifier: identifier,
get locationX() {
return locationX(clientX);
get locationY() {
return locationY(clientY);
pageX: pageX,
pageY: pageY,
target: domEvent.target,
timestamp: timestamp,
touches: touches,
type: domEventType
persist: emptyFunction,
preventDefault: preventDefault,
stopPropagation: function stopPropagation() {
propagationWasStopped = true;
target: domEvent.target,
timeStamp: timestamp,
touchHistory: _ResponderTouchHistoryStore.default.touchHistory
}; // Using getters and functions serves two purposes:
// 1) The value of `currentTarget` is not initially available.
// 2) Measuring the clientRect may cause layout jank and should only be done on-demand.
function locationX(x) {
rect = rect || (0, _getBoundingClientRect.default)(responderEvent.currentTarget);
if (rect) {
return x - rect.left;
function locationY(y) {
rect = rect || (0, _getBoundingClientRect.default)(responderEvent.currentTarget);
if (rect) {
return y - rect.top;
return responderEvent;
module.exports = exports.default;