437 lines
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437 lines
18 KiB
#include "ShareableValue.h"
#include "SharedParent.h"
#include "RuntimeManager.h"
#include "MutableValue.h"
#include "MutableValueSetterProxy.h"
#include "RemoteObject.h"
#include "FrozenObject.h"
#include "RuntimeDecorator.h"
namespace reanimated {
const char *HIDDEN_HOST_OBJECT_PROP = "__reanimatedHostObjectRef";
const char *ALREADY_CONVERTED= "__alreadyConverted";
const char *CALL_ASYNC = "__callAsync";
const char *PRIMAL_FUNCTION = "__primalFunction";
Possible solutions are:
a) If you want to synchronously execute this method, mark it as a Worklet
b) If you want to execute this method on the JS thread, wrap it using runOnJS )";
void addHiddenProperty(jsi::Runtime &rt,
jsi::Value &&value,
jsi::Object &obj,
const char *name) {
jsi::Object globalObject = rt.global().getPropertyAsObject(rt, "Object");
jsi::Function defineProperty = globalObject.getPropertyAsFunction(rt, "defineProperty");
jsi::String internalPropName = jsi::String::createFromUtf8(rt, name);
jsi::Object paramForDefineProperty(rt);
paramForDefineProperty.setProperty(rt, "enumerable", false);
paramForDefineProperty.setProperty(rt, "value", value);
defineProperty.call(rt, obj, internalPropName, paramForDefineProperty);
void freeze(jsi::Runtime &rt, jsi::Object &obj) {
jsi::Object globalObject = rt.global().getPropertyAsObject(rt, "Object");
jsi::Function freeze = globalObject.getPropertyAsFunction(rt, "freeze");
freeze.call(rt, obj);
void ShareableValue::adaptCache(jsi::Runtime &rt, const jsi::Value &value) {
// when adapting from host object we can assign cached value immediately such that we avoid
// running `toJSValue` in the future when given object is accessed
if (RuntimeDecorator::isWorkletRuntime(rt)) {
if (remoteValue.expired()) {
remoteValue = getWeakRef(rt);
(*remoteValue.lock()) = jsi::Value(rt, value);
} else {
hostValue = std::make_unique<jsi::Value>(rt, value);
void ShareableValue::adapt(jsi::Runtime &rt, const jsi::Value &value, ValueType objectType) {
bool isRNRuntime = RuntimeDecorator::isReactRuntime(rt);
if (value.isObject()) {
jsi::Object object = value.asObject(rt);
jsi::Value hiddenValue = object.getProperty(rt, HIDDEN_HOST_OBJECT_PROP);
if (!(hiddenValue.isUndefined())) {
jsi::Object hiddenProperty = hiddenValue.asObject(rt);
if (hiddenProperty.isHostObject<FrozenObject>(rt)) {
type = ValueType::FrozenObjectType;
if (object.hasProperty(rt, "__worklet") && object.isFunction(rt)) {
type = ValueType::WorkletFunctionType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<FrozenObjectWrapper>(
if (object.hasProperty(rt, ALREADY_CONVERTED)) {
adaptCache(rt, value);
if (objectType == ValueType::MutableValueType) {
type = ValueType::MutableValueType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<MutableValueWrapper>(
std::make_shared<MutableValue>(rt, value, runtimeManager, runtimeManager->scheduler)
} else if (value.isUndefined()) {
type = ValueType::UndefinedType;
} else if (value.isNull()) {
type = ValueType::NullType;
} else if (value.isBool()) {
type = ValueType::BoolType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<BooleanValueWrapper>(value.getBool());
} else if (value.isNumber()) {
type = ValueType::NumberType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<NumberValueWrapper>(value.asNumber());
} else if (value.isString()) {
type = ValueType::StringType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<StringValueWrapper>(value.asString(rt).utf8(rt));
} else if (value.isObject()) {
auto object = value.asObject(rt);
if (object.isFunction(rt)) {
if (object.getProperty(rt, "__worklet").isUndefined()) {
// not a worklet, we treat this as a host function
type = ValueType::HostFunctionType;
containsHostFunction = true;
//Check if it's a hostFunction wrapper
jsi::Value primalFunction = object.getProperty(rt, PRIMAL_FUNCTION);
if (!primalFunction.isUndefined()) {
jsi::Object handlerAsObject = primalFunction.asObject(rt);
std::shared_ptr<HostFunctionHandler> handler = handlerAsObject.getHostObject<HostFunctionHandler>(rt);
valueContainer = std::make_unique<HostFunctionWrapper>(handler);
} else {
valueContainer = std::make_unique<HostFunctionWrapper>(
std::make_shared<HostFunctionHandler>(std::make_shared<jsi::Function>(object.asFunction(rt)), rt));
} else {
// a worklet
type = ValueType::WorkletFunctionType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<FrozenObjectWrapper>(std::make_shared<FrozenObject>(rt, object, runtimeManager));
auto& frozenObject = ValueWrapper::asFrozenObject(valueContainer);
containsHostFunction |= frozenObject->containsHostFunction;
if (isRNRuntime && !containsHostFunction) {
addHiddenProperty(rt, createHost(rt, frozenObject), object, HIDDEN_HOST_OBJECT_PROP);
} else if (object.isArray(rt)) {
type = ValueType::FrozenArrayType;
auto array = object.asArray(rt);
valueContainer = std::make_unique<FrozenArrayWrapper>();
auto& frozenArray = ValueWrapper::asFrozenArray(valueContainer);
for (size_t i = 0, size = array.size(rt); i < size; i++) {
auto sv = adapt(rt, array.getValueAtIndex(rt, i), runtimeManager);
containsHostFunction |= sv->containsHostFunction;
} else if (object.isHostObject<MutableValue>(rt)) {
type = ValueType::MutableValueType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<MutableValueWrapper>(object.getHostObject<MutableValue>(rt));
adaptCache(rt, value);
} else if (object.isHostObject<RemoteObject>(rt)) {
type = ValueType::RemoteObjectType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<RemoteObjectWrapper>(
adaptCache(rt, value);
} else if (objectType == ValueType::RemoteObjectType) {
type = ValueType::RemoteObjectType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<RemoteObjectWrapper>(
std::make_shared<RemoteObject>(rt, object, runtimeManager, runtimeManager->scheduler)
} else {
// create frozen object based on a copy of a given object
type = ValueType::FrozenObjectType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<FrozenObjectWrapper>(
std::make_shared<FrozenObject>(rt, object, runtimeManager)
auto& frozenObject = ValueWrapper::asFrozenObject(valueContainer);
containsHostFunction |= frozenObject->containsHostFunction;
if (isRNRuntime) {
if (!containsHostFunction) {
addHiddenProperty(rt, createHost(rt, frozenObject), object, HIDDEN_HOST_OBJECT_PROP);
freeze(rt, object);
} else if (value.isSymbol()) {
type = ValueType::StringType;
valueContainer = std::make_unique<StringValueWrapper>(value.asSymbol(rt).toString(rt));
} else {
throw "Invalid value type";
std::shared_ptr<ShareableValue> ShareableValue::adapt(jsi::Runtime &rt, const jsi::Value &value, RuntimeManager *runtimeManager, ValueType valueType) {
auto sv = std::shared_ptr<ShareableValue>(new ShareableValue(runtimeManager, runtimeManager->scheduler));
sv->adapt(rt, value, valueType);
return sv;
jsi::Value ShareableValue::getValue(jsi::Runtime &rt) {
// TODO: maybe we can cache toJSValue results on a per-runtime basis, need to avoid ref loops
if (RuntimeDecorator::isWorkletRuntime(rt)) {
if (remoteValue.expired()) {
auto ref = getWeakRef(rt);
remoteValue = ref;
if (remoteValue.lock()->isUndefined()) {
(*remoteValue.lock()) = jsi::Value(rt, toJSValue(rt));
return jsi::Value(rt, *remoteValue.lock());
} else {
if (hostValue.get() == nullptr) {
hostValue = std::make_unique<jsi::Value>(rt, toJSValue(rt));
return jsi::Value(rt, *hostValue);
jsi::Object ShareableValue::createHost(jsi::Runtime &rt, std::shared_ptr<jsi::HostObject> host) {
return jsi::Object::createFromHostObject(rt, host);
jsi::Value createFrozenWrapper(jsi::Runtime &rt, std::shared_ptr<FrozenObject> frozenObject) {
jsi::Object __reanimatedHiddenHost = jsi::Object::createFromHostObject(rt, frozenObject);
jsi::Object obj = frozenObject->shallowClone(rt);
jsi::Object globalObject = rt.global().getPropertyAsObject(rt, "Object");
jsi::Function freeze = globalObject.getPropertyAsFunction(rt, "freeze");
if (!frozenObject->containsHostFunction) {
addHiddenProperty(rt, std::move(__reanimatedHiddenHost), obj, HIDDEN_HOST_OBJECT_PROP);
addHiddenProperty(rt, true, obj, ALREADY_CONVERTED);
return freeze.call(rt, obj);
jsi::Value ShareableValue::toJSValue(jsi::Runtime &rt) {
switch (type) {
case ValueType::UndefinedType:
return jsi::Value::undefined();
case ValueType::NullType:
return jsi::Value::null();
case ValueType::BoolType:
return jsi::Value(ValueWrapper::asBoolean(valueContainer));
case ValueType::NumberType:
return jsi::Value(ValueWrapper::asNumber(valueContainer));
case ValueType::StringType: {
auto& stringValue = ValueWrapper::asString(valueContainer);
return jsi::Value(rt, jsi::String::createFromUtf8(rt, stringValue));
case ValueType::FrozenObjectType: {
auto& frozenObject = ValueWrapper::asFrozenObject(valueContainer);
return createFrozenWrapper(rt, frozenObject);
case ValueType::FrozenArrayType: {
auto& frozenArray = ValueWrapper::asFrozenArray(valueContainer);
jsi::Array array(rt, frozenArray.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < frozenArray.size(); i++) {
array.setValueAtIndex(rt, i, frozenArray[i]->toJSValue(rt));
return array;
case ValueType::RemoteObjectType: {
auto& remoteObject = ValueWrapper::asRemoteObject(valueContainer);
if (RuntimeDecorator::isWorkletRuntime(rt)) {
return createHost(rt, remoteObject);
case ValueType::MutableValueType: {
auto& mutableObject = ValueWrapper::asMutableValue(valueContainer);
return createHost(rt, mutableObject);
case ValueType::HostFunctionType: {
auto hostFunctionWrapper = ValueWrapper::asHostFunctionWrapper(valueContainer);
auto& hostRuntime = hostFunctionWrapper->value->hostRuntime;
if (hostRuntime == &rt) {
// function is accessed from the same runtime it was crated, we just return same function obj
return jsi::Value(rt, *hostFunctionWrapper->value->getPureFunction().get());
} else {
// function is accessed from a different runtime, we wrap function in host func that'd enqueue
// call on an appropriate thread
auto runtimeManager = this->runtimeManager;
auto hostFunction = hostFunctionWrapper->value;
auto warnFunction = [runtimeManager, hostFunction](
jsi::Runtime &rt,
const jsi::Value &thisValue,
const jsi::Value *args,
size_t count
) -> jsi::Value {
jsi::Value jsThis = rt.global().getProperty(rt, "jsThis");
std::string workletLocation = jsThis.asObject(rt).getProperty(rt, "__location").toString(rt).utf8(rt);
std::string exceptionMessage = "Tried to synchronously call ";
if(hostFunction->functionName.empty()) {
exceptionMessage += "anonymous function";
} else {
exceptionMessage += "function {" + hostFunction->functionName + "}";
exceptionMessage += " from a different thread.\n\nOccurred in worklet location: ";
exceptionMessage += workletLocation;
exceptionMessage += CALLBACK_ERROR_SUFFIX;
return jsi::Value::undefined();
auto clb = [runtimeManager, hostFunction, hostRuntime](
jsi::Runtime &rt,
const jsi::Value &thisValue,
const jsi::Value *args,
size_t count
) -> jsi::Value {
// TODO: we should find thread based on runtime such that we could also call UI methods
// from RN and not only RN methods from UI
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShareableValue>> params;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
params.push_back(ShareableValue::adapt(rt, args[i], runtimeManager));
std::function<void()> job = [hostFunction, hostRuntime, params] {
jsi::Value * args = new jsi::Value[params.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
args[i] = params[i]->getValue(*hostRuntime);
jsi::Value returnedValue = hostFunction->getPureFunction().get()->call(*hostRuntime,
static_cast<const jsi::Value*>(args),
delete [] args;
// ToDo use returned value to return promise
return jsi::Value::undefined();
jsi::Function wrapperFunction = jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(rt, jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(rt, "hostFunction"), 0, warnFunction);
jsi::Function res = jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(rt, jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(rt, "hostFunction"), 0, clb);
addHiddenProperty(rt, std::move(res), wrapperFunction, CALL_ASYNC);
jsi::Object functionHandler = createHost(rt, hostFunctionWrapper->value);
addHiddenProperty(rt, std::move(functionHandler), wrapperFunction, PRIMAL_FUNCTION);
return wrapperFunction;
case ValueType::WorkletFunctionType: {
auto runtimeManager = this->runtimeManager;
auto& frozenObject = ValueWrapper::asFrozenObject(this->valueContainer);
if (RuntimeDecorator::isWorkletRuntime(rt)) {
// when running on worklet thread we prep a function
auto jsThis = std::make_shared<jsi::Object>(frozenObject->shallowClone(*runtimeManager->runtime));
std::shared_ptr<jsi::Function> funPtr(runtimeManager->workletsCache->getFunction(rt, frozenObject));
auto name = funPtr->getProperty(rt, "name").asString(rt).utf8(rt);
auto clb = [=](
jsi::Runtime &rt,
const jsi::Value &thisValue,
const jsi::Value *args,
size_t count
) mutable -> jsi::Value {
jsi::Value oldJSThis = rt.global().getProperty(rt, "jsThis");
rt.global().setProperty(rt, "jsThis", *jsThis); //set jsThis
jsi::Value res = jsi::Value::undefined();
try {
if (thisValue.isObject()) {
res = funPtr->callWithThis(rt, thisValue.asObject(rt), args, count);
} else {
res = funPtr->call(rt, args, count);
} catch(jsi::JSError &e) {
throw e;
} catch(...) {
// TODO find out a way to get the error's message on hermes
jsi::Value location = jsThis->getProperty(rt, "__location");
std::string str = "Javascript worklet error";
if (location.isString()) {
str += "\nIn file: " + location.asString(rt).utf8(rt);
rt.global().setProperty(rt, "jsThis", oldJSThis); //clean jsThis
return res;
return jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(rt, jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(rt, name.c_str()), 0, clb);
} else {
// when run outside of UI thread we enqueue a call on the UI thread
auto clb = [=](
jsi::Runtime &rt,
const jsi::Value &thisValue,
const jsi::Value *args,
size_t count
) -> jsi::Value {
// TODO: we should find thread based on runtime such that we could also call UI methods
// from RN and not only RN methods from UI
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ShareableValue>> params;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
params.push_back(ShareableValue::adapt(rt, args[i], runtimeManager));
runtimeManager->scheduler->scheduleOnUI([=] {
jsi::Runtime &rt = *runtimeManager->runtime.get();
auto jsThis = createFrozenWrapper(rt, frozenObject).getObject(rt);
auto code = jsThis.getProperty(rt, "asString").asString(rt).utf8(rt);
std::shared_ptr<jsi::Function> funPtr(runtimeManager->workletsCache->getFunction(rt, frozenObject));
jsi::Value * args = new jsi::Value[params.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
args[i] = params[i]->getValue(rt);
jsi::Value returnedValue;
jsi::Value oldJSThis = rt.global().getProperty(rt, "jsThis");
rt.global().setProperty(rt, "jsThis", jsThis); //set jsThis
try {
returnedValue = funPtr->call(rt,
static_cast<const jsi::Value*>(args),
} catch(std::exception &e) {
std::string str = e.what();
} catch(...) {
// TODO find out a way to get the error's message on hermes
jsi::Value location = jsThis.getProperty(rt, "__location");
std::string str = "Javascript worklet error";
if (location.isString()) {
str += "\nIn file: " + location.asString(rt).utf8(rt);
rt.global().setProperty(rt, "jsThis", oldJSThis); //clean jsThis
delete [] args;
// ToDo use returned value to return promise
return jsi::Value::undefined();
return jsi::Function::createFromHostFunction(rt, jsi::PropNameID::forAscii(rt, "_workletFunction"), 0, clb);
default: {
throw "Unable to find conversion method for this type";
throw "convert error";