Structure of this Repository - AusRegEPPTK - Unmodified and working 1.3.2 toolkit. binary: - ACTK1_0 - Modified working version of above. binary: - AusRegCliever - The AC Master Daemon binary: -cliever - APIG - THe AC client programs bianries: apig-cli, ausreg-cd, php-apig, rapig, pyapig, etc. Dependencies: boost libxmlrpc-c and c++ xmlrpc-api-utils SWIG msgpack The EPP toolkit also has dependencis. The full stack is only need for MD derivative development. The git repo mirrors my Eclipse project. At first everything except the AusReg TK was gotten from the normal debian pkgs. The working situation 2014-01 is more complicated than that but on a new host (not necessarily debian) that should be done first. The Code Synthesis xsd program is used to construct c++ objects from the XSD files defining EPP XML. The generated code is treated like object code and not tracked in the git repo.