// Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Code Synthesis Tools CC // // This program was generated by CodeSynthesis XSD, an XML Schema to // C++ data binding compiler. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as // published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // // In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives // permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with // modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++), // and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey // the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of // the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the // program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program, // but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete // this exception statement from your version. // // Furthermore, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for // the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described // in the accompanying FLOSSE file. // // Begin prologue. // // // End prologue. #include "host-1.0-pskel.hxx" namespace host_1_0 { // createType_pskel // void createType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void createType_pskel:: addr_parser (::host_1_0::addrType_pskel& p) { this->addr_parser_ = &p; } void createType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name, ::host_1_0::addrType_pskel& addr) { this->name_parser_ = &name; this->addr_parser_ = &addr; } createType_pskel:: createType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0), addr_parser_ (0) { } // addrType_pskel // void addrType_pskel:: ip_parser (::host_1_0::ipType_pskel& p) { this->ip_parser_ = &p; } void addrType_pskel:: parsers (::host_1_0::ipType_pskel& ip) { this->ip_parser_ = &ip; } addrType_pskel:: addrType_pskel () : ip_parser_ (0) { } // sNameType_pskel // void sNameType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void sNameType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name) { this->name_parser_ = &name; } sNameType_pskel:: sNameType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0) { } // mNameType_pskel // void mNameType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void mNameType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name) { this->name_parser_ = &name; } mNameType_pskel:: mNameType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0) { } // updateType_pskel // void updateType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void updateType_pskel:: add_parser (::host_1_0::addRemType_pskel& p) { this->add_parser_ = &p; } void updateType_pskel:: rem_parser (::host_1_0::addRemType_pskel& p) { this->rem_parser_ = &p; } void updateType_pskel:: chg_parser (::host_1_0::chgType_pskel& p) { this->chg_parser_ = &p; } void updateType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name, ::host_1_0::addRemType_pskel& add, ::host_1_0::addRemType_pskel& rem, ::host_1_0::chgType_pskel& chg) { this->name_parser_ = &name; this->add_parser_ = &add; this->rem_parser_ = &rem; this->chg_parser_ = &chg; } updateType_pskel:: updateType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0), add_parser_ (0), rem_parser_ (0), chg_parser_ (0) { } // addRemType_pskel // void addRemType_pskel:: addr_parser (::host_1_0::addrType_pskel& p) { this->addr_parser_ = &p; } void addRemType_pskel:: status_parser (::host_1_0::statusType_pskel& p) { this->status_parser_ = &p; } void addRemType_pskel:: parsers (::host_1_0::addrType_pskel& addr, ::host_1_0::statusType_pskel& status) { this->addr_parser_ = &addr; this->status_parser_ = &status; } addRemType_pskel:: addRemType_pskel () : addr_parser_ (0), status_parser_ (0) { } // chgType_pskel // void chgType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void chgType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name) { this->name_parser_ = &name; } chgType_pskel:: chgType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0) { } // chkDataType_pskel // void chkDataType_pskel:: cd_parser (::host_1_0::checkType_pskel& p) { this->cd_parser_ = &p; } void chkDataType_pskel:: parsers (::host_1_0::checkType_pskel& cd) { this->cd_parser_ = &cd; } chkDataType_pskel:: chkDataType_pskel () : cd_parser_ (0) { } // checkType_pskel // void checkType_pskel:: name_parser (::host_1_0::checkNameType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void checkType_pskel:: reason_parser (::eppcom_1_0::reasonType_pskel& p) { this->reason_parser_ = &p; } void checkType_pskel:: parsers (::host_1_0::checkNameType_pskel& name, ::eppcom_1_0::reasonType_pskel& reason) { this->name_parser_ = &name; this->reason_parser_ = &reason; } checkType_pskel:: checkType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0), reason_parser_ (0) { } // checkNameType_pskel // void checkNameType_pskel:: avail_parser (::xml_schema::boolean_pskel& p) { this->avail_parser_ = &p; } void checkNameType_pskel:: parsers (::xml_schema::boolean_pskel& avail) { this->avail_parser_ = &avail; } checkNameType_pskel:: checkNameType_pskel () : avail_parser_ (0) { } // creDataType_pskel // void creDataType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void creDataType_pskel:: crDate_parser (::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& p) { this->crDate_parser_ = &p; } void creDataType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name, ::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& crDate) { this->name_parser_ = &name; this->crDate_parser_ = &crDate; } creDataType_pskel:: creDataType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0), crDate_parser_ (0) { } // infDataType_pskel // void infDataType_pskel:: name_parser (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: roid_parser (::eppcom_1_0::roidType_pskel& p) { this->roid_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: status_parser (::host_1_0::statusType_pskel& p) { this->status_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: addr_parser (::host_1_0::addrType_pskel& p) { this->addr_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: clID_parser (::eppcom_1_0::clIDType_pskel& p) { this->clID_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: crID_parser (::eppcom_1_0::clIDType_pskel& p) { this->crID_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: crDate_parser (::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& p) { this->crDate_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: upID_parser (::eppcom_1_0::clIDType_pskel& p) { this->upID_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: upDate_parser (::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& p) { this->upDate_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: trDate_parser (::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& p) { this->trDate_parser_ = &p; } void infDataType_pskel:: parsers (::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel& name, ::eppcom_1_0::roidType_pskel& roid, ::host_1_0::statusType_pskel& status, ::host_1_0::addrType_pskel& addr, ::eppcom_1_0::clIDType_pskel& clID, ::eppcom_1_0::clIDType_pskel& crID, ::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& crDate, ::eppcom_1_0::clIDType_pskel& upID, ::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& upDate, ::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& trDate) { this->name_parser_ = &name; this->roid_parser_ = &roid; this->status_parser_ = &status; this->addr_parser_ = &addr; this->clID_parser_ = &clID; this->crID_parser_ = &crID; this->crDate_parser_ = &crDate; this->upID_parser_ = &upID; this->upDate_parser_ = &upDate; this->trDate_parser_ = &trDate; } infDataType_pskel:: infDataType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0), roid_parser_ (0), status_parser_ (0), addr_parser_ (0), clID_parser_ (0), crID_parser_ (0), crDate_parser_ (0), upID_parser_ (0), upDate_parser_ (0), trDate_parser_ (0) { } // statusType_pskel // void statusType_pskel:: s_parser (::host_1_0::statusValueType_pskel& p) { this->s_parser_ = &p; } void statusType_pskel:: lang_parser (::xml_schema::language_pskel& p) { this->lang_parser_ = &p; } void statusType_pskel:: parsers (::host_1_0::statusValueType_pskel& s, ::xml_schema::language_pskel& lang) { this->s_parser_ = &s; this->lang_parser_ = ⟨ } statusType_pskel:: statusType_pskel () : s_parser_ (0), lang_parser_ (0) { } // panDataType_pskel // void panDataType_pskel:: name_parser (::host_1_0::paNameType_pskel& p) { this->name_parser_ = &p; } void panDataType_pskel:: paTRID_parser (::epp_1_0::trIDType_pskel& p) { this->paTRID_parser_ = &p; } void panDataType_pskel:: paDate_parser (::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& p) { this->paDate_parser_ = &p; } void panDataType_pskel:: parsers (::host_1_0::paNameType_pskel& name, ::epp_1_0::trIDType_pskel& paTRID, ::xml_schema::date_time_pskel& paDate) { this->name_parser_ = &name; this->paTRID_parser_ = &paTRID; this->paDate_parser_ = &paDate; } panDataType_pskel:: panDataType_pskel () : name_parser_ (0), paTRID_parser_ (0), paDate_parser_ (0) { } // paNameType_pskel // void paNameType_pskel:: paResult_parser (::xml_schema::boolean_pskel& p) { this->paResult_parser_ = &p; } void paNameType_pskel:: parsers (::xml_schema::boolean_pskel& paResult) { this->paResult_parser_ = &paResult; } paNameType_pskel:: paNameType_pskel () : paResult_parser_ (0) { } } namespace host_1_0 { // createType_pskel // void createType_pskel:: name () { } void createType_pskel:: addr () { } void createType_pskel:: post_createType () { } bool createType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "addr" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->addr_parser_; if (this->addr_parser_) this->addr_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool createType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } if (n == "addr" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->addr_parser_) { this->addr_parser_->post_addrType (); this->addr (); } return true; } return false; } // addrStringType_pskel // void addrStringType_pskel:: post_addrStringType () { } // addrType_pskel // void addrType_pskel:: ip () { } void addrType_pskel:: post_addrType () { post_addrStringType (); } bool addrType_pskel:: _attribute_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& v) { if (this->::host_1_0::addrStringType_pskel::_attribute_impl (ns, n, v)) return true; if (n == "ip" && ns.empty ()) { if (this->ip_parser_) { this->ip_parser_->pre (); this->ip_parser_->_pre_impl (); this->ip_parser_->_characters (v); this->ip_parser_->_post_impl (); this->ip_parser_->post_ipType (); this->ip (); } return true; } return false; } // ipType_pskel // void ipType_pskel:: post_ipType () { } // sNameType_pskel // void sNameType_pskel:: name () { } void sNameType_pskel:: post_sNameType () { } bool sNameType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool sNameType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } return false; } // mNameType_pskel // void mNameType_pskel:: name () { } void mNameType_pskel:: post_mNameType () { } bool mNameType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool mNameType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } return false; } // updateType_pskel // void updateType_pskel:: name () { } void updateType_pskel:: add () { } void updateType_pskel:: rem () { } void updateType_pskel:: chg () { } void updateType_pskel:: post_updateType () { } bool updateType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "add" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->add_parser_; if (this->add_parser_) this->add_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "rem" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->rem_parser_; if (this->rem_parser_) this->rem_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "chg" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->chg_parser_; if (this->chg_parser_) this->chg_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool updateType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } if (n == "add" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->add_parser_) { this->add_parser_->post_addRemType (); this->add (); } return true; } if (n == "rem" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->rem_parser_) { this->rem_parser_->post_addRemType (); this->rem (); } return true; } if (n == "chg" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->chg_parser_) { this->chg_parser_->post_chgType (); this->chg (); } return true; } return false; } // addRemType_pskel // void addRemType_pskel:: addr () { } void addRemType_pskel:: status () { } void addRemType_pskel:: post_addRemType () { } bool addRemType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "addr" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->addr_parser_; if (this->addr_parser_) this->addr_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "status" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->status_parser_; if (this->status_parser_) this->status_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool addRemType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "addr" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->addr_parser_) { this->addr_parser_->post_addrType (); this->addr (); } return true; } if (n == "status" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->status_parser_) { this->status_parser_->post_statusType (); this->status (); } return true; } return false; } // chgType_pskel // void chgType_pskel:: name () { } void chgType_pskel:: post_chgType () { } bool chgType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool chgType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } return false; } // chkDataType_pskel // void chkDataType_pskel:: cd () { } void chkDataType_pskel:: post_chkDataType () { } bool chkDataType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "cd" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->cd_parser_; if (this->cd_parser_) this->cd_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool chkDataType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "cd" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->cd_parser_) { this->cd_parser_->post_checkType (); this->cd (); } return true; } return false; } // checkType_pskel // void checkType_pskel:: name () { } void checkType_pskel:: reason () { } void checkType_pskel:: post_checkType () { } bool checkType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "reason" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->reason_parser_; if (this->reason_parser_) this->reason_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool checkType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_checkNameType (); this->name (); } return true; } if (n == "reason" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->reason_parser_) { this->reason_parser_->post_reasonType (); this->reason (); } return true; } return false; } // checkNameType_pskel // void checkNameType_pskel:: avail (bool) { } void checkNameType_pskel:: post_checkNameType () { post_labelType (); } bool checkNameType_pskel:: _attribute_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& v) { if (this->::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel::_attribute_impl (ns, n, v)) return true; if (n == "avail" && ns.empty ()) { if (this->avail_parser_) { this->avail_parser_->pre (); this->avail_parser_->_pre_impl (); this->avail_parser_->_characters (v); this->avail_parser_->_post_impl (); this->avail (this->avail_parser_->post_boolean ()); } return true; } return false; } // creDataType_pskel // void creDataType_pskel:: name () { } void creDataType_pskel:: crDate (const ::xml_schema::date_time&) { } void creDataType_pskel:: post_creDataType () { } bool creDataType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "crDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->crDate_parser_; if (this->crDate_parser_) this->crDate_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool creDataType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } if (n == "crDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->crDate_parser_) this->crDate (this->crDate_parser_->post_date_time ()); return true; } return false; } // infDataType_pskel // void infDataType_pskel:: name () { } void infDataType_pskel:: roid () { } void infDataType_pskel:: status () { } void infDataType_pskel:: addr () { } void infDataType_pskel:: clID () { } void infDataType_pskel:: crID () { } void infDataType_pskel:: crDate (const ::xml_schema::date_time&) { } void infDataType_pskel:: upID () { } void infDataType_pskel:: upDate (const ::xml_schema::date_time&) { } void infDataType_pskel:: trDate (const ::xml_schema::date_time&) { } void infDataType_pskel:: post_infDataType () { } bool infDataType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "roid" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->roid_parser_; if (this->roid_parser_) this->roid_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "status" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->status_parser_; if (this->status_parser_) this->status_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "addr" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->addr_parser_; if (this->addr_parser_) this->addr_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "clID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->clID_parser_; if (this->clID_parser_) this->clID_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "crID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->crID_parser_; if (this->crID_parser_) this->crID_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "crDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->crDate_parser_; if (this->crDate_parser_) this->crDate_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "upID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->upID_parser_; if (this->upID_parser_) this->upID_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "upDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->upDate_parser_; if (this->upDate_parser_) this->upDate_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "trDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->trDate_parser_; if (this->trDate_parser_) this->trDate_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool infDataType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_labelType (); this->name (); } return true; } if (n == "roid" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->roid_parser_) { this->roid_parser_->post_roidType (); this->roid (); } return true; } if (n == "status" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->status_parser_) { this->status_parser_->post_statusType (); this->status (); } return true; } if (n == "addr" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->addr_parser_) { this->addr_parser_->post_addrType (); this->addr (); } return true; } if (n == "clID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->clID_parser_) { this->clID_parser_->post_clIDType (); this->clID (); } return true; } if (n == "crID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->crID_parser_) { this->crID_parser_->post_clIDType (); this->crID (); } return true; } if (n == "crDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->crDate_parser_) this->crDate (this->crDate_parser_->post_date_time ()); return true; } if (n == "upID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->upID_parser_) { this->upID_parser_->post_clIDType (); this->upID (); } return true; } if (n == "upDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->upDate_parser_) this->upDate (this->upDate_parser_->post_date_time ()); return true; } if (n == "trDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->trDate_parser_) this->trDate (this->trDate_parser_->post_date_time ()); return true; } return false; } // statusType_pskel // void statusType_pskel:: s () { } void statusType_pskel:: lang (const ::std::string&) { } void statusType_pskel:: post_statusType () { } bool statusType_pskel:: _attribute_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& v) { if (this->::xml_schema::normalized_string_pskel::_attribute_impl (ns, n, v)) return true; if (n == "s" && ns.empty ()) { if (this->s_parser_) { this->s_parser_->pre (); this->s_parser_->_pre_impl (); this->s_parser_->_characters (v); this->s_parser_->_post_impl (); this->s_parser_->post_statusValueType (); this->s (); } return true; } if (n == "lang" && ns.empty ()) { if (this->lang_parser_) { this->lang_parser_->pre (); this->lang_parser_->_pre_impl (); this->lang_parser_->_characters (v); this->lang_parser_->_post_impl (); this->lang (this->lang_parser_->post_language ()); } return true; } return false; } // statusValueType_pskel // void statusValueType_pskel:: post_statusValueType () { } // panDataType_pskel // void panDataType_pskel:: name () { } void panDataType_pskel:: paTRID () { } void panDataType_pskel:: paDate (const ::xml_schema::date_time&) { } void panDataType_pskel:: post_panDataType () { } bool panDataType_pskel:: _start_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string* t) { XSD_UNUSED (t); if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_start_element_impl (ns, n, t)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->name_parser_; if (this->name_parser_) this->name_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "paTRID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->paTRID_parser_; if (this->paTRID_parser_) this->paTRID_parser_->pre (); return true; } if (n == "paDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { this->::xml_schema::complex_content::context_.top ().parser_ = this->paDate_parser_; if (this->paDate_parser_) this->paDate_parser_->pre (); return true; } return false; } bool panDataType_pskel:: _end_element_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n) { if (this->::xml_schema::complex_content::_end_element_impl (ns, n)) return true; if (n == "name" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->name_parser_) { this->name_parser_->post_paNameType (); this->name (); } return true; } if (n == "paTRID" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->paTRID_parser_) { this->paTRID_parser_->post_trIDType (); this->paTRID (); } return true; } if (n == "paDate" && ns == "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:host-1.0") { if (this->paDate_parser_) this->paDate (this->paDate_parser_->post_date_time ()); return true; } return false; } // paNameType_pskel // void paNameType_pskel:: paResult (bool) { } void paNameType_pskel:: post_paNameType () { post_labelType (); } bool paNameType_pskel:: _attribute_impl (const ::xml_schema::ro_string& ns, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& n, const ::xml_schema::ro_string& v) { if (this->::eppcom_1_0::labelType_pskel::_attribute_impl (ns, n, v)) return true; if (n == "paResult" && ns.empty ()) { if (this->paResult_parser_) { this->paResult_parser_->pre (); this->paResult_parser_->_pre_impl (); this->paResult_parser_->_characters (v); this->paResult_parser_->_post_impl (); this->paResult (this->paResult_parser_->post_boolean ()); } return true; } return false; } } // Begin epilogue. // // // End epilogue.