#include "session/SessionPoolImpl.hpp" #include "session/SessionLimitExceededException.hpp" #include "session/SessionFactory.hpp" #include "session/SessionManagerProperties.hpp" #include "session/StatsManager.hpp" #include "session/CommandFailedException.hpp" #include "session/Timer.hpp" #include "common/AutoMutex.hpp" #include "common/SystemProperties.hpp" #include "common/Logger.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include // for 'bad_cast' #include #include #include using namespace std; const float SessionPoolImpl::PI_STO_FRACT = 0.4; const string SessionPoolImpl::pname("com.ausregistry.cpptoolkit.session"); SessionPoolImpl::SessionPoolImpl(SessionPoolProperties* props) : lastSession(NULL), sessionsInUse(0), maximumSize(props->getMaximumPoolSize()), pollInterval((long)(PI_STO_FRACT * (float)props->getServerTimeout())), waitTimeout(props->getWaitTimeout()), clientTimeout(props->getClientTimeout()), properties(props), debugLogger(Logger::getLogger(pname + ".debug")), userLogger(Logger::getLogger(pname + ".user")) { pthread_mutex_init(&mtx, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL); ostringstream minPollStr; minPollStr << MIN_ACCEPTABLE_POLL_INTERVAL; istringstream configMinPollStr( SystemProperties::getProperty("client.pollinterval.min", minPollStr.str())); long minPollInterval; configMinPollStr >> minPollInterval; pollInterval = max(pollInterval, minPollInterval); // wait for lesser of 200ms and 10% command limit interval, // but no less that 50ms if command limit exceeded limitExceededWaitTimeout = max(min(props->getCommandLimitInterval() / 10, 200L), 50L); } SessionPoolImpl::~SessionPoolImpl() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtx); pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); } const Greeting* SessionPoolImpl::getLastGreeting() throw (SessionConfigurationException, SessionOpenException, EPPInterruptedException) { if (lastSession == NULL) init(); return lastSession->getGreeting(); } void SessionPoolImpl::init() throw (SessionConfigurationException, SessionOpenException, EPPInterruptedException) { releaseSession(getSession()); } long SessionPoolImpl::keepAlive() throw (EPPIOException) { //debugLogger->LOG_FINEST("enter"); for (PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { long mruInterval = (*session)->getStatsManager()->getMruInterval(); if (pollInterval < mruInterval && mruInterval < clientTimeout) { (*session)->keepAlive(); } } //debugLogger->LOG_FINEST("exit"); return pollInterval; } /// Synchronised. void SessionPoolImpl::empty() { AutoMutex lock(&mtx); if (pool.size() == 0) return; for (PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { if (*session != NULL) { (*session)->close(); delete *session; } } pool.clear(); } /// Synchronised. void SessionPoolImpl::clean() throw (SessionConfigurationException, SessionOpenException) { AutoMutex lock(&mtx); int count = pool.size(); empty(); for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { try { openSession(); } catch (SessionOpenException& e) { try { dynamic_cast(e); continue; } catch (bad_cast& e) { throw e; } } } } Session* SessionPoolImpl::getSession() throw (SessionConfigurationException, SessionOpenException, EPPInterruptedException) { return getSession(NULL); } Session* SessionPoolImpl::getSession(const CommandType* type) throw (SessionConfigurationException, SessionOpenException, EPPInterruptedException) { debugLogger->LOG_FINEST("enter"); Session* acquiredSession = NULL; int failCount = 0; do { acquiredSession = getBestAvailableSession(type); if (acquiredSession == NULL) { if (pool.size() < maximumSize) { try { openSession(); } catch (SessionOpenException& soe) { try { dynamic_cast(soe); vector args; args.push_back("<>"); args.push_back("<>"); vector vals; ostringstream v; v << maximumSize; vals.push_back(v.str()); v.str(""); v << pool.size(); vals.push_back(v.str()); userLogger->warning( ErrorPkg::getMessage("epp.session.open.fail.limit_exceeded", args, vals)); waitForRelease(); } catch (bad_cast&) { if (isRepeatableFailedLogin(soe, failCount)) { ostringstream fc; fc << failCount; userLogger->warning(soe.getMessage()); userLogger->warning(ErrorPkg::getMessage( "epp.server.failure.retry", "<>", fc.str())); failCount++; } else throw soe; } } } else { waitForRelease(); } } } while (acquiredSession == NULL); debugLogger->LOG_FINEST("exit"); return acquiredSession; } bool SessionPoolImpl::isRepeatableFailedLogin(const EPPException& e, int count) { try { dynamic_cast(e); dynamic_cast(e); return count < MAX_ACCEPTABLE_FAIL_COUNT; } catch (bad_cast&) { return false; } } /// Synchronized. Session* SessionPoolImpl::getBestAvailableSession(const CommandType* type) throw (EPPInterruptedException) { debugLogger->LOG_FINEST("enter"); Session* bestSession = NULL; long min = LONG_MAX; AutoMutex lock(&mtx); for (PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { if ((*session)->isAvailable()) { int cutoff = INT_MAX; long cc; if (type == NULL) { cc = (*session)->getStatsManager()->getCommandCount(); } else { cutoff = properties->getCommandLimit(type); cc = (*session)->getStatsManager()->getCommandCount(type); } if (cc <= cutoff && cc < min) { min = cc; bestSession = *session; } } } if (bestSession != NULL) { try { // A previous user of this session to re-acquire, so this may timeout. bestSession->acquire(); sessionsInUse++; } catch (EPPTimeoutException& e) { userLogger->warning("Timeout acquiring 'best' session."); bestSession = NULL; } } debugLogger->LOG_FINEST("exit"); return bestSession; } void SessionPoolImpl::openSession() throw (SessionConfigurationException, SessionOpenException) { Session * newSession = SessionFactory::newInstance(properties); newSession->open(); { AutoMutex lock(&mtx); lastSession = newSession; pool.insert(newSession); pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } } void SessionPoolImpl::waitForRelease() { AutoMutex lock(&mtx); if (sessionsInUse < pool.size()) { // There are only inappropriate session available. struct timespec until(Timer::msOffset2abs(limitExceededWaitTimeout)); if (pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond, &mtx, &until) != ETIMEDOUT) { userLogger->severe("This thread should not be interupted."); } } while (sessionsInUse >= pool.size() && pool.size() >= maximumSize) { struct timespec until(Timer::msOffset2abs(waitTimeout)); if (pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond, &mtx, &until) != ETIMEDOUT) { userLogger->severe("This thread should not be interupted."); } } } void SessionPoolImpl::releaseSession(Session * session) { if (session == NULL) { return; } if (session->isInvalid()) { session->close(); session->release(); { AutoMutex lock(&mtx); pool.erase(session); delete session; sessionsInUse--; pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } } else if (!session->isOpen()) { session->release(); { pool.erase(session); AutoMutex lock(&mtx); sessionsInUse--; pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } } else { session->release(); { AutoMutex lock(&mtx); sessionsInUse--; pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } } } int SessionPoolImpl::getCommandCount(const CommandType* type) { int res = 0; for(PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { res += (*session)->getStatsManager()->getCommandCount(type); } return res; } int SessionPoolImpl::getCommandCount() { int res = 0; for(PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { res += (*session)->getStatsManager()->getCommandCount(); } return res; } long SessionPoolImpl::getMruInterval() const { long minInterval = numeric_limits::max(); for(PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { long mruInterval = (*session)->getStatsManager()->getMruInterval(); minInterval = min(mruInterval,minInterval); } return minInterval; } int SessionPoolImpl::getResultCodeCount(int resultCode) { int res = 0; for(PoolIter session = pool.begin(); session != pool.end(); ++session) { res += (*session)->getStatsManager()->getResultCodeCount(resultCode); } return res; }