/** * \mainpage AusReg Cliever * *

* * \par About * \par * The Generics Document * * \htmlonly * \endhtmlonly * *

* * \par AusReg Cliever requirements * * The AusReg Cliever was originally developed on Debian Wheezy 64 but * should compile on any Unix where all of the requirements are present. The master * daemon programs was developed for a cluster but in this design that's cut back to * a stub. * * *

* * \par Access AusReg Cliever source code * * * See 'DEVOPS" at the delivert/support site * * * *

* * \par Top Level External Dependencies... and version currently used *
* \b boost: 1.49
* \b log4cpp: 1.0
* \b AusRegTk: 1.3.2
* See the Tk for its' dependencies, besides that and above everything should be in the git tree. * *

* * mdcommon.h - Core Daemon Level definitions. * * \par Authors Support Site * * \htmlonly Delivery/Suppor site \endhtmlonly * * \par License * juan@acm.org for Secura * */ #ifndef MD_COMMON #define MD_COMMON #include using namespace std; using boost::asio::ip::udp; #define MAX_SCENARIO 1 // defined by increasing assumption of control from TK #define MAX_AC 1 #define MAX_CLIENTS 1 #define MAX_CLIEVER 10 #define MAX_PEER 10 #define MAX_DEBUG 1000 // Set the config parm higher than this to inhibit logNdebug(m...) where m < this #define MAX_DEVICE MAX_PEER + MAX_CLIEVER + MAX_CLIENTS + 1 #define MD_EPOCH date() #define MD_HEARTBEAT 1 // Network peer heartbeat in seconds. #define MD_MAX_DATAGRAM (32*1024) // half of the IPV4 max #define CLIEVER_APP "AusReg Cliever" #define MD_COMPONENT "Master Daemon" // Cliever Component #define MD_NAME CLIEVER_APP " " MD_COMPONENT #define MD_VERSION " 1.0 " // Version #define MD_REFRESH 10 // default milliseconds between API frame updates #define MD_TYPE "EPPPEER" #define NORMAL_DEBUG 10 #ifndef CURRENT_DEBUG #define CURRENT_DEBUG NORMAL_DEBUG #endif #define NOT_OK -1 #define OK 0 #define RUNNING_DIR "/tmp" #define theMachine thisConfig->machine[thisConfig->thisMachineContext] enum md_mand { MD_NAM, // Not a Mand. MD_USER_MAND, // User defined mand type MD_EPP, // RFC defined type MD_RULE_ACTION, MD_CLIEVER_CMD, // From CD command loop or other UI MD_CLIENT_CMD, // From APIG to MD MD_NMANDS }; enum mdErrorCode { // In auc-md/kb index to masterDaemonConfig.err MDERR_OK, MDERR_MISSING, MDERR_EXISTS, MDERR_CONFLICT, MDERR_NOTREADY, MDERR_SYNTAX, N_MDSTDERR }; enum md_dispatch_category { MD_NEWBORN = 0, // inbound this isn't dispatched CD_FRAME, MD_FRAME, DV_MDQUERY, MD_SHUTDOWN }; enum md_device { MDDEV_MD = 0, MDDEV_CD, MDDEV_CLIENT, MDDEV_PEER, MACHINE, N_MDDEV_TYPES }; enum md_units { MD_UNITS_UNDEFINED = 0, N_MD_UNITS }; enum mdDGtype { MDDG_HEARTBEAT = 0, MDDG_DEVICEHB, MDDG_NEWBORN, MDDG_MDQUERY, MDDG_REGSCPI, MDDG_REGOBS, MDDG_REGODE, MDDG_TELEMETRY, MDDG_CDRESET, N_MDDG_TYPES }; enum acTKScenario { ACTK_ALONE = 0, ACTK_INSECURE, ACTK_OTEA, N_ACTK_SCENARIOS }; typedef struct MD_DG_TYPE { unsigned inBandOnly : 1; unsigned requiresAck : 1; unsigned isAckNak : 1; unsigned value : 1; // i.e. boolean for ack/nak etc. where true = ack. unsigned reserved : 4; unsigned clieverGroup : 8; // masterDaemonConfig.thisMachineContext unsigned reserved2 : 16; } mdDGflags; typedef struct MD_DG_HEADER { mdDGtype msgType; mdDGflags dgType; mdDGtype dgSubType; int msgSN; // Ordinal in a dialog md_device clientType; int sourceHandle; int sinkHandle; int handle; // for example if query about a device other than source or sink. mdErrorCode ec; int payloadSize; int primeOffset; // for example to the name associated with the data } mdDGHeader; typedef struct MD_DATAGRAM { mdDGHeader hdr; char payLoad[MD_MAX_DATAGRAM - (sizeof(mdDGHeader))]; } mdDatagram; typedef struct MD_REPLY { mdDGHeader hdr; char payLoad[512 - sizeof(mdDGHeader)]; } mdDGReply; class mdReply { public: mdDGReply dg; mdReply() {memset((void *)&dg,0,sizeof(mdDGReply)); dg.hdr.dgType.isAckNak = true; } }; #if (defined(MD_MAIN) ) const char *clientTypes[N_MDDEV_TYPES ] = { "Master Daemon", "Cliever", "MD Client" }; #else extern const char *clientTypes[N_MDDEV_TYPES]; #endif /* \brief mdProcess * Abstract base class of various subprocesses * * AC is (potentially) a distributed system with various subprocesses * spanning the central server, the 'Cliever' middleware component and clients. * Root class for these. * */ class mdWQitem { public: md_dispatch_category kind; const void *what; int user; // User defined mdWQitem (const void *work,md_dispatch_category priority,int x) : what(work), kind(priority), user(x) {} bool operator< (const mdWQitem & right) const { return kind < right.kind; } }; typedef std::priority_queue < mdWQitem* > MDWQ; class mdProcess { public: MDWQ q; mdProcess() {} ~mdProcess() {} void queue(mdWQitem *w) {q.push(w);} virtual void dispatch(mdWQitem *w)=0; virtual void run() = 0; }; #define MD_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROTOCOL 0 #define MD_DEFAULT_RULE 0 typedef struct { unsigned open:1; unsigned looped:1; // back channel established from passive connection. unsigned reserved:30; } mdCnctBool; typedef struct MD_CONTROL_BLOCK {int handle; // debug mark mdCnctBool connection; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint ep; boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver::iterator it; boost::asio::ip::udp::socket *udp; MD_CONTROL_BLOCK() { handle = 0; memset((void *)&connection,0,sizeof(connection)); udp = NULL; } } mdCB; typedef std::map mdStdDevicePODMap; // MD Standard Device Map - /* *\brief stdDev: collection with MD at: 0, CD in: 1 to MAX_CLIEVER, * PEERS in: MAX_CLIEVER + 1 to - MAX_CLIEVER+1+MAX_PEER, * * The mdStdDevIdx of a device is its index above. * Within intervals clients are assigned compactly in the same order as thier handles are created and assigned. */ #if (defined(MD_MAIN) || defined(CD_MAIN) ) mdStdDevicePODMap cb; int myStdDevIdx=MAX_CLIENTS+1; // global default to localhost #else extern mdStdDevicePODMap cb; extern int myStdDevIdx; #endif class mdDGChannel {public: boost::asio::io_service& io_service_; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint p_endpoint_; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint a_endpoint_; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint *ep_; boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver *r; boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver::query *q; boost::asio::ip::udp::socket passive_; boost::asio::ip::udp::socket *active_; boost::asio::ip::udp::socket *s_; char ack_[sizeof(mdDGReply)]; char data_[MD_MAX_DATAGRAM]; int mdStdDevIdx; mdDatagram *inProcess; mdReply *reply; short port; mdDGChannel(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, short inport, int stdDevIdx=myStdDevIdx) : io_service_(io_service), mdStdDevIdx(stdDevIdx), passive_(io_service, udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), inport)) { inProcess = (mdDatagram *)data_; ep_ = &p_endpoint_; port = inport; reply = (mdReply *)ack_; q = NULL; r = NULL; s_ = &passive_; passive_.async_receive_from( boost::asio::buffer(data_, MD_MAX_DATAGRAM), p_endpoint_, boost::bind(&mdDGChannel::handle_receive_from, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)); } void async_send(mdDatagram &dg) { size_t dgSize = sizeof(mdDGHeader) + dg.hdr.payloadSize; *inProcess = dg; //std::memcpy(this->data_,(char *)&dg,dgSize); active_->async_send_to( boost::asio::buffer(data_, dgSize), *ep_, boost::bind(&mdDGChannel::handle_send_to, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)); } bool connect_to (std::string &host, std::string &port, int stdDevIdx=-1) { bool value = false; int rport = atoi(port.c_str()); boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint remote ( boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(host.c_str()), rport); stdDevIdx = (stdDevIdx == -1) ? mdStdDevIdx : stdDevIdx; map::iterator iter = cb.find(stdDevIdx); if( iter == cb.end() ) cb[stdDevIdx] = new mdCB(); try { if (!r) r = new udp::resolver(io_service_); if ( q) delete q; q = new udp::resolver::query(udp::v4(), host.c_str(), port.c_str()); cb[stdDevIdx]->it = r->resolve(*q); if (!cb[mdStdDevIdx]->udp) cb[mdStdDevIdx]->udp = new udp::socket(io_service_, udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), 0)); active_ = cb[mdStdDevIdx]->udp; if (active_->is_open()) active_->connect(remote,ec); if (!ec) value = true; } catch(...) {} return (cb[stdDevIdx]->connection.open=value); } bool connect_to (boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &ep,boost::system::error_code &ec,int &step,int stdDevIdx=-1) { bool value = false; stdDevIdx = stdDevIdx == -1 ? mdStdDevIdx : stdDevIdx; map::iterator iter = cb.find(stdDevIdx); if( iter == cb.end() ) cb[stdDevIdx] = new mdCB(); try { if (cb[stdDevIdx]->udp) {if (cb[stdDevIdx]->udp->is_open()) cb[stdDevIdx]->udp->close(); delete cb[stdDevIdx]->udp;} cb[stdDevIdx]->ep = ep; active_ = cb[stdDevIdx]->udp = new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket( io_service_ , udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), 0) ); ec.clear(); active_->connect( cb[stdDevIdx]->ep, ec ); if (active_->is_open()) { value = true; cb[stdDevIdx]->connection.open=1; } else { step++; active_->open( udp::v4(), ec ); if (active_->is_open()) {value = true; cb[stdDevIdx]->connection.open=1; } } } catch(boost::system::system_error &be) {boost::system::system_error warning = be;} catch(...) {} return (value); } void handle_receive_from(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_recvd); void handle_send_to(const boost::system::error_code& asioEC, size_t sentByes) { size_t dgSize = inProcess->hdr.dgType.requiresAck ? sizeof(mdReply) : sizeof(mdDatagram); // std::string debugMsg = asioEC.message(); if (inProcess->hdr.dgType.requiresAck) active_->async_receive_from( boost::asio::buffer(ack_, dgSize), *ep_, boost::bind(&mdDGChannel::handle_receive_from, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)); else active_->async_receive_from( boost::asio::buffer(data_, dgSize), *ep_, boost::bind(&mdDGChannel::handle_receive_from, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred)); } bool send(mdDatagram &dg) { size_t dgSize = sizeof(mdDGHeader) + dg.hdr.payloadSize; return (dgSize == active_->send(boost::asio::buffer((void *)&dg, dgSize))); } bool send_to(mdDatagram &dg, int mdStdDevIdx) { size_t dgSize = sizeof(mdDGHeader) + dg.hdr.payloadSize; return (dgSize == active_->send_to(boost::asio::buffer((void *)&dg, dgSize), *cb[mdStdDevIdx]->it)); } size_t send(mdReply &dg, boost::system::error_code &ec) { size_t dgSize = sizeof(mdDGReply); boost::asio::socket_base::message_flags flags=0; return (active_->send(boost::asio::buffer((void *)&dg, dgSize), flags, ec)); } size_t send_back(mdReply &dg, boost::system::error_code &ec, int &step) { size_t dgSize = sizeof(mdDGReply); boost::asio::socket_base::message_flags flags=0; step = 1; a_endpoint_ = passive_.remote_endpoint(ec); if (ec) return 0; return (passive_.send_to(boost::asio::buffer((void *)&dg, dgSize), a_endpoint_, flags, ec)); } bool send_to(mdReply &dg,int mdStdDevIdx) { size_t dgSize = sizeof(mdDGReply); return (dgSize == active_->send_to(boost::asio::buffer((void *)&dg, dgSize), *cb[mdStdDevIdx]->it)); } }; typedef std::map mdErrMsgMap; class mdError { int instance; mdErrMsgMap text; public: mdError() { text[0] = std::string("OK"); instance = 0; } ~mdError() {} // The below populate the additional messages; // Instances below 1000 are reserved for system errors, negative // integers not used. // Users derive from this class and implement additionalUsrMsgs. void additionalUserMsg(int instCode,const char *msgText) {if (instCode >= 1000) text[instCode] = std::string(msgText);} void additionalSystemMsg(int instCode,const char *msgText) {if (instCode < 1000 && instCode >0) text[instCode] = std::string(msgText);} int get() {return instance;} void get(mdError **parentPtr) {*parentPtr = this;} void set(int i) {instance = i;} const char *what(char *buffer=NULL) { if (text.find(get()) == text.end()) { {if (!buffer) return NULL; sprintf(buffer,"Unknown error code: %d",get()); return buffer; } return text[get()].c_str(); } return "unknown"; } }; class mdDG { public: mdDatagram dg; mdDG() {memset(&dg,0,sizeof(mdDatagram));} }; #endif