#include "session/TLSSocket.hpp" #include "common/StringUtils.hpp" #include "session/SSLException.hpp" #include "common/EPPException.hpp" #include #include #include // htonl using namespace std; TLSSocket::TLSSocket(SSL_CTX* ctx, int sock, const string& host, int port, int soTimeout) throw (SSLException) { //SSL_CTX_set_timeout(ctx, 12L); ssl = SSL_new(ctx); if (ssl == NULL) throw SSLException("Failed to create the SSL context"); // Bind the socket to the SSL object. int ret = SSL_set_fd (ssl, sock); if (ret != 1) { SSLException e("Failed to set the file descriptor", ssl, ret); SSL_shutdown(ssl); throw e; } SSL_set_connect_state(ssl); ret = SSL_do_handshake (ssl); if (ret != 1) { SSLException e("Failed during SSL handshake", ssl, ret); SSL_shutdown(ssl); throw e; } // Common name char cn[256]; X509 *peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(X509_get_subject_name(peer), NID_commonName, cn, 256); commonName = cn; if ((ret = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl)) != X509_V_OK) {char why[100]; sprintf(why,"Cert verify fail: %d",ret); SSLException e(why, ssl, ret); SSL_shutdown(ssl); throw e; } X509_free(peer); } TLSSocket::~TLSSocket() { SSL_shutdown(ssl); close(SSL_get_fd(ssl)); SSL_free(ssl); } int TLSSocket::writeInt(int i) throw (SSLException) { int j=htonl(i); int res = SSL_write(ssl, &j, sizeof(j)); if (res < 1) { throw SSLException("SSL failuring during write", ssl, res); } return res; } int TLSSocket::writeBytes(const string& bytes) throw (SSLException) { unsigned int bytesWritten = 0; while (bytesWritten < bytes.size()) { int res = SSL_write( ssl, bytes.data() + bytesWritten, bytes.size() - bytesWritten); if (res < 1) { throw SSLException("SSL failuring during write", ssl, res); } bytesWritten += res; } return bytes.size(); } int TLSSocket::readInt() throw (SSLException) { string buff; readFully(buff, sizeof(int)); return ntohl(*reinterpret_cast(buff.data())); } void TLSSocket::readFully(string& buffer, int length) throw (SSLException) { const int buffLen = 2048; char buff[buffLen]; while (length > 0) { int toRead = std::min(buffLen, length); int amountRead = SSL_read(ssl, buff, toRead); if (amountRead < 1) { throw SSLException("SSL read returned zero bytes", ssl, amountRead); } buffer.append(string(buff, amountRead)); length -= amountRead; } }