#include #include "ausreg-cd.h" #include "eppargs.h" #define ASSERT(expr) \ if (!(expr)) { \ std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << #expr << std::endl;} const char *banner = CD_NAME " " CD_VERSION " compiled on " __DATE__ " @ " __TIME__ " (%d)"; char theBanner[256]; int targetHost = 0; mdDG mdg; int is_numeric(const char *p) { int i = strlen(p),j=0; if (*p) { char c; while ((c=*p++)) { j++; if (!isdigit(c)) { if (j == i) return 2; else return 0; } } return 1; } return 0; } void mdCommander::doHeader() { int displayCmd = cmdsNow ? cmdNow + 1 : 0; clear(); mvprintw(0,(col-strlen(banner))/2,"%s",theBanner); sprintf(wwork,"Target AC host: %d this one: %d commmands: %d current: %d", targetHost,mdStdDevIdx,activeCommands,displayCmd); mvprintw(1,(col-strlen(wwork))/2,"%s",wwork); } int mdCommander::selectArg() { char legend1[80]="Arg types: ",selection[10]; int i, wrow=5; for (i=0;i < eppArgs[commandsNow[cmdNow]].n;i++) { sprintf(wwork," %d %s ",i+1,eppArgs[commandsNow[cmdNow]].names[i]); strcat(legend1,wwork); } mvprintw(wrow,2,(char *)legend1); say((char *)"Select arg string type"); prompt(true); mvgetstr(row-1,2,selection); thisArg = atoi(selection); } void mdCommander::getArgStringsByType() { eppArgDef *sp1; char buffer[256],*sp; int i, nLines=0, wrow=7; nocbreak(); for (;argsNow[cmdNow] < MAX_CMD_ARGS;) {memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); mvgetstr(wrow++,2,buffer); if (strlen(buffer)) { sp1 = (eppArgDef *)malloc(sizeof(eppArgDef)); sp = (char *) malloc(strlen(buffer)+1); sp1->name = commandsNow[cmdNow]; sp1->s = sp; commandArgs[cmdNow][argsNow[cmdNow]++] = sp1; strcpy(sp,buffer); } else break; } cbreak(); prompt(false); } void mdCommander::prompt(bool forStrings) { if (forStrings) mvprintw(row-1,1,">>"); else mvprintw(row-1,1,">"); } void mdCommander::driver() { bool rc, x; char next,rawString[128],work[128]; const char *mdErrCode = ""; int i,commandLength; activeCommands = 0; cmdNow = 0; cmdsNow = 0; initEPPArgs(); memset(commandsNow,0,sizeof(commandsNow)); memset(argsNow,0,sizeof(argsNow)); initscr(); cbreak(); greet(); while(acceptingInput) { mvprintw(row-1,1,"> "); next=0; i=0; memset(rawString,0,sizeof(rawString)); while(next != '\012') { next = mvgetch(row-1,2+i); rawString[i++] = next; if (i > (sizeof(rawString) - 1)) { say((char *)"Max length exceeded!"); continue; } if (next == '\012') rawString[strlen(rawString)-1] = 0; } if (!strlen(rawString)) continue; if (strlen(rawString) == 1) { switch(rawString[0]) { case '1': ; case '2': ; case '3': ; case '4': ; case '5': ; case '6': ; case '7': ; case '8': ; case '9': goto retarget ; case '!': runCommand(false); break; case '?': help(); break; case 'e': eppMainMenu(); break; case 'a': acMainMenu(); break; case 'c': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; check(false); break; case 'p': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; poll(false); break; case 'i': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; info(false); break; case 't': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; queryTransfer(false); break; case 'C': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; create(false); break; case 'R': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; renew(false); break; case 'U': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; update(false); break; case 'D': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; trash(false); break; case 'T': commandsNow[(cmdNow=cmdsNow++)]; activeCommands++; transfer(false); break; } continue; } if (strlen(rawString) == 2) { if (!strcmp(rawString,"??")) { showCommand(true); continue; } if (!strcmp(rawString,"!!")) { runCommand(true); continue; } } if (is_numeric(rawString) >= 1) { retarget: targetHost = atoi(rawString); doHeader(); continue; } if (is_numeric(rawString+1) >= 1) { int targetCmd = atoi(rawString+1); switch(rawString[0]) { case 'C': if (isValidCmd(targetCmd,false)) { cmdNow = --targetCmd; doHeader();} else say((char *)"Invalid Command Index"); break; case 'E': if (isValidCmd(targetCmd,false)) { cmdNow = --targetCmd; editingCommand(false); doHeader();} help(); break; case 'S': if (isValidCmd(targetCmd,false)) { cmdNow = --targetCmd; sendCommand(cmdNow); doHeader(); } else say((char *)"Invalid Command Index"); break; case 'X': if (!targetCmd) {targetCmd = 0; x = true;} else {targetCmd--; x = false;} if (isValidCmd(targetCmd,true)) { flushCommand(targetCmd,x); doHeader(); } else say((char *)"Invalid Command Index"); break; } continue; } if (strlen(rawString) >= 3 && strlen(rawString) <= 5 ) {if (!strcmp(rawString,"log")) { sprintf(wwork,"cut -b 1-%d /tmp/ausreg-cd.log | less",col); system(wwork); clear(); continue; } if (!strcmp(rawString,"mlog")) { sprintf(wwork,"cut -b 1-%d /tmp/drde-cliever.log | less",col); system(wwork); clear(); continue; } if (!strcmp(rawString,"done")) { goto done; } if (!strcmp(rawString,"quit")) { thisConfig->terminateRequest = true; goto done; } continue; } } done: nocbreak(); endwin(); } void mdCommander::say(char *what) { memset(wwork,' ',sizeof(wwork)); mvprintw(row-2,1,wwork); mvprintw(row-2,1,what); } void mdCommander::greet() { const char *title="AusReg Cliever Commander", *prompt="? for main menu or enter commander command now"; sprintf(theBanner,banner,thisConfig->shellProcess); getmaxyx(stdscr,row,col); mvprintw(0,(col-strlen(banner))/2,"%s",theBanner); mvprintw(row/2,(col-strlen(title))/2,"%s",title); mvprintw(row-2,1,"%s",prompt); refresh(); acceptingInput = true; EPPmode = true; } void mdCommander::help() { doHeader(); mvprintw(5,10," a - AC system control menu"); mvprintw(6,10," e - standard EPP command menu"); mvprintw(7,10," ? - display this screen"); mvprintw(8,10," ?? - display commands"); mvprintw(9,10," ! - run the active command"); mvprintw(10,10," !! - run active commands"); mvprintw(11,10," C - make the active command"); mvprintw(12,10," E - display/edit command "); mvprintw(13,10," S - send command "); mvprintw(14,10," X - discard the command(s)"); mvprintw(15,10," - make the target EPP server"); mvprintw(16,10," log - display this cliever's log"); mvprintw(17,10," mlog - display the master daemon log"); mvprintw(18,10," done - terminate commander but not process"); mvprintw(19,10," quit - terminate this process and its' children"); mvprintw(23,5," is an integer, above active everywhere outside data entry (>>)"); mvprintw(24,5,"no space before , X0 to delete all commands."); } void mdCommander::eppMainMenu() { doHeader(); mvprintw(5,10," Create a new EPP command"); mvprintw(10,10," Queries "); mvprintw(12,10," c - check"); mvprintw(13,10," i - info"); mvprintw(14,10," p - poll"); mvprintw(15,10," t - transfer query"); mvprintw(17,10," Transactions"); mvprintw(19,10," C - create"); mvprintw(20,10," R - renew"); mvprintw(21,10," U - update"); mvprintw(22,10," D - delete"); mvprintw(23,10," T - transfer"); } void mdCommander::acMainMenu() { doHeader(); mvprintw(5,(col-strlen("AC System Directives"))/2,"AC System Directives"); mvprintw(15,10," (H)ALT - Flush queues, stop, ignore incoming requests"); mvprintw(16,10," (L)OAD - Resume execution, accept work"); mvprintw(17,10," (B)ANG - Force reload the entire AC system"); mvprintw(20,10,"These are only active on this screen, there's no confirmation."); } bool sendEPPCommand() { mdg.dg.hdr.sourceHandle = thisCliever->myHandle; mdg.dg.hdr.payloadSize = 0; mdg.dg.hdr.msgType = MDDG_CDRESET; return thisCliever->fg->send(mdg.dg); } bool mdCommander::runCommand(bool allOfEm) { bool value=false; if (!activeCommands) {say((char *)"There is no active command."); goto done;} say((char *)"Command execution temporarily disabled."); done: return value; } //-------------------------------- void mdCommander::flushCommand(int which,bool allOfEm){ int i,j; if (!allOfEm) { if (argsNow[which]) { for (i=0;is); free(commandArgs[which][i]); } } argsNow[which] = 0; deleted[which] = true; activeCommands--; } else for (i=0;is); free(commandArgs[i][j]); } } else deleted[i] = false; // back to start state. } cmdNow = 0; cmdsNow = 0; activeCommands = 0; memset(commandArgs,0,sizeof(commandArgs)); memset(argsNow,0,sizeof(argsNow)); } }; void mdCommander::sendCommand(int which){ say((char *)"Command processing disabled here during OTE Basic Testing"); }; void mdCommander::showCommand(bool allOfEm){ int activethCommand=0,i,nthItem; const char *befehlJetzt = cmdNames[commandsNow[cmdNow]]; doHeader(); if (!activeCommands) {say((char *)"There is no active command."); goto done;} if (!allOfEm) { sprintf(wwork,"EPP directive: %s",befehlJetzt); mvprintw(5,2,wwork); for (nthItem=0;nthItem < argsNow[cmdNow];nthItem++) { ASSERT(commandArgs[cmdNow][nthItem]->s); sprintf(wwork,"%d %s %s",nthItem+1, eppArgs[commandsNow[cmdNow]].names[commandArgs[cmdNow][nthItem]->name], (commandArgs[cmdNow][nthItem]->s)); mvprintw(7+nthItem,2,wwork); } } else { mvprintw(5,2,"These commands are pending/active: "); for ( i=0, nthItem=0; nthItem < cmdsNow;nthItem++ ) { if (!deleted[nthItem]) { sprintf(wwork,"%d %s %s",nthItem+1,cmdNames[commandsNow[nthItem]],commandArgs[nthItem][0]->s); mvprintw(7+(i++),2,wwork); } } } done: return; }; //-------------------------------- // EPP Queries and Commands //------------------------------- bool mdCommander::editingCommand(bool run){ const char *befehlJetzt = cmdNames[commandsNow[cmdNow]]; char sp[256],*spp; eppArgDef *arg; int editLine,length; doHeader(); mvprintw(3,(col-strlen(befehlJetzt))/2,befehlJetzt); if (!run) { if (!argsNow[cmdNow]) { selectArg(); say((char *)"Enter arg string(s), just enter to end"); getArgStringsByType(); } else { nocbreak(); while(true) { showCommand(false); say((char *)"line no to replace, A to add, enter to return"); prompt(false); mvgetstr(row-1,2,sp); if (!strlen(sp)) goto done; if (*sp == 'A' || *sp == 'a') { selectArg(); prompt(true); mvgetstr(row-1,2,sp); if (length=strlen(sp)) { arg = (eppArgDef *)malloc(sizeof(eppArgDef)); commandArgs[cmdNow][argsNow[cmdNow]++] = arg; spp = commandArgs[cmdNow][argsNow[cmdNow]++]->s = (char *) malloc(length+1); strcpy(spp,sp); } } if (is_numeric(sp) >= 1) { editLine = atoi(sp); if (editLine > 1 && editLine < argsNow[cmdNow]) { prompt(true); mvgetstr(row-1,2,sp); if (length=strlen(sp)) { free (commandArgs[cmdNow][editLine-1]->s); spp = commandArgs[cmdNow][editLine-1]->s = (char *) malloc(strlen(sp)+1); strcpy(spp,sp); } } } } // editing loop done: cbreak(); } // editing block } // run / execute else { say((char *)"Press 'Y' to confirm"); } }; void mdCommander::check(bool run) { if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 0; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); } void mdCommander::create(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 4; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::info(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 1; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::renew(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 5; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::queryTransfer(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 3; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::trash(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 7; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::transfer(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 8; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::poll(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 2; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); }; void mdCommander::update(bool run){ if (!commandsNow[cmdNow]) commandsNow[cmdNow] = 6; if (!editingCommand(run)) { } else help(); };